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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

Kaizar said:
Incubi said:
JoeTheBro said:
Incubi said:
JoeTheBro said:

I'd like to actually see those sources if you don't mind.

Also how can you confirm anything?

You realise you're being trolled, right. That Kaizar is just talking out of his arse? I dont know why in the frackfracketifrack you'd take him seriously. Asking for sources? Asking for confirmation? Come on, you cant be that sillyXD

I've known Kaizar a long time on this site. He's serious dude. No trolling with him, just strange information.

What? Damn! I was sure he was joking about, lol!

I guess no one read the EDIT in my comment on this page, LOL.

Here are some of the sources saying 4 core, but I think it's most likely 3 cores.


The WiiU daily report seems to be batshit insane.

768 MB eDRAM shared by the CPU and GPU? Really? That would make the WiiU into some impossible alien technology lightyears ahead of even the most powerful PC on earth, lol! 

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Kaizar said:
Incubi said:
JoeTheBro said:

I've known Kaizar a long time on this site. He's serious dude. No trolling with him, just strange information.

What? Damn! I was sure he was joking about, lol!

I guess no one read the EDIT in my comment on this page, LOL.

Here are some of the sources saying 4 core, but I think it's most likely 3 cores.


I read your edit. I just don't know how I'd respond to that.

So, it looks like there is no "Steambox" but there IS a variant of Linux that Steam will be putting out, geared for gaming on TVs, called SteamOS.

Well there are two more announcements to be made, lets hold off on what may or may not be released by Valve. The SteamOS is interesting. If you wanted to build your own rig, and use that, you could have a pretty easy to make personal Steambox on your own.

The GabeCube is still coming, Valve isnt done yet.

JL was pretty hasty with that 3D0 comparison lol(I wonder what happened between when he originally mentioned valve and that post XD)

Meanwhile Sony is planning on ditching their hardware and working toward that future green pasture of Gaikai as fast as they can.

Around the Network
Alfred909 said:
Well there are two more announcements to be made, lets hold off on what may or may not be released by Valve. The SteamOS is interesting. If you wanted to build your own rig, and use that, you could have a pretty easy to make personal Steambox on your own.

Well, in this context, I was likely saying Valve would do their own console.  That version is likely to NOT happen.  What you are very likely to see is people build their own rigs and Steam is built into the OS.  It isn't the Valve does its own console, just here are specs and you build it.  It is likely something different.  

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
The GabeCube is still coming, Valve isnt done yet.

JL was pretty hasty with that 3D0 comparison lol(I wonder what happened between when he originally mentioned valve and that post XD)

Meanwhile Sony is planning on ditching their hardware and working toward that future green pasture of Gaikai as fast as they can.

And there's a 3rd party development company out there who about to release a GameCube game around 10 years in the making, LOL but true.

Really? do you have a link?

I like the name GabeCube. It fits well. 

Richard- Do you mean it will be something like the XBox 360 PC games (PC Games originally made for 360), where so long as you fit the requirements you can play? 

Alfred909 said:

Really? do you have a link?

I like the name GabeCube. It fits well. 

Richard- Do you mean it will be something like the XBox 360 PC games (PC Games originally made for 360), where so long as you fit the requirements you can play? 

From what I understand SteamOS is like the Android OS.  Steam is likely to push it the way Google does Android (and Chrome).  They end up controlling the market for content produced, and get their cut that way.  They don't do the hardware.  Just like Android, stuff is expected to meet the standards of running.  It isn't that Steam puts out their own equipment.  There may be a GabeCube/Steambox that Steam puts out, but it looks different.  It isn't fitting the norm here.   Will see how it goes.  Probably best to stay tuned here on it.  The real short is that it is likely Gabe's vision for gaming on TV for the future (starting in 2014), and it will need to have time to be revealed.  It could be huge.  Off the cuff, it is reminding me a bit of the way 3DO was back in the day.  There was also MSX awhile ago.   But, it is arguably Linux strikes back at gaming. Will see how it goes.

I can see the 3DS lifetime sales being 240 million.

But with Wii U I don't see any higher then maybe 210 to 230 million.

I say the Wii U will at least get more then 120 million in life time sales.


I wouldn't be surprise to see Wii U get 150 to around 200 million.


But 240 million for the Wii U seems to be pushing it, since it's just a 6 year Home Console, if it had 1 to 2 more years before the next Nintendo Home Console, I would say realistic.