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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Despite all the X1 Improvements, geographical bias will be its biggest problem.

Multimedialover said:
IMO the fact that Xbox One is a devkit in my home, and I can make games with it via a free software download is incredible.

In fact this alone makes Xbox One worth paying 100's of $ more for it. Christ with this its worth over $1000 more than the competition.

I am buying a console that is a devkit out of the box. This is a first in history. Not only cutting the costs for indie devs. But opening the door for anyone to become an indie dev, and the possibility of a HUGE mod community.

I dont see how the other consoles can even remotely compete on price, when you get all this for only £80 more than a PS4.

I would not go as far as to say it makes it worth 100's or 1000's more BUT I will say it is an AWESOME feature and I hope it gets taken full advantage of!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

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For my tastes in gaming the Xbox brand has offered little.

Xbox - average console that had some games I liked, but overall paled compared to PS2 and Gamecube for me, still a solid debut in many respects.
Xbox 360 (1st half) - Good console that seriously made me reconsider many things with Sony's price and making a strong effort to appeal to me so kudos here.
Xbox 360 (2nd half) - Horrible system for me with a focus on shooters and Kinect. Almost a negative system with barely any games I wanted that were not available elsewhere.
Xbox One - The single worst unveiling of a console I have ever seen and really put Microsoft in a massive hole. All the back peddling is fine, but unless they pull a 1st half of 360 the whole time this system is DOA to me.

I don't blame Japanese gamers because as someone who prefers Japanese games I can completely see why the Xbox failed, the 360 did okay and then fizzled out and the X1 is not generating any excitement. Microsoft made a decision to focus on where it is strong, fine. The consequence is where it is weak will only create more disparity in markets. I don't see it as a shame and selfishly for my gaming interests want Sony to finish first and Nintendo second. Until Microsoft makes games I want I do not care about them as they really don't care about me.

Goatseye said:
TheBlackNaruto said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
Goatseye said:

Are you serious or really whispering trolling messages?

Very well reasoned post. I guess that's all you have...

Yeah I though tyou made some very good valid points personally....not sure why he made the comment that he made....ehhhh oh well.

Very good post though!

Very good valid points? RE 5 on x360 sold couple of thousands short of PS3 version, when it was the first RE on Xbox system with a physical copy.

You think Americans are more nationalists than Japanese too? Where does MGS series sell the most? Nintendo/Sony consoles sell the most where?

Call of Duty doesn't even sell like a groping game in Japan I think.

Yeah but the points made were still very good. And all he is saying that they are not as "nationalistic" as people are making them out to be. Seeing as they do like american products. They just did not care for the Xbox 360 it just was not to their tastes which is fine. And I did not say I thought Americans are more so the Japanese I just said the points made were good.

And Nin sold more than both Sony and MS worldwide. Sony sells the most in Eur and Xbox sells the most in America....not sure what you are asking this for though. MGS sells the most in I would say Japan due to it being more in their taste, just like COD sells teh most in America due to it being in their taste. And COD doesn't really appeal to Jap gamers so of course it isn't going to seel all that well there.

It just all boils down to taste as Troll stated.(excuse my shortening and misspelled words I am at work and did not go back to check my work lol)

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

enditall727 said:

I think they did good by actually letting you unplug the Kinect. The tinfoil hat people were right this time around, MLD. It's clear that they were always able to provide the Kinect without X1 so why did they even try to pull that stunt in the 1st place? Why would they try to make the Kinect  mandatory for the console to function all of a sudden?

You don't find that to be odd, MLD?

Good thread though

I can imagine they wanted 100% adoption so developers have incentive to implement as much kinect features as possible, rather then segmenting the userbase, and making us think it was required to ease into it.

But technically, kinect is get the most out of X1 and its features.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


psrock said:
I agree, although more expensive, less powerful, American bias will still buy it like crazy. Shameful really.

Please stop with the "power" argument. PS2 didn't get the memo, especially when a Gamecube was more powerful then it.

Games, price, and mmarketing matter. Xbox caters to American tastes. That ain't bias, thats earning customers.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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psrock said:
Goatseye said:
psrock said:
I agree, although more expensive, less powerful, American bias will still buy it like crazy. Shameful really.

You are not American are you?

I am, I just prefer Japanese bias. It's just cheaper really. 

Americans wishing they are should be at 4chan.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


prayformojo said:
None of this matters because of the meltdown that happened before hand. I'm calling the US for Sony, and anyone who doesn't believe me can copy or PrtSc this post for future reference.

The Xbox brand is going back to where it was during the PS2 era.

Beating Nintendo?

I guess we can live with that :P

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Osc89 said:

The bias actually seems to be in NA. This week, the PS3 and 3DS outsold the 360 in Europe, Japan and in the rest of the world. However, in NA the 360 outsold them both and makes up more than half the sales. No other console had more than half the sales come from one region (except the DS in NA).

Well there is the little detail of PS2 selling the most last gen, and Wii selling a shit ton, until 360 took its place in the last few years.

I can't speak for the Japanese in non gaming, but in gaming there is a clear cultural bias.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:
Osc89 said:

The bias actually seems to be in NA. This week, the PS3 and 3DS outsold the 360 in Europe, Japan and in the rest of the world. However, in NA the 360 outsold them both and makes up more than half the sales. No other console had more than half the sales come from one region (except the DS in NA).

Well there is the little detail of PS2 selling the most last gen, and Wii selling a shit ton, until 360 took its place in the last few years.

I can't speak for the Japanese in non gaming, but in gaming there is a clear cultural bias.

"Games, price, and mmarketing matter. Xbox caters to American tastes. That ain't bias, thats earning customers"

Couldn't it just be that in Japan X360 didn't earn its customers?  I mean you just specified that Xbox caters to American tastes, maybe it just didn't cater to Japanese tastes as well.


Only people that think there is an American bias when buying game consoles are those that don't live here. Seriously, you have no idea. American consumers don't care.

Are there any gamers that live in Japan in the community that can give us an accurate current representation of how things are there now?