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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Predict Pokemon X/Y First Week Sales World Wide!


What will 3DS sales be the week of Pokemon Release WW?

No more than 300k 19 3.64%
300-400k 25 4.79%
400-500k 25 4.79%
500-600k 45 8.62%
600-700k 36 6.90%
700-800k 28 5.36%
800-900k 13 2.49%
900k-1mil 15 2.87%
1mil+ 316 60.54%


Europe 2nd week > 1st if it's only 1 day of sales!

Hardware: 550k

Around the Network
kopstudent89 said:


Europe 2nd week > 1st if it's only 1 day of sales!

Hardware: 550k

yeap, Ex: If US gets 650k FW i expect 800k 2ndWeek!

US: .9 million
Japan: 1.3 million
Europe: .5 million
RoW: .2 million
Total: 3 million
I'm thinking supply is going to constrained though so the next week may have a sharp drop until they get more units

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842


2.9 million. But lifetime sales aren't going to be near as good as last Pokemon games.

Around the Network
VGPolyglot said:

i wouldn't be suprised if japan did that alone tooooo low, c'mon :x

NolSinkler said:
2.9 million. But lifetime sales aren't going to be near as good as last Pokemon games.

i think your underestimating pokemon lifetime sales ..... Very underestimating it :0

3 million!

3.3 million

I'll act optimistic and say
Japan: 3.2m
Europe: 1.5m
United States: 3.1m

TOTAL: 7.8m

Why? I just want to pretend it'll do better than Black and White's first week sales.

edit: Well, there's the rest of the world as well.  Don't know how well it does there.