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Forums - General Discussion - Do you eat Breakfast?

not during school days cause i never have time but on the weekend i eat breakfast mostly lucky charms

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Well I just finished my Breakfast, ZigZag Twisties and Pepsi Max.

^ wow really I just had dinner

I usually skip out on breakfast. I dont have time for it. I know that sounds bad, but its true. I wish I did have time. I want to gain weight. Usually if I have anything, it is a banana.

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@loadedstatement "I want to gain weight"

That is one thing I have never heard anyone say before. It's always the other way around.




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
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Depends if and how late I am. I'm an Apple Cinnamon Cherrios fan, but when my parents are in a good mood, I wake up to bacon, eggs, toast, Pancakes, Orange Juice, and I'm probably making someone hungry right now.

People who want to gain weight often mean muscle mass, which does require an increase in diet.

Also, I rarely do. Unless you count a piece of broccoli and cauliflower and half a glass of milk. Even 30 minutes is not enough to let me shower, brush teeth, get dressed in time for work, Breakfast = not neccesary.

Skipping lunch, is insane however.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

I rarely have breakfast cause Im usually in a rush

loadedstatement said:
I usually skip out on breakfast. I dont have time for it. I know that sounds bad, but its true. I wish I did have time. I want to gain weight. Usually if I have anything, it is a banana.

Actually skipping breakfast is one of the reasons people put on weight; any dietitian will tell you missing breakfast is a big no no

I'll explain,

By the time we wake up we have starved ourselves in most cases 12 hrs, now breakfast is supposed to break this fast, if you don't break the fast and leave it for another 4 hrs our bodies metabolism slows down and our ability to store fat increases because our bodies are getting the signal we are going into a period of little food

Now when we do eat much later, our bodies have become more efficient at storing fat and our metabolism has also slowed down, this results in our body storing that food resulting in us putting on weight more easily over time

So to help keep off weight eat your breakfast and kick start your metabolism 

i usually just eat something but usually am never very hungry.