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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - No online for MoH heroes 2 in Austalia.

I was gonna buy this today, but apperently they decided to take out the online out of it for Australia. Which has pissed me off, no end. Can anyone confirm if the UK version still has online?


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why does the rest of the world hate Australia so

What? That's just fucking stupid.

ArtofAngels said:
What? That's just fucking stupid.


Complete and utter BS!

^^^hey no american's allowed in this thread >:(

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reading between the lines and the lack of an offical comment - it seems like a cock up rather than an omission. Wouldn't be too suprised if there's a recall of some kind.

Judging by these Yahoo questions it seems like the UK version has online play.


I deeply apologize for agreeing with you guys.

Its the first time ever, I have heard of a game being changed from the uk pal version. What are they thinking taking out the biggest selling point the game had?
Living in Australia Im use to getting fucked up the arse with release dates and such, but this is just a joke.


Hmm, that's odd......I wonder why they would change it just for Australia?

The rumour going around is that EA removed multiplayer in the Australian version because they didn't want to set up a local server to handle it.

"It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever." - Spinal Tap