Dv8thwonder said:
Please tell it to go away so I don't have to think about that horrid experience ever again. I'd rather play Wii Music every single day than go anywhere near that abomination.
Sigs are dumb. And so are you!
Dv8thwonder said:
Please tell it to go away so I don't have to think about that horrid experience ever again. I'd rather play Wii Music every single day than go anywhere near that abomination.
Sigs are dumb. And so are you!
Oh man im out of popcorn, and this thread needs more people to defend Ninty, really it is getting too much one sided here.
JohannStrauss said: Oh man im out of popcorn, and this thread needs more people to defend Ninty, really it is getting too much one sided here. |
My white knighting days are over until certain "changes" are made.
Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans
Fusioncode said:
Please tell it to go away so I don't have to think about that horrid experience ever again. I'd rather play Wii Music every single day than go anywhere near that abomination. |
Wii Music, like Nintendoland was introduced all wrong. Metroid:Other M is an aborted zombie fetus from Sakamofo.
Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans
Out of everyone that I've seen as of now that opposed John Lucas' points here, I have to say Mummelman is probably the best of them all. Well done!
Metalheadgamer said: Out of everyone that I've seen as of now that opposed John Lucas' points here, I have to say Mummelman is probably the best of them all. Well done! |
And that's why he's getting a quality reply.
I'm not gonna come out weak with him if I'm gonna come out strong against other debaters.
He's smug & satisfied right now but we'll see how long that lasts.
Back to writing...
John Lucas
Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot
johnlucas said:
Back to writing... |
As long as the numbers keep, you know, actually backing up what he's saying. Whereas you're smug for no reason at all, which makes it all the more laughable and obvious that when the time comes that it's indeniable the WiiU has failed, you won't admit it and run away. You're incapable of facing such truth.
johnlucas said: Sit tight, Mummelmann. The rebuttal will be worth the wait. John Lucas |
*Puts popcorn on micro*
*grabs a seat*
*makes hot choco*
Oh boy im gonna love this inc wall of china text tier
johnlucas said:
Back to writing... |
I don't see how why I shouldn't be satisfied if it takes you two weeks to reply. And there's lots of room for me to go deeper (or deviate heavily and cherrypick, like you if you prefer), I can imagine fairly well what points you're going to make and I'm already quite prepared to meet them. That's probably part of why this is taking so long, you saw other posts predicting what you would say and some of my others posts shot down the arguments one would first expect, so you had to go back and change it up entirely, perhaps start from scratch, I don't know, just guessing. It doesn't take two weeks to answer if you have a good argument, that is the simple case here. If you keep this pace and I keep mine, I can spend six days a week off from here and you'll be engaged full time well into 2015.
I'm especially looking forward to the logical explanation around how chipsets with lower wattage are cheaper to produce high resolution textures and particle effects for and what's going to drive a historically unprecedented 500% ++ year over year increase in the hardware sales of a home console. Besides, with everyone else you've answered you've managed to sidestep the main problem in your entrie argument; the actual charts and numbers and I have no doubt you'll keep on doing the same and I will likely be told to keep my eye on the "very near future", same as since 2007 and until today.
That's the entire problem with arguing with you; it's not about the actual statements but about twisting and spinning them after the fact and making insane rationalizations (or change the interpretation, being illusive is an artform, however you don't master it well enough yet, you need to be even less specific and a lot more arbitrary), that post where you actually try to justify your incredible "Sony and MS out of the race by 2009" drivel and other things are a prime example and just the tip of the iceberg. You could debate Stephen Hawking on physics and find some way of dodging, deflecting, digressing and rationalizing yourself into "victory". What you have so far is; "I'm telling the truth, and I can confirm that this is a fact, just wait and see."
A huge, borderline off-topic argument that always ties into something else isn't a good argument, you see the past as a map to the future and this might well be the case on a large scale. Between two hardware generations in a console race though, and with zero indicators? Like I've said; this the Wii case all over again, same arguments, same painstakingly obvious agenda. How is anyone in the world going to appreciate the notions of a person with zero objectivity and such a massive bias? I feel like comparing this to religion, once again, simply because it reminds me a great deal of it. Fantastic claims with no factual backing, speculation and loud, overly embroidered oration followed by a collection of claqueurs who shout "halleluja!" right on cue and amazing "witness accounts" (nin10do's half-witted, obviously made-up ludicrous conversion story to show how other gamers "see the light", lack of insight, numbers and values torn from the posterior and terribly convenient knowledge on the magical genie living inside of the Wii U that he PM's you, quite suspicious as well, this is the only thread and subject he cares for and now he's gone, you even referr to each other as tag partners, he obviously loves wrestling analogies). You say "You fail to see", I say "Can't see what's not really there", this is textbook religious discussion.
Like the guy who claims every decade or so that the world is ending, then each time it doesn't happen he blames the interpretation of scripture, the calendar or simply the mysterious ways of our lord (Nintendo in this case). John Lucas berates Sony and MS fans for having fallen for corporate BS and marketing ploy, aren't people able to see that he's fitted his own marketing ploy and bs? Polarizing an argument is the greatest sign of a poor debater, anyone who wants to make real sense needs the ability to see nuance. Once again this "my way or the highway", the hatred (he openly admits he wants 3rd parties, mobile companies, Sony and Microsoft to basically disintegrate) and the incredibly narrow scoped propaganda and elevation of ones own premises and validity is frigtheningly similar to the religious tools where one seeks to override the discussion itself by stating premises that are either to fleeting to counter (watch the future) or simply deflate the opposing argument by stating ones superiority through false merit (a successful predictor nearly without fault) or by raising the appeal of an argument by dressing it in populistic rhetoric that you know will strike home with your fanbase (the nostalgic tone and philosophy around Nintendo's creation and view of gaming as more "pure") and will be hard to answer without resorting to similar means and technique.
PS: I feel like underlining something here; there are seemingly two sides in this thread, but I don't see it that way. I am in no way in agreement or in line with the majority of the "opposition" in here and I have very little faith in the 8th generation as a whole. There is no "PS2 era" awaiting us and when all is said and done, I don't expect anyone to really dominate. Just because someone agree with me in some of my posts, does not mean I agree completely with them (and some probably celebrate it because it seemingly fits their bias). And I'm sure the same thing can be said for John Lucas.
PSPS: Yes, I have debated a lot of religious people.
PSPSPS and edit; is anyone here familiar with a rhetorical sphere? That's when you construct a sphere that your opponent is (seemingly) trapped inside, by creating and building an arbitrary casework and frame in your argument(s) that seemingly boxes others in, meanwhile asserting the sense that you are somehow outside this sphere, able to observe and inspect on a higher level and with a broader field of view, all the while never quite detailing how it is you ended up outside the sphere. This is another classic to draw more attention to fields and areas where you feel that the opponent has erred (and your devoted fans will agree) than to the bits where you have no foundation for argument. Observe and watch the magic happen!