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Goatseye said:
TheBlackNaruto said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
Goatseye said:

Are you serious or really whispering trolling messages?

Very well reasoned post. I guess that's all you have...

Yeah I though tyou made some very good valid points personally....not sure why he made the comment that he made....ehhhh oh well.

Very good post though!

Very good valid points? RE 5 on x360 sold couple of thousands short of PS3 version, when it was the first RE on Xbox system with a physical copy.

You think Americans are more nationalists than Japanese too? Where does MGS series sell the most? Nintendo/Sony consoles sell the most where?

Call of Duty doesn't even sell like a groping game in Japan I think.

Yeah but the points made were still very good. And all he is saying that they are not as "nationalistic" as people are making them out to be. Seeing as they do like american products. They just did not care for the Xbox 360 it just was not to their tastes which is fine. And I did not say I thought Americans are more so the Japanese I just said the points made were good.

And Nin sold more than both Sony and MS worldwide. Sony sells the most in Eur and Xbox sells the most in America....not sure what you are asking this for though. MGS sells the most in I would say Japan due to it being more in their taste, just like COD sells teh most in America due to it being in their taste. And COD doesn't really appeal to Jap gamers so of course it isn't going to seel all that well there.

It just all boils down to taste as Troll stated.(excuse my shortening and misspelled words I am at work and did not go back to check my work lol)

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