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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

richardhutnik said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:

^I find it sad that NIntendo had to come out an actually say they might do that^ for people to start predicting they would . Jesus do y'all love to keep spinning their wheels

Also Im going to remind you that JL didnt just say MS and Sony would drop out the race, just like that and they'd go to NIntendo because they are the industry leaders. Your missing three key steps in his logic that get to the point, so if you're going to argue, you had best put your best effort into it and cover all your bases.


@Kaizar I'll buy a 2DS and take a run on it to see.

What the heck does this mean outside of Sony and Microsoft dropping out?

I said it here. I say it now.

Wii U WILL BE THE LEADER of the 8th Generation Consoles BY FAR. It will outsell the XBox One & PlayStation 4 HANDILY throughout the generation.
And should The Revolution go as planned, this will be the LAST CONSOLE WAR between Nintendo, Sony, & Microsoft.
Wii U obtains what was denied to Wii. Wii U at last becomes EVERYBODY'S CONSOLE.

Oh & you want a number? Here's one for you: 12 million Wii U's sold by December 31, 2013.
Here's another: 35 million Wii U's sold by December 31, 2014.
Here's one more: 60 million Wii U's sold by December 31, 2015.
And one more for the road: 240 million LIFETIME Wii U sales.

Wii U is 'Wii Part 2'. This standoff must end. The Kids are coming home off the streets.
Nintendo will finish The Revolution through Wii U & bring Unity to the gaming industry at last.
No more Hardcore vs. Casual. It's just Gamers.
While Nintendo is proven to succeed WITHOUT the 3rd party, this long standing division in the game industry must finally be healed.

Remember now, what object is shaped like a 'U'?.......A Magnet. Think about that.
It's all about Dad's House. The 1st Party STILL rules.

What does all that mean?  That means Sony and Microsoft drop out.  Nintendo is left no competition and the Wii U becomes everyone's console.  

Also, johnlucas is also saying the current trends is not sustainable, and has pretty much stated there is a crash coming.

That is what it means, but if you're going to to talk about his hyperbole and narrow logic(not to mention your own) you need to completely break down the steps that are taken to get to that point.

Which is something you havent been doing, when you've been describing this supposed situation

I can break down everything for you if you want,however it'll take a while to type it all up .

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JoeTheBro said:
richardhutnik said:
JoeTheBro said:

Obviously. Losing shelf space is never good.

It's just not the end of the world.

Thing is that, with momentum shifting, you then need Sony and/or Microsoft to drop the ball or you likely don't get it back. 

I disagree. The Wii U has a completely different image than 4BONE. Sure they are competing, but there's still a ton of non overlapping market. The Wii U's failure or success is mostly determined just by its own performance, not what the competition is doing.

Exactly what is the market the Wii U is going for?  johnlucas has the Wii U as everyone's machine.  I can agree the feature set is different enough to maybe enable it to hit things differently, but I am not sure what that market is. What subset of casuals, or another group am I missing?

richardhutnik said:
JoeTheBro said:

I disagree. The Wii U has a completely different image than 4BONE. Sure they are competing, but there's still a ton of non overlapping market. The Wii U's failure or success is mostly determined just by its own performance, not what the competition is doing.

Exactly what is the market the Wii U is going for?  johnlucas has the Wii U as everyone's machine.  I can agree the feature set is different enough to maybe enable it to hit things differently, but I am not sure what that market is. What subset of casuals, or another group am I missing?

Don't group me with John

Look at what is not the Wii U's market: dudebros, teens, dorms, etc. Most of 4BONE's sales will be from that group, at least near launch. These people can buy millions of 4BONES without having a significantly negative effect on Wii U sales this holiday. Meanwhile Nintendo has families, the young, the old; the casuals. These people probably aren't going to buy a $400 device to play shooters on. They also don't seem to want to buy a $300 device to play Mario on, but that's at least the market that the system seems catered for. Nintendo just needs to convince them to buy it, regardless of the dudebros buying or not buying the competition.

RedPikmin95 said:

For a change, here are some bad news....

UK: Nintendo Shelf Space Severely reduced in Tesco - Now part of 360 Section

And according to that neogaf-thread, users noticed similar things at some other retailers too....
oh,oh...that doesn't look that good in europe...will there ever be a turnaround when retailers gonna abandone the WiiU step by step ??
Did johnlucas consider that? It rather seems to get worse there...

At least you can still get wiiu in most stores unlike in my town where absolutely noone stock the psvita. Only way i can get it locally is if i go to the gamestore and ask them to order it for me from their main warehouse. 

JoeTheBro said:
richardhutnik said:
JoeTheBro said:

I disagree. The Wii U has a completely different image than 4BONE. Sure they are competing, but there's still a ton of non overlapping market. The Wii U's failure or success is mostly determined just by its own performance, not what the competition is doing.

Exactly what is the market the Wii U is going for?  johnlucas has the Wii U as everyone's machine.  I can agree the feature set is different enough to maybe enable it to hit things differently, but I am not sure what that market is. What subset of casuals, or another group am I missing?

Don't group me with John

Look at what is not the Wii U's market: dudebros, teens, dorms, etc. Most of 4BONE's sales will be from that group, at least near launch. These people can buy millions of 4BONES without having a significantly negative effect on Wii U sales this holiday. Meanwhile Nintendo has families, the young, the old; the casuals. These people probably aren't going to buy a $400 device to play shooters on. They also don't seem to want to buy a $300 device to play Mario on, but that's at least the market that the system seems catered for. Nintendo just needs to convince them to buy it, regardless of the dudebros buying or not buying the competition.

Sorry here.  This thread is the johnlucas one, so I was trying to respond in context to the thread itself.  If you look above, I was getting busted on by people with claims I wasnt' doing that.

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All I can say is this industry is pushing towards "immersion" this gen. Unless VR is a big hit that really wont expand the gaming market...

Sony's using the same old strategy they've been using since the PS2-PSP, which didnt work for the Vita. It may work for their console but it wont expand the market, so they're investing in VR and becoming a streaming service.  Valve is already a step ahead of them.


The WiiU will be fine as long as it keeps supporting the hardware features that devs utilize, and the console sells better, they'll support it.

So how does this site work, is it after a certain number of posts that a new page is started or after it's X long?

Think it's about time I get to posting, been 20 pages now.

nin10do said:
So how does this site work, is it after a certain number of posts that a new page is started or after it's X long?

Think it's about time I get to posting, been 20 pages now.

Every 10 posts it starts a new page, but you can change that in your settings tab.

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
nin10do said:

Btw, on the hilarious notion that smartphone gaming will make other devices go away because it's got a bigger market, and more people are playing on that than dedicated systems by the number, that just supports what I said. It's a gateway gaming device that everyone has access to, of course it's going to be bigger, one thing not taken into account, is the fact that the numbers for other devices are still growing, not shrinking. Sure, more people play on their iDevices than a 3DS, but those numbers don't mention that the 3DS is still doing incredibly well at 30 Million+ units sold without Pokemon even being out, or that there's 250 Million home console sales and growing. 

Dedicated gaming isn't going anywhere, it's going to continue to get bigger. Going into the next decade doing less than 100 Million could be considered bad, or even a failure. Don't forget, China's doors just opened up a few months ago, a whole new market is now available, and is primarily Nintendo's domain, with no need to censor or worry about games being banned.

Phone gaming needs to do something about their business model thats for sure.

Otherwise more of this will happen


Along with this


Get working on that presentation of yours, we want to see it


Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:

^I find it sad that NIntendo had to come out an actually say they might do that^ for people to start predicting they would . Jesus do y'all love to keep spinning their wheels

Also Im going to remind you that JL didnt just say MS and Sony would drop out the race, just like that and they'd go to NIntendo because they are the industry leaders. Your missing three key steps in his logic that get to the point, so if you're going to argue, you had best put your best effort into it and cover all your bases.


@Kaizar I'll buy a 2DS and take a run on it to see.

I think I get the joke, but can U explain in detail to Mii, just in case I got the joke incorrectly.