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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Grand Theft Auto V Thread: GTA ONLINE OUT NOW!


Favourite protagonist?

Micheal 61 58.10%
Franklin 16 15.24%
Trevor 22 20.95%
Conegamer said:
Necromunda said:
Kresnik said:
Just watched Carolyn Petit's review. I don't think there was anything wrong with that comment she made to be honest. GTA has, at least from the games I've played, always struggled to portray female characters; especially in comparison to the depth some of the games give the male characters.

Considering GTA is all Satire, it's a massive problem to take it seriously in the manner that she did. She's only trying to push her own political views in a place she shouldn't be. 

I agree. It's all part of the fun of GTA, and taking it seriously is a big error. 

She's essentially missing the entire point of the game, which is an even bigger problem considering she's reviewing it. 

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Necromunda said:

Considering GTA is all Satire, it's a massive problem to take it seriously in the manner that she did. She's only trying to push her own political views in a place she shouldn't be. 

Fair point.  I won't discuss it any further because I honestly don't care enough :P (I'll be buying the game regardless of its portrayal of women).  It just got me thinking after I watched her review ^^

So we're now a mere 3 hours away from launch!

I'm gonna wander down to GAME for about 11-ish. It's happening!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

disolitude said:

Perfect example of the gaming media industry giving handjobs to a high profile title so the industry keeps doing business as always. If something that cost 200 million isn't a 10/10 and maybe it flops, they may spend less money on gaming next time, and website advertising revenue won't be as high and we can't have that...too many nerds reviewing videogames on their sites depend on that revenue.

Not saying its not a great game, but nothing out there deserves a 10/10 across the board.

Spot on. I agree 100%.

It's funny when you think about it. I am very hyped for GTA5 and it's in my top 5 most anticipated games, so one would think I would become happy when I see all these great scores, right? Well I'm not. Those high scores don't make me happy at all. All I can think of is those points in your post, the corruption and unprofessionalism of reviews.

All I can think of is "they did the GTA4 review scandal again??!"

Couldn't buy the game because my bank's empty, but I have the cash. Might wonder down to the midnight launch, first time for me.

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Slimebeast said:
disolitude said:

Perfect example of the gaming media industry giving handjobs to a high profile title so the industry keeps doing business as always. If something that cost 200 million isn't a 10/10 and maybe it flops, they may spend less money on gaming next time, and website advertising revenue won't be as high and we can't have that...too many nerds reviewing videogames on their sites depend on that revenue.

Not saying its not a great game, but nothing out there deserves a 10/10 across the board.

Spot on. I agree 100%.

It's funny when you think about it. I am very hyped for GTA5 and it's in my top 5 most anticipated games, so one would think I would become happy when I see all these great scores, right? Well I'm not. Those high scores don't make me happy at all. All I can think of is those points in your post, the corruption and unprofessionalism of reviews.

All I can think of is "they did the GTA4 review scandal again??!"

Yeah it is funny but sad at the same time. Its a mix of corruption, fear of financial repercussions and fanboyism that pretty much guarantees that 90+ is given to games like this. 

Movie and music entertainment medium reviewers have somehow managed to establish themselves as an independent and relevant source that provides critical analasys of each medium, but in the current state this just isn't possible for gaming. 

People should just think about how rediculous a movie review would sound if it had a summary of:

"Audio 10/10...Graphics 10/10...Gameplay 10/10...Overall 10/10!!!"

Now that GTA V is finally coming out, it feels like no other current game matters anymore LOL. Gonna be playing this literally exclusively.

Argh, only 90 minutes to go! Gonna be heading down to the midnight launch any second now. Went to check it out about 30 mins ago and there was already like 100 people in the queue!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
This reviewer is always in trouble due to their transgender-ness. It really isn't good.

because He always makes his political agenda get in the way of his reviews. He makes the fact that he got his penis cut off, the diciding factor in how he reviews games, instead of on their own merit.

killerzX said:
Conegamer said:
This reviewer is always in trouble due to their transgender-ness. It really isn't good.

because He always makes his political agenda get in the way of his reviews. He makes the fact that he got his penis cut off, the diciding factor in how he reviews games, instead of on their own merit.

I disagree. She reviews games well, and opinion is opinion. Just a bit more harshly than other reviewers, not a bad thing!


30 minutes! This midnight launch is going pretty well.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.