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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Official Zero Punctuation Thread!!

Valkyria Chronicles

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Valkyria Chronicles review is easally one of the best!

Rhonin the wizard said:

This week, Yahtzee reviews Valk. Chronicles.  And rips it a new one. 


By the way, can I have a simple suggestion here?  Can we PLEASE write a one liner somewhere when a video is up, to be able to let people know WHICh ZP review we are pointing at?


antfromtashkent said:
Valkyria Chronicles review is easally one of the best!

He did rip it a new one.  I wonder what all the Valk. fans have to say in response to it.  I imagine a mix of a boycott and pitchfork and torches visit Yahtzee's place as the reply.


Velvet Assassin

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I guess I'm a bit behind in updating the first post...

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^O rly?

And his Velvet Assassin review was good. "Community service" xD

richardhutnik said:
antfromtashkent said:
Valkyria Chronicles review is easally one of the best!

He did rip it a new one.  I wonder what all the Valk. fans have to say in response to it.  I imagine a mix of a boycott and pitchfork and torches visit Yahtzee's place as the reply.



You would have to be a fool to think that Yahtzee was actually going to like a JRPG, regardless of how good it is ^^


Duke Nukem Forever

Rhonin the wizard said:


Oh... my... god...

That has got to be one of the most epic reviews he has ever done!