NoirSon said:
teigaga said: Ermm, not really. Sony and Nintendo visions were initially the same but suspiciously all of the contributors to the PSP (capcom, square enix) magically vanised and become 3DS exclusive. Can you say money hat? |
Less money hat and more bigger install base and cheaper to develop/support.
The PSP had a clear cut technological mile on the DS, the Vita only has a block or two, hence less Vita exclusives aside from those they can port from existing PS3 software or digital stuff that probably from their mobile game division.
Monster Hunter 3G, MH 4, Resident Evil Revelavtions and Kingdom Hearts 3D were all in development before the 3DS and Vita were even out and they're all specifically 3DS exclusive.
it would be easier to achieve their ambitious visuals (especially in the case of RE+MH) on the Vita hardware then it would the 3DS, so I'm not sure of the cost arguement. The 3DS and Vita are not worlds apart graphically, 3DS games just undergo far more compromises.
I don't think its given though, I'm just very suspicious.