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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games that deserve the HD Remake (or, My excuse to talk about SoTC More)

The only thing that made FFVIII worthwhile was the card game. >_> It wasn't nearly as bad as FFVII though. I hate FFVII. FFX was okay, but FFXII was horrible. I've given up hope of ever enjoying a new main series FF game a whole lot again.

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FF IX! Linbulm and Treno on PS3 would be amazing.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Suikoden II!
I would still like it with sprites, but with 720-1080p guilty gear quality sprites.
that would be awesome.

Metal Gear I and II not the Solids.
I like Big Boss way more than solid i wanna know what happened to him.

I disagree with FFIX, its also my favorite FF(havent played VI yet),
but im not excited to see Zidane in Hi-Def.
And steiner.. ewww.
and the rat knight...... eck

i mean i would buy it, but its not something id kill for...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

Chrono Trigger, not in the way the later FF games changed the presentation of that series compared to FF VI but in a toned down heavily artistic way that can be seen in games like Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia.

Dolla Dolla said:
dannyphantom105 said:

i'm glad to know im not the only one that thinks shadow of the colossus is the best game of all time, lol.

when i was playing the game i didnt even really know what a framerate was and i didnt notice anything

wrong with the game.

Yeah, I didn't either. I probably still wouldn't if I played it tonight. The game is near perfect to me.

SoTC was a great game, but even though i am not much of a graphics whore per se I am not always a fan of trying to push more than technology can give you. The PS2 was not powerful enough for the game it showed in the textures and colors that were on screen and was accentuated by the fact that you had to climb the colossi and having the details being pixulated. It was one of the few times I figured a game would of truly been better on the GC or XBOX I think an updated PS3 version would be great. The Idea was great and it was a fun game to play but I think a little bit more technical push would of greatly increased the experience for this game. I think the Six axis could even add to this games experience.

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Legend11 said:
Chrono Trigger, not in the way the later FF games changed the presentation of that series compared to FF VI but in a toned down heavily artistic way that can be seen in games like Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia.

Did you ever play Chrono Trigger?  Because it's a very dark game in many ways, and the cell shaded style of Eternal Sonata and Tales would be awkward and inappropriate.  You might as well give Mario an AK47 and tell him to kill nazis. 

@ Rol,  Whaaaaaa?  Since when?  You never told me this! We need more FFIX fans on the site.


I want this to be remade....the story was best & it was the best FF


apart from that I'd like to see Chrono trigger remade

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

I would love to see an HD remake/sequel/anything of/to Jet Force Gemini, as long as it could retain the quality of the original.  This game deserves more appreciation.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

naznatips said:
Legend11 said:
Chrono Trigger, not in the way the later FF games changed the presentation of that series compared to FF VI but in a toned down heavily artistic way that can be seen in games like Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia.

Did you ever play Chrono Trigger?  Because it's a very dark game in many ways, and the cell shaded style of Eternal Sonata and Tales would be awkward and inappropriate.  You might as well give Mario an AK47 and tell him to kill nazis. 

@ Rol,  Whaaaaaa?  Since when?  You never told me this! We need more FFIX fans on the site.

You can have dark and cell shaded.  There are animated movies and anime that are very dark and that have the look I'm getting at, Disney's The Black Cauldron for example. 

It's been run into the ground... but that's because FF7 is the best option. In my mind it's the only option as I disagree in remakes, and believe instead direct ports are better. As it translates over the exact spirit and atmosphere the game previously had.

FF7 is the one exception because it's the ugliest game i've ever seen... and i'm including Atari games. FF7 is the poster child for "having the technology doesn't mean you should use it."

It's the one and only game where graphics negativly effective a game for me.