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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Are we finally seeing the end of Wii supply constraints in the UK?

This news is very interesting for France:

Actually friday 8 februar 7 pm in France, there is 39 wii in stock at carrefour online:{B746A0E6-EC2E-4F8A-9A9B-8A6D1C6E62BD}

We will see in how many time the stock will disapear.

update: 34 in stock 9 februar 1am 30 minutes. 

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We still have a while to go before supply meets demand. I would say we begin to see it meet toward mid next year depending on how Wii Fit takes off. If it does well, mid the next year, unless something else culture breaking hits.

They're bound to balance the shipments sometime. There are areas where they're rather easy to come by (like mine) and there are places with a complete drought.
In time they'll realize where the bulk of shipments are needed, and you can simply walk into a store and buy one, much like any other product.

My gamestop got some this morning, and they sold them in 30 minutes...

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

bigjon said:
My gamestop got some this morning, and they sold them in 30 minutes...

This is in the US, right?  In the US, it looks like supply is still a long way from meeting demand.

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hope this is true on behalf of the folks in the UK.

BTW a lesson to certain other posters see how this thread is going. It poses a question without using key fanboy words and presents verifiable anecdoctal evidence.

TWRoO said:
I went out yesterday and found none in PC World, TRU, Game or CEX.
Admitedly I only went in 1 true game store (Game) but I will consider them to be in full supply once places like PC World and TRU start getting some too.
 What's TRU? Is that an abbreviation? I haven't heard of them.


To tell the truth, I think the Wii is getting more and more supply constrained everywhere... In Japan, it's selling much more than last year. In USA, it's selling out as always. In Europe, it's sold out in more places than before Christmas...

Note to Nintendo - increase production soon...


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

ferret1603 said:
TWRoO said:
I went out yesterday and found none in PC World, TRU, Game or CEX.
Admitedly I only went in 1 true game store (Game) but I will consider them to be in full supply once places like PC World and TRU start getting some too.
 What's TRU? Is that an abbreviation? I haven't heard of them.


Toys R Us?

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.