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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox One vs. PS4 Graphics Showdown: The Rematch

I still vouch for the developers and how they utilize the potential of either hardware down the road.

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They will surely prove to be somewhat equal when it comes to performances.

Maybe you should make sure Microsoft's PR division get's hold of this article though. It's a lot better than any publicity I have heard since the announcement of Xbone.

Pemalite said:
walsufnir said:

I like some of your posts but please let's stop this war. You won't ever convert a console gamer to switch to PC. There are good reasons for PC gamers and good reasons for console gamers. Especially we have read *every* argument at least a thousand times and I doubt that anyone ever thought "Oh my god, how couldn't I see this! I will switch sides!"

My goal isn't to convert people to my platform of choice, I honestly couldn't care less what people play games on.
What annoys me is how people parrot misinformation without looking at the wider scope, so it seems I repeat myself allot on these forums.

Mind you, I've seem some very valid arguments for people wanting to stick with consoles. I.E. Despite the PC having console controllers available, using them online will result you in being badly beaten by the "mousers", thus consoles are a better fit for such people wanting an even playing field.

OdinHades said:

Depends. If you're just playing games on PS Plus, you never buy a game, you just pay 5 $ a month and you're good to go.

With Steam you pay nothing, ever. AND you get a selection of free games, with that $5 you can buy yourself a few dozen games a month off humble bundle and keep them forever. (You don't lose them when your subscription runs out.)

OdinHades said:

games aren't that much cheaper nowadays, at least in germany. Most new titles sell for 50 €, while some big titles (Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, Sim City for example) sell for 60 €

Well. Battlefield 3 here in Australia is $10 cheaper on the PC at EB Games. $55 cheaper if you bought into the Humble Bundle.
Steam often has 66-75% off sales.
I'm yet to buy a game at retail price!
I own roughly 450 games across my Steam accounts, that would have been a fortune on console. (Which probably explains why I stopped at 70~ games on Xbox this generation.)

Steam kind of model doesn't help developers much to get profits. PC's having >100 million install base but hardly any game is selling over 5 million in PC for third parties, but consoles can sell more in less install base with higher price, so developer can earn profits and will try to riks to create more games. Also, we don't get AAA exclusive games in PC like we do in Consoles. You know why Console games are higher since the console manufacturers invested more money in making that hardware and also they invest more money in making exclusvive games with their first party studios where steam don't has these kind of problems.

Steam is great for indie games but bad for AAA title developers.

GAMING is not about spending hours to pass/waste our time just for fun,

its a Feeling/Experience about a VIRTUAL WORLD we can never be in real, and realizing some of our dreams (also creating new ones).

So, Feel Emotions, Experience Adventure/Action, Challenge Game, Solve puzzles and Have fun.

PlayStation is about all-round "New experiences" using new IP's to provide great diversity for everyone.

Xbox is always about Online and Shooting.

Nintendo is always about Fun games and milking IP's.

EDIT: Wrong tab


Zappykins said:

This mayhem is running on 4.5 GB, ostensibly the maximum possible on the PS4.  Meanwhile, the Xbox will sport an additional half gig of RAM above that.

Instead, developers have a guaranteed 4.5 GB to play with on the PS4, and 5 GB on the One.  Advantage: Xbox.

To be precise one of the killzone slides shows  4736MB or 4.625GB  of total ram usage. So we must think it's at least minimum 5GB usable for PS4 games.

1536MB + 128MB + 3072MB = 4736MB or (more than) 4.6GB ram used in the killzone demo. This 4.5GB used by killzone SF is a myth, it has never been the case, people just never properly added the numbers, they just rounded it down to 4.5GB for their own purposes. You should modify your post accordingly.

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I stopped reading when I briefly saw that he combined the speed of esRAM and DDR3 RAM. It really does not work that way. You can find large articles on the internet though if you want a better comprehension computer developing and RAM

Stories unfolded with my home made rap songs. Feel free to listen here with lyrics:

CGI-Quality said:
JayWood2010 said:
CGI-Quality said:

I've only ever seen John Carmack making the claim that they are "essentially the same", but I'm not sure why he would when there are enough differences to draw the conclusion about the PS4's advantage.

On the flipside, I agree with the notion that real world results from the two mahchines multiplatform titles will probably end up negligible.

Yep, Carmack was correct. The the PS4 will essentially be the same in most respects but have the edge in frame rate. Once again Sony will show with the exclusives the difference between their machine and Microsoft's. Its not that tough to see really, but these guys are pushing it.

biglittlesps said:

Steam kind of model doesn't help developers much to get profits. PC's having >100 million install base but hardly any game is selling over 5 million in PC for third parties, but consoles can sell more in less install base with higher price, so developer can earn profits and will try to riks to create more games. Also, we don't get AAA exclusive games in PC like we do in Consoles. You know why Console games are higher since the console manufacturers invested more money in making that hardware and also they invest more money in making exclusvive games with their first party studios where steam don't has these kind of problems.

Steam is great for indie games but bad for AAA title developers.

Do you have verified solid links to back up those claims?
Last I checked the PC has the most expensive game ever created. (StarWars the old Republic with it's 200+ million dollar budget.)

That wouldn't have been greenlighted if there wasn't a business case for it.
League of Legends has 30+ million players.

StarCraft is a massive E-Sport in South korea with dedicated TV channels to tournaments.

PC gamers have also given $15 Million bucks to Star Citizens development.

Half Life 2 has sold what, 15 million copies?
Diablo 3 sold a good 12+ million Copies.
The Sims is one of the biggest selling franchises of all time with 150 million total units moved.
Minecraft has shifted 12+ million units.

You can't forget either, often a decade old game might hit a sale on Steam and shift thousands of more units, generally on a console such games fall into obscurity never to be heard of again, thus PC games typically have much much much longer legs.
Heck, take Arma 2, years old, then a mod called DayZ came along and overnight Arma 2 shifted Millions of units, it actually sold better because of that Mod than it did on release!

Lets not forget the kickstarter revolution that is being undertaken either bringing with it lots of new PC exclusives, where the gamers vote with their wallets for the games they want, not what the Publishers want us to have.

Plus Valve stated in the past (And Developers!) that having sales actually increases profits. Go figure, thus Steam's model is *very* profitable.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Zappykins said:

Note: Hey guys, I know we are all excited, but please be respectful and do not get yourself banned/or spanked? MMkay?

Just look at cute little Kirby and take a big breath before you post!

August 14, 2013 by

Holy crap! Why do you make a thread about some random ign user's blog? Did you write it perhaps?

Its full of shit and here is why:

1. The OS ram reservation story for PS4 is false, it was debunked by devs like Brian Provinciano

2. He multiplies xbones ddr3 ram with esram(lol) like its simple math and comes to the conclusion that all of the xbone ram is faster

3. Acts like Xbones gpu boost is of significance (clocked only 53 mhz higher)

4. ''If a few extra GCN's in the PS4 are all the advantage it has, then it's time for people to stop acting like the PS4 is a vastly more powerful system.'' LOL that few extra GCN amounts to s 1.84TFLOP gpu, still 500GFLOP more than the Xbone. Its of little importance to this idiot, the huge upgrade of 53mhz to the xbone gpu is more significant


Please stop posting fanboy shit from other sites

DDR3 ram is crap. Even my mid-range laptop has DDR5 Ram. Thats like saying an i5 processor is equivalent to an i7.