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Forums - General Discussion - How many languages do you speak? And why?...

Only one, American. I used to speak Arabic in my capacity as an Arabic translator.

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Swedish - Because I live in Sweden

English - Because I've studied it for like 7 years in school. Good to know when travelling abroad.

Spanish - Studied it for 3 years don't speak that much. Only a couple of phrases and words that good to know (Una grande Cerveza).

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I speak English, Bad English, and a fractional amount of Spanish and Sign Language.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

One because i haven't had time to learn Japanese, Spanish, and French.

Around the Network

Spanish (mother tongue in PR)
English (political relation of PR and USA)
Italian (learning)

Wii code: 4679-4491-5808-6319,MKWii: 4296-3394-2843; Animal Crossing Wii: 3008-1736-4670.


2 languages because thats where i live

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Arabic- Home language, I'm from Lebanon

French-well school, but also don't remember everything.

English-had to learn it, and everything I listen to or watch is English

Japanese-Can understand some words, and i like Japanese music too! So i can sing Japanese much better than actually talk Japanese!

And i love football(aka soccer), so British as well!

I can speak English (cant spell it to save my life)
And speak but not wright Russian (cause im Russian :)

ChronotriggerJM said:
I speak English, Bad English, and a fractional amount of Spanish and Sign Language.

But can you write in sign?

Was deaf until I was four but I speak English although sometimes I goof up pronunciations.

I can only speak and read french and have to really concentrated to understand it when spoken to me(I can understand French Canadians way eaiser than French). My writing is attrocious. Since I never studied French it is far from perfect. reason countless nights hanging out on St Laurent St when I was younger.

I can speak conversational thai but I can't read a thing. I have a lot of freinds from Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

I can speak some Chinese(Mandarian) and I can read very little(simplified is easiest). reason my Ex-wife is Chinese but graduated from Duke University.

I can speak some Korean can't read a word. I like some of their movies and once again I know a lot of people from Korea.

I know how to say one or two words like "Hello" "Good Bye" "Jellyfish" in Russian, Mongolian, Greek, Polish, Uki, and Hindi.

I know some basic anglified Hebrew words and can say the alphabet(does that count?).

Languages like Spanish and Italian I can actually understand when I read them(thanks to french english and the 2 years I studied Latin) but it takes some concentration and work and I can be way wrong some times. I actually can understand more Italian when spoken to me than French go figure.