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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CBOAT is a dirty liar!: PS4 late October, One SDK not ready yet (hence delay), Platinum Games making exclusive for One?


What if MS leaked false info just to set up a trap to CBOAT?

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Adinnieken said:
tiffac said:

But he is not suppose to be making predictions. Unless CBOAT became the insider version of Pachter. lol!

Or CBOAT is Pachter.

OMG! That would just ruin everything. lol!

LOL what a great thread backfire.

Wright said:


What if MS leaked false info just to set up a trap to CBOAT?

I wouldn't be surprised.

Wright said:

What if MS leaked false info just to set up a trap to CBOAT?

It wouldn't be the first time Microsoft has thrown out false info in order to find leaks within the company.  They do not take kindly to even the slightest of leaks. 

A contract worker took pictures of Mac G5's back in 2004 or 2005, posting them on his own private blog, which got little notice, certainly less than CBOAT does.  He was promptly fired from Microsoft and his employer.

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tiffac said:
Adinnieken said:
tiffac said:

But he is not suppose to be making predictions. Unless CBOAT became the insider version of Pachter. lol!

Or CBOAT is Pachter.

OMG! That would just ruin everything. lol!

It would be fitting, I think.

Pachter often gets inside information, but often he gets the wrong information, or it changes.  Companies provide him with privileged information so he can advise his clients.  He can't legitimately leak inside information, but leaking inside information could financially benefit his clients and him. 

In my opinion CBoat's Gamescom "facts" were all FUD guesses (there's a verified Microsoft developer on another forum that said they didn't think he worked at Microsoft because of the things he got wrong in his latest claims for them and he doesn't appear to work for Sony either since he got the PS4 release date wrong and other things he has said in the past).

He reminds me of Surfer Girl, he gets lucky with some things by making intelligent guesses and suddenly there's a cult of followers claiming everything he says is the truth even when others point out the times he's wrong. I really think he took a gamble hoping Sony would announce an earlier release date based on the surprises Sony has pulled up until now and had no idea of the real release date.

Go take a look at some of his ealier predictions like the one he made about Indies self-publishing which he got parts wrong. Take his claim about a Kinect-less Xbox One SKU next year, funny how it comes out after Microsoft announced Kinect is no longer required to be always on, it doesn't take a genius to make an educated guess about a Kinect-less SKU.after that. Speaking of that why didn't he leak the fact that Kinect would be no longer required?

Look at his E3 predictions, where was Mirror's Edge 2 at Microsoft's conference like he claimed? Where was Prince of Persia? I know people came up with an excuse that he might have mistaken the Halo trailer for it which makes no sense when you actually start thinking about it because if he was a Microsoft insider he'd know who was making that trailer even if he only got to see a part of it. He did get Dead Rising 3 right but there was speculation a month before he made his claim that the game was showing up at Microsoft's conference based on a leaked picture, he could have easily made an educated guess based on that and the fact that if Microsoft was buying up exclusives like rumors suggested it might be one that would be easy to get.


Julie Larson-Green is really Tyrion Lannister

CBoat can't be a Sony or MS insider because he/she wouldn't have access to both Sony and MS info, or he/she would be highly accurate on one and not very accurate on the other. So obviously an outsider with what may once have been reliable contacts on both companies. Cboat is like Julian Assange and has been relying on Manning / Snowden like dudes for info.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


On CBOAT's epic fail: Not surprising. The internetz should know better and not trust any random attention whore.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

Nsanity said:

An interesting post over on Reddit about CBOAT:

1) He said PS4 will launch in October as a "truthfact,' meaning it's fact. False, middle and end of November for NA/EU.

2) He said there is no final indie solution, and that it will come post launch. False, we got a coherent self-publishing statement at Gamescom, taken into effect immediately; you can tweet or email ID@XBOX to get your independent game on Xbox One.

3) He said indie devs will be limited to 3GB RAM total. False, as said at Gamescom indies will get FULL access to Xbox One and all it's RAM/power.

4) He said indies on Xbox One will be published through the "windows store ghetto." False on multiple accounts.

5) He said PSN will have no paywall. False, it was announced you need to pay to play online with PS4 right after.

6) He said he saw an exclusive Prince of Persia for Xbox E3 conference. False, he got the desert from Halo mixed up with PoP, especially because Master Chief was wearing a poncho to hide his appearance from his enemies. He has since apologized, but this goes to show his position within Microsoft, not even knowing something as big and staple as Halo from PoP.

I've seen a few more things in another comprehensive list on NeoGAF, but this week alone drastically affected his percentage rate. Sure he's obviously a whistleblower within MS, but it's funny that he gets to be wrong so many times and have no repercussions on a site that was built on banning people even if wrong one time, all because he's leaked some info in the past. He's able to troll Xbox fans and call them "xbotz" or "xbottlez," and even say he enjoys their "tears."

The vast majority of his "leaks" never end up being proven and/or are extremely vague, and yet people (usually with agendas) take it as gospel. You can tell that over the years he became a disgruntled employee through his post history. Why only post negative info? He can say something like Gamescom announcement not being streamed because the hardware isn't ready, but not because its at 5AM EST? Not because there IS no conference, really? Even though there was tons of game play and UI navigation showed, and over 100 Xbox One consoles to be played by gamers there? Riiiight.

I wonder if he was leaked the wrong info on purpose and caught out. ;)

Well you know...