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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Predict Pokemon X/Y First Week Sales World Wide!


What will 3DS sales be the week of Pokemon Release WW?

No more than 300k 19 3.64%
300-400k 25 4.79%
400-500k 25 4.79%
500-600k 45 8.62%
600-700k 36 6.90%
700-800k 28 5.36%
800-900k 13 2.49%
900k-1mil 15 2.87%
1mil+ 316 60.54%
MDMAlliance said:

I'll act optimistic and say
Japan: 3.2m
Europe: 1.5m
United States: 3.1m

TOTAL: 7.8m

Why? I just want to pretend it'll do better than Black and White's first week sales.

edit: Well, there's the rest of the world as well.  Don't know how well it does there.

you sure you want those #s O.o, i mean i want those #s but will it go that high??? If you change your mind post it here

Around the Network
tbone51 said:
MDMAlliance said:

I'll act optimistic and say
Japan: 3.2m
Europe: 1.5m
United States: 3.1m

TOTAL: 7.8m

Why? I just want to pretend it'll do better than Black and White's first week sales.

edit: Well, there's the rest of the world as well.  Don't know how well it does there.

you sure you want those #s O.o, i mean i want those #s but will it go that high??? If you change your mind post it here

Just like with the Luigi's Mansion prediction, I'm going with my highest estimate.  My normal estimate would be around 3m.

MDMAlliance said:
tbone51 said:
MDMAlliance said:

I'll act optimistic and say
Japan: 3.2m
Europe: 1.5m
United States: 3.1m

TOTAL: 7.8m

Why? I just want to pretend it'll do better than Black and White's first week sales.

edit: Well, there's the rest of the world as well.  Don't know how well it does there.

you sure you want those #s O.o, i mean i want those #s but will it go that high??? If you change your mind post it here

Just like with the Luigi's Mansion prediction, I'm going with my highest estimate.  My normal estimate would be around 3m.

i was saying that as well, people underestimated Luigi! It should be between 2.65mil-2.80mil now !!!! But your US prediction is way too high

tbone51 said:
MDMAlliance said:
tbone51 said:
MDMAlliance said:

I'll act optimistic and say
Japan: 3.2m
Europe: 1.5m
United States: 3.1m

TOTAL: 7.8m

Why? I just want to pretend it'll do better than Black and White's first week sales.

edit: Well, there's the rest of the world as well.  Don't know how well it does there.

you sure you want those #s O.o, i mean i want those #s but will it go that high??? If you change your mind post it here

Just like with the Luigi's Mansion prediction, I'm going with my highest estimate.  My normal estimate would be around 3m.

i was saying that as well, people underestimated Luigi! It should be between 2.65mil-2.80mil now !!!! But your US prediction is way too high

I put my US prediction that high because pokemon sales in the US can nearly match that of Japan.  I checked it up. (On here, life time US/North America beats Japan).
Black/White’s performance in the U.S. is similar to its debut in Japan, where the game soared above 2.5 million units in its first week, outdoing Diamond/Pearl’s 1.5 million debut and HeartGold/SoulSilver’s 1.4 million debut.

RolStoppable said:
Are we actually predicting for real here? What are we predicting anyway, the sales that VGC will show?

I'm going to go for some kind of official release (digital included).  However, I'm putting down my highest estimate rather than a modest one.

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
Are we actually predicting for real here? What are we predicting anyway, the sales that VGC will show?

since its pokemon, and i kno it'll be hard to track digital [sure nintendo will brag how many sales it got :)] so no vgchart numbers, i'll compare it sure but no, this aint like my other threads where i use vgc numbers, just a thread to hype pokemon and see wat everybody is predicting


Pokemon Makes 3rd + 4th place on COMG on first day!

over 300 points together


I don't get why many predict FW software < 3 million, but hardware > 1 million. What is this???!!!!