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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Predict Pokemon X/Y First Week Sales World Wide!


What will 3DS sales be the week of Pokemon Release WW?

No more than 300k 19 3.64%
300-400k 25 4.79%
400-500k 25 4.79%
500-600k 45 8.62%
600-700k 36 6.90%
700-800k 28 5.36%
800-900k 13 2.49%
900k-1mil 15 2.87%
1mil+ 316 60.54%


Around the Network

keep them coming!

BasilZero said:

Leak!? :O

Really O.o All these pics are starting to be convincing

Japan: 1.2 M
USA: 0.70 M
EU: 0.3 M

Total: 2 M

Wish it would sell more but I am just being realistic.

kevin1616 said:
Japan: 1.2 M
USA: 0.70 M
EU: 0.3 M

Total: 2 M

Wish it would sell more but I am just being realistic.

might want to add japan numbers a little higher

Around the Network
BasilZero said:
tbone51 said:
BasilZero said:

Leak!? :O

Really O.o All these pics are starting to be convincing

Its been confirmed fake or so people say~

It's a fake because the screen is 4:3, but the 3DS screen is 5:3.

I'm going to increase my estimate from 3.00 m to 3.50 m

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

20 Million day one.

:0 He said what?!?!?

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.


its going to be funny with some predictions here. pre orders in japan are 1.26mil not counting hardware!