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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

spurgeonryan said:
Is the wii u not out in the territories mentioned above? Iis it coming there?

What has come of this china thing? Have they opened up yet?

China got the 3DS original & XL in December 2012, so I think we have to wait til 2014 for Wii U in China.

Russia is another country I'm interested in seeing sells in.

Around the Network
JoeTheBro said:
Kaizar said:
Alby_da_Wolf said:
Of all the arguments in favour of Wii U, Power PC's short and efficient pipeline is surely a true and good one, but how much 3 highly efficient cores can fill the gap from 8 less efficient ones (that anyhow can rely on faster main RAM and in larger amount, that allows optimizing compilers to make extensive use, for example, of "loop unrolling" to greatly reduce branch penalties) remains to be seen both in benchmarks and real life programs. So, seeing this masterly mix of sound concepts and still unknown facts, I suggest to call it "Ninty's Secret Sauce". O-)

The Wii U might have 4 instead of 3 cores, the others are using a APU, so only 7 cores are use as CPU while 1 core is use as GPU, which means it can't do any CPU functionailties, just basic GPU functionaries and clocked at 800 MHz for that 1 core.

Do you have a source for that?

Some sources say 4 core and other sources say 3 core.

AMDs are just horrible, they don't even lock onto a single thing it's processing.

If I had to choose between my Windows 7 AMD and my Windows XP intel, I would choose the older CPU.


I forgot to mention that the Wii U uses a custom made GPGPU which also does the 3D effect (stereoscopic) functionaties which further closes the gap, but there is still a noticible gap in CPU area of the specs at the end of the day.

The RAM might not be a big deal because the Wii U can do at least 5 times as much open world as Lego City Undercover. The Wiiu GPGPU looks like it drains much less power from electricity at 800 MHz then the PS4 & ONE using a single APU core as GPU clocked at 800 MHz.


I think it's just best to wait 2 mores years so we can finally have full details of what the Wii U is functioning like. The only thing I can confirm is at least 3 cores in CPU with more then 300 shader cores and more then 1 billion polygons vertex performence with the GPGPU doing all of the game physics which leaves the CPU with very little work left over to do, compare to other gaming systems. The 3DS GPU (2008 or 2010 model) also does game physics, but not all of them, but a bunch of them.

Kaizar said:
JoeTheBro said:
Kaizar said:

The Wii U might have 4 instead of 3 cores, the others are using a APU, so only 7 cores are use as CPU while 1 core is use as GPU, which means it can't do any CPU functionailties, just basic GPU functionaries and clocked at 800 MHz for that 1 core.

Do you have a source for that?

Some sources say 4 core and other sources say 3 core.

AMDs are just horrible, they don't even lock onto a single thing it's processing.

If I had to choose between my Windows 7 AMD and my Windows XP intel, I would choose the older CPU.


I forgot to mention that the Wii U uses a custom made GPGPU which also does the 3D effect (stereoscopic) functionaties which further closes the gap, but there is still a noticible gap in CPU area of the specs at the end of the day.

The RAM might not be a big deal because the Wii U can do at least 5 times as much open world as Lego City Undercover. The Wiiu GPGPU looks like it drains much less power from electricity at 800 MHz then the PS4 & ONE using a single APU core as GPU clocked at 800 MHz.


I think it's just best to wait 2 mores years so we can finally have full details of what the Wii U is functioning like. The only thing I can confirm is at least 3 cores in CPU with more then 300 shader cores and more then 1 billion polygons vertex performence with the GPGPU doing all of the game physics which leaves the CPU with very little work left over to do, compare to other gaming systems. The 3DS GPU (2008 or 2010 model) also does game physics, but not all of them, but a bunch of them.

I'd like to actually see those sources if you don't mind.

Also how can you confirm anything?

JoeTheBro said:
Kaizar said:
JoeTheBro said:
Kaizar said:

The Wii U might have 4 instead of 3 cores, the others are using a APU, so only 7 cores are use as CPU while 1 core is use as GPU, which means it can't do any CPU functionailties, just basic GPU functionaries and clocked at 800 MHz for that 1 core.

Do you have a source for that?

Some sources say 4 core and other sources say 3 core.

AMDs are just horrible, they don't even lock onto a single thing it's processing.

If I had to choose between my Windows 7 AMD and my Windows XP intel, I would choose the older CPU.


I forgot to mention that the Wii U uses a custom made GPGPU which also does the 3D effect (stereoscopic) functionaties which further closes the gap, but there is still a noticible gap in CPU area of the specs at the end of the day.

The RAM might not be a big deal because the Wii U can do at least 5 times as much open world as Lego City Undercover. The Wiiu GPGPU looks like it drains much less power from electricity at 800 MHz then the PS4 & ONE using a single APU core as GPU clocked at 800 MHz.


I think it's just best to wait 2 mores years so we can finally have full details of what the Wii U is functioning like. The only thing I can confirm is at least 3 cores in CPU with more then 300 shader cores and more then 1 billion polygons vertex performence with the GPGPU doing all of the game physics which leaves the CPU with very little work left over to do, compare to other gaming systems. The 3DS GPU (2008 or 2010 model) also does game physics, but not all of them, but a bunch of them.

I'd like to actually see those sources if you don't mind.

Also how can you confirm anything?

Everywhere on the Internet confirms at least 3 cores forthe used custom made IBM POWER 7 CPU, and everywhere on the Internet currently confirms at least over 300 shader cores counted for, and everywhere on the Internet confirms that a GPGPU always does all the gameplay mechanics and you get where I'm going with this.

The fact that no one denies these things, just seems to further reinforce it as the case.


Here are some of the sources saying 4 core, but I think it's most likely 3 cores.

Kaizar said:

I forgot to mention that the Wii U uses a custom made GPGPU which also does the 3D effect (stereoscopic) functionaties which further closes the gap...

If the WiiU supports proper stereoscopic 3D and the framerate hit is negligible due to GPGPU funktions... why don't they offer this option in their games?

Even the PS3 and 360 offered stereoscopic 3D for some titles and a few of them looked great on a 3D TV. The only WiiU title with 3D option (as far as I know) is Assassin's Creed 3... without a proper side-by-side-signal, 3D TVs can use, but with green/magenta glasses and therefore horrible color deviations.

Around the Network
Conina said:
Kaizar said:

I forgot to mention that the Wii U uses a custom made GPGPU which also does the 3D effect (stereoscopic) functionaties which further closes the gap...

If the WiiU supports proper stereoscopic 3D and the framerate hit is negligible due to GPGPU funktions... why don't they offer this option in their games?

Even the PS3 and 360 offered stereoscopic 3D for some titles and a few of them looked great on a 3D TV. The only WiiU title with 3D option (as far as I know) is Assassin's Creed 3... without a proper side-by-side-signal, 3D TVs can use, but with green/magenta glasses and therefore horrible color deviations.

Nintendo has 3rd parties make whatever game they want to be 3D capable, 3D ready, excluding Launch Titles, so it's up to 3rd parties on their own company's game.

Nintendo said they will make all their new 1st Party games 3D ready when they see at least a 3X% or 4X% (i think they said something like 34% or 46%) increase of people owning 3D TVs.

The GameCube did all of its games in 3D, but disable the function. (just convert 2D into 3D and enjoy all GameCube & Wii & Wii U games)

The PS3 only has over 20 3D ready games and the 360 has only 4 or so, but the 3DS does the same 3D capable, with over 1,000 titles and growing (thanks to built-in glasses-free 3D display).

The PS4 & ONE are the first Sony & Microsoft systems to do it on pre-install firmware, while Nintendo has Virtual Boy & GameCube & 3DS & Wii U doing it on pre-install firmware.

I think with the Wii U & PS4 & ONE, the 3rd Parties are just waiting for more people to own the Home Consoles, and/or have a around 40% increase in 3D TV ownerships.

JoeTheBro said:
Kaizar said:
JoeTheBro said:
Kaizar said:

The Wii U might have 4 instead of 3 cores, the others are using a APU, so only 7 cores are use as CPU while 1 core is use as GPU, which means it can't do any CPU functionailties, just basic GPU functionaries and clocked at 800 MHz for that 1 core.

Do you have a source for that?

Some sources say 4 core and other sources say 3 core.

AMDs are just horrible, they don't even lock onto a single thing it's processing.

If I had to choose between my Windows 7 AMD and my Windows XP intel, I would choose the older CPU.


I forgot to mention that the Wii U uses a custom made GPGPU which also does the 3D effect (stereoscopic) functionaties which further closes the gap, but there is still a noticible gap in CPU area of the specs at the end of the day.

The RAM might not be a big deal because the Wii U can do at least 5 times as much open world as Lego City Undercover. The Wiiu GPGPU looks like it drains much less power from electricity at 800 MHz then the PS4 & ONE using a single APU core as GPU clocked at 800 MHz.


I think it's just best to wait 2 mores years so we can finally have full details of what the Wii U is functioning like. The only thing I can confirm is at least 3 cores in CPU with more then 300 shader cores and more then 1 billion polygons vertex performence with the GPGPU doing all of the game physics which leaves the CPU with very little work left over to do, compare to other gaming systems. The 3DS GPU (2008 or 2010 model) also does game physics, but not all of them, but a bunch of them.

I'd like to actually see those sources if you don't mind.

Also how can you confirm anything?

You realise you're being trolled, right. That Kaizar is just talking out of his arse? I dont know why in the frackfracketifrack you'd take him seriously. Asking for sources? Asking for confirmation? Come on, you cant be that sillyXD

Incubi said:
JoeTheBro said:

I'd like to actually see those sources if you don't mind.

Also how can you confirm anything?

You realise you're being trolled, right. That Kaizar is just talking out of his arse? I dont know why in the frackfracketifrack you'd take him seriously. Asking for sources? Asking for confirmation? Come on, you cant be that sillyXD

I've known Kaizar a long time on this site. He's serious dude. No trolling with him, just strange information.

JoeTheBro said:
Incubi said:
JoeTheBro said:

I'd like to actually see those sources if you don't mind.

Also how can you confirm anything?

You realise you're being trolled, right. That Kaizar is just talking out of his arse? I dont know why in the frackfracketifrack you'd take him seriously. Asking for sources? Asking for confirmation? Come on, you cant be that sillyXD

I've known Kaizar a long time on this site. He's serious dude. No trolling with him, just strange information.

What? Damn! I was sure he was joking about, lol!

Incubi said:
JoeTheBro said:
Incubi said:
JoeTheBro said:

I'd like to actually see those sources if you don't mind.

Also how can you confirm anything?

You realise you're being trolled, right. That Kaizar is just talking out of his arse? I dont know why in the frackfracketifrack you'd take him seriously. Asking for sources? Asking for confirmation? Come on, you cant be that sillyXD

I've known Kaizar a long time on this site. He's serious dude. No trolling with him, just strange information.

What? Damn! I was sure he was joking about, lol!

I guess no one read the EDIT in my comment on this page, LOL.

Here are some of the sources saying 4 core, but I think it's most likely 3 cores.