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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Despite all the X1 Improvements, geographical bias will be its biggest problem.

sales2099 said:
The Xbox 1 has become more gamer centric by the week as MS continues to surprise me for the better. Below is what they have improved and amended:
Improvements over 360 Era

Bluray drive
Standard harddrive with external HD support
Improved gamepad (D-pad and trigger)
No MS points
Live Gold Free Games
Dedicated servers nope even better azure/orlean combo allowing real time resource allocation, no need to shut down servers to free up hardware resources.... as long as the studio pays the bills (either a forfeit or based on useage) their will be always servers available.... which makes it even better than any dedicated solution a third party could chose or what the competition has by far....
Region free
Smart Match > Truskill matchmaking
More reliable
Improved 1st party Studio support with increased 3rd party deals

Since X1 Unveiling

Indie Self Publish/X1 is a dev kit too
Not always on
No restrictions on used games/lending
Kinect can be totally OFF
Headset included
GPU Clock speed increased
Quite an impressive list when you see it all in one place. Quite literally the only con left is the price gap and kinect being mandatory, which is essentially the same thing. But this in itself can be remedied over time and history has shown that a higher priced console can still catch up with another over time (PS3).
yeap especially considering that last gen not only the price gap was bigger but the price itself was higher with close to no real advantage.... the Cell extra power turned out to be marginally proven at the end of the gen and to me BR is completely useless at least at that price tag. I have a free BR player with my internet box with my ISP and I have never bought a BR disck.. I get all my movies DD and don't see any real advantage in BR.. it came too late in the DVD lifecycle and is a waste of money in my opinion (the launch price was too high and BR discs are too pricey compared to alternate solutions)
to me the 100 bucks price gap this gen  is a laughable argument, I see way more value this time around at 500 bucks with kinect, than 600 bucks then with BR and the cell cpu and we didn't see the uproar of PS fan then.... XB fans are really ungreatful or really bad fans in comparaison.....
          But when it all comes down to it, features, price, and even exclusives take a back seat to mindshare. We know North America has no established bias, as they buy PS1, then PS2, but then buy the Wii/360 in the recent gen. It is by no means "Xbox turf" but it can be to whomever captures the masses interests. European gamers have a slight cultural disposition towards Sony products, but even then this continent is a true battleground.....where cost, games, and marketing all make a impact on what are largely unloyal masses.
          Unfortunatley the secret to X1 losing out on 1st place is Japan. Yes I am playing the Japan card. Unlike NA and Europe, rejection of the Xbox brand is rooted in the culture itself. Despite great efforts in the 7th generation, the masses just refuse to adopt it. While console gaming in Japan is on the decline, there is still bound to be a several million gap between the PS4 and X1 in Japan. And globally, that will make all the difference, just as it has now. NA and Europe can essentially cancel eachother out, but imbedded cultural rejection of X1 in Japan will seal the deal.
          Doesn't anybody find this....unfortunate? Offcourse the X1 will still sell respectable and likely make a nice profit. It will beat WiiU for 2nd if its sales don't drastically pick up so X1 gamers will have nothing to be ashamed of. If X1 is successful over PS4 in NA/UK......where most of us posters are from, that matters more then global sales anyday IMO. But theres still that feeling that no matter how good MS improves themselves, that it can't change geographical biases that are too rooted in the country to change any minds. It's a shame. 

on the last part you are probably right but we have to consider emerging countries.... even though MS is launching in less country initially they have proven with other businesses like WP that they care on the long term to provide complete services to a wider range of countries compared to other brand.... they have great success in some countries like india and russia (in comparaison to NA for exemple) for WP.... I think they are not launching in some country because they want to launch with the maximum services when they do....
we'll see

on top of that sales number ranking is quiet biased actually it's only good for fans and hardcore gamers.... in reallity when it comes to commercial success Wii will stay number one, XB360 number 2 and PS3 number 3.... because real success is measured in profit and not sales number....

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Maybe the problem with Microsoft is their focus on american tastes like shooter, online gaming, apocalytic gameworlds...

Maybe people prefer a little more diversity, like a good single-player experience, prefer couch-coop to online multiplayer, etc...

Lyrikalstylez said:
Goatseye said:
Lyrikalstylez said:
I think we Americans should boycot Sony and Nintendo also, that'll show em!

I'm being very serious!

I would love to see that happen. But we're better than that.

No, why the hell can't we be patriotic also, that's the problem now a days.....we import too much

Because Americans won't pay the higher prices on products, if they were made on American saleries.

I have to agree. The Xbox brand does have a lot againts them. My biggest issue is trusting the system won't burn out. Thanks to the RR of death. It took them far too long to fix that problem. That causes doubt in me. Then the games. Granted Halo and other games Micro owns are great. But after that, a lot of times other generes or series are on the otehr consoles. That doesn't help the Xbox in Japan at all.

Troll_Whisperer said:
Goatseye said:
Troll_Whisperer said:

What did exactly X360 offer to Japanese gamers that they may have been interested in? When there were some JRPGs coming it didn't sell that badly, most of the 1.6m sales it got were from that couple of years.


And the Japanese go crazy for Apple despite Sony's offerings. They also absolutely love Disney, probably more so than in America. When it comes to clothing and Jewelry European or American brands are very popular. Korean cosmetics are very popular.


So please stop this "the Japanese are nationalistic" bullcrap. Of course they'll more inclined to get things that they have more exposure to and that are more suitable to their tastes.


The 1st Western game in Japan on PS3 is CoD: MW3 at 21st, according to VGC. The first Japanese game on 360 in the US is RE5 at 48th. By this reasoning Americans are more nationalistic than the Japanese. But of course it's just a matter of taste.

Are you serious or really whispering trolling messages?

Very well reasoned post. I guess that's all you have...

Yeah I though tyou made some very good valid points personally....not sure why he made the comment that he made....ehhhh oh well.

Very good post though!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

It's not about what's improved, it's about how it is compared to the competition.

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IMO the fact that Xbox One is a devkit in my home, and I can make games with it via a free software download is incredible.

In fact this alone makes Xbox One worth paying 100's of $ more for it. Christ with this its worth over $1000 more than the competition.

I am buying a console that is a devkit out of the box. This is a first in history. Not only cutting the costs for indie devs. But opening the door for anyone to become an indie dev, and the possibility of a HUGE mod community.

I dont see how the other consoles can even remotely compete on price, when you get all this for only £80 more than a PS4.

TheBlackNaruto said:

Yeah I though tyou made some very good valid points personally....not sure why he made the comment that he made....ehhhh oh well.

Very good post though!

Thanks :)

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

MS did try to get Japan on board with those JRPG timed exclusives but to be fair they were a)timed freaking exclusives, if you were Japanese and had no interest in getting 360 and you knew those games were going to come eventually with bonus content, wouldnt you just wait for it to come on the system you already have/want? I would and b) those games werent even that great to begin with, nothing to go gaga over.

TheBlackNaruto said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
Goatseye said:
Troll_Whisperer said:

What did exactly X360 offer to Japanese gamers that they may have been interested in? When there were some JRPGs coming it didn't sell that badly, most of the 1.6m sales it got were from that couple of years.


And the Japanese go crazy for Apple despite Sony's offerings. They also absolutely love Disney, probably more so than in America. When it comes to clothing and Jewelry European or American brands are very popular. Korean cosmetics are very popular.


So please stop this "the Japanese are nationalistic" bullcrap. Of course they'll more inclined to get things that they have more exposure to and that are more suitable to their tastes.


The 1st Western game in Japan on PS3 is CoD: MW3 at 21st, according to VGC. The first Japanese game on 360 in the US is RE5 at 48th. By this reasoning Americans are more nationalistic than the Japanese. But of course it's just a matter of taste.

Are you serious or really whispering trolling messages?

Very well reasoned post. I guess that's all you have...

Yeah I though tyou made some very good valid points personally....not sure why he made the comment that he made....ehhhh oh well.

Very good post though!

Very good valid points? RE 5 on x360 sold couple of thousands short of PS3 version, when it was the first RE on Xbox system with a physical copy.

You think Americans are more nationalists than Japanese too? Where does MGS series sell the most? Nintendo/Sony consoles sell the most where?

Call of Duty doesn't even sell like a groping game in Japan I think.

Extremely poor article. 1/10.

Instead of blaming the Japanese for bias why not look into what Xbox is doing wrong and try to identify and approach the problems in an efficient manner.

Apple and Google Android products are a HUGE hit in Japan despite fierce local competition, these are American companies too. How did they succeed where Microsoft failed?

Maybe Xbox just sucks and the Japanese can see right through the BS, thats why.

Traditionally Japanese companies like Nintendo, Sega and Sony have taken a huge input from their American divisions. NOA had a lot to do with Mario and his name, NOS had a huge input into Sonic's aesthetics, PS4's lead artuctecht is an American, these are just small examples. Maybe Xbox just doesn't listen to its Japanese division. They need to be a little open minded and recognise that some markets behave differently but they're too focused on America.