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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Zero Punctuation Thread!!

the Turok one was very funny
Will developers of FPS pay attention???

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The new one is pretty good, not the best but it gets the job done.

New review up of Zack and Wiki. I will embed the new episode from now on due to the extreme slow loading times on Escape Magazine's website. Enjoy!

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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Another good one, his complaints were pretty much spot on (as usual) and I was especially amused by the final corn-dog joke...not sure why =P

Anyways, he gave it credit where due and then beat it over the head with its faults...just like all of his good reviews... except portal I guess.

To Each Man, Responsibility

those reviews are so ful of win they are almost unstable :)




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wheres the new one....

army of 2

Man you guys are doing my work for me! =D Sorry for the late update.





Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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To Each Man, Responsibility