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In my opinion CBoat's Gamescom "facts" were all FUD guesses (there's a verified Microsoft developer on another forum that said they didn't think he worked at Microsoft because of the things he got wrong in his latest claims for them and he doesn't appear to work for Sony either since he got the PS4 release date wrong and other things he has said in the past).

He reminds me of Surfer Girl, he gets lucky with some things by making intelligent guesses and suddenly there's a cult of followers claiming everything he says is the truth even when others point out the times he's wrong. I really think he took a gamble hoping Sony would announce an earlier release date based on the surprises Sony has pulled up until now and had no idea of the real release date.

Go take a look at some of his ealier predictions like the one he made about Indies self-publishing which he got parts wrong. Take his claim about a Kinect-less Xbox One SKU next year, funny how it comes out after Microsoft announced Kinect is no longer required to be always on, it doesn't take a genius to make an educated guess about a Kinect-less SKU.after that. Speaking of that why didn't he leak the fact that Kinect would be no longer required?

Look at his E3 predictions, where was Mirror's Edge 2 at Microsoft's conference like he claimed? Where was Prince of Persia? I know people came up with an excuse that he might have mistaken the Halo trailer for it which makes no sense when you actually start thinking about it because if he was a Microsoft insider he'd know who was making that trailer even if he only got to see a part of it. He did get Dead Rising 3 right but there was speculation a month before he made his claim that the game was showing up at Microsoft's conference based on a leaked picture, he could have easily made an educated guess based on that and the fact that if Microsoft was buying up exclusives like rumors suggested it might be one that would be easy to get.