Zod95 said: It's impossible to gather consensus even if you group people by game genre's tastes. For example, my favourite racing games (from 1st best to 6th best) are TrackMania United, Midnight Club 2, Crashday, Project Gotham Racing 4, Vanishing Point, MotorStorm Pacific Rift and TOCA Race Driver 3. No Gran Turismo, no Forza, no Need For Speed, no Burnout, no Mario Kart. No game had more than 90 in Metacritic and no one sold more than 2 million units. Who in the world shares this same taste? I guess no one...and very very few lists would be even close to mine. Maybe, and only maybe, if we had every quality game list racing fans we could aggregate the values and get at the end a list of the highest quality racing games. But we don't. As for my final goal, it's not to tell what are the best games (I'm not that arrogant) but just to give clues about where they might be and, above all, which might be the most commited devs to this industry that I love. I don't feel comfortable when I see a poorly commited company like Nintendo to be so praised by people that comment on forums (who should be the most informed ones). Like I said earlier, I find Nintendo to be quite competent...it's their attitude that I hate. My desire regarding Nintendo is that they either change their attitude towards gamers or that they fail in the videogaming business (to give more space to who is really commited). This is not a matter of tastes, this is a matter of respecting the industry and putting the gamer first. And don't come up with the argument that all companies are here to make money because, although that's true, I see a lot of different between Zumba Fitness makers and Valve. Money isn't everything and only some devs have the heart to see that and the artistic value and willingness to invest to demonstrate it. Again, I'm not talking about tastes. Neither Majesco nor Valve have games in my personal top quality list. But I'm not blind. I can see different attitude, different behaviour and different achievements between those companies. Regarding sales being a criteria to measure quality, that fails miserably. You have already listed 4 reasons why that wouldn't work, but there are more. I will not waste my time listing them. The bottom line is that sales can only tell you about the gamers' expectations, once they occur before the gamer experiencing the product. By the way, this made me laugh: "Going by the sales of games with similar cost that had good marketing, Nintendo games have high quality". |
I never said there was, is, will be, or could be 100% consensus: in fact, I specifically denied it. But I do believe you would find some strong currents of opinion as to what the top 10 were (i.e., there might be 50 games that are much more commonly in people's top 10s). Your anecdote is pointless.
You claim not to be trying to identify the best games, but your formulas are explicitly about judging the quality of games based on some arbitrarily chosen quantifiable values. In trying to avoid the fuzziness of opinion and go with the concreteness of objective fact, you are ironically creating a system that is even worse and muddier and more confused for consistently identifying what games have good quality compared to the murkiness of people's competing opinions about "good level design" et cetera.
The reason for your quest, as you explicitly state here, is your contempt for Nintendo and the incredible snow job they are pulling on all the other games that think their games are great. You claim you aren't arrogant, but you simultaneously claim that your opinion (that Nintendo games are bad) is right while vastly more people who disagree with you are wrong because they are foolishly being blinded by Nintendo's ... mind control, cult of personality, I don't even know. How is this not arrogance?
My four reasons aren't reasons why looking at sales doesn't work, they are reasons why when you look at sales you have to assign weight to the numbers you see to make sense of them in context if you want to use them to decide what games are better than others. It's like if I said the Wii U sold 100k in a week. If it happened in a random week in July with no big release, that would be great! If it happened a week before Christmas, not so impressive. I don't know if you're not understanding what I said, or simply unable to comprehend the idea of a system that needs to be corrected for bias before fair results can be obtained instead of just looking at raw numbers being spat out.
I can easily rebut your "bottom line" on this by pointing out that lots of Nintendo games sell for YEARS AND YEARS. Do you think word of mouth doesn't exist? In a game that gets 50% of its sales in the first month then a person can easily buy a game with false expectations about the content, but if Mario Kart DS releases in 2005 I'd certainly hope most of the buyers had a very good idea what they were getting by 2008. I'm pretty sure they did. And if they didn't, why didn't they sell them all to used game stores, and why didn't all those used games end up cheap enough to where fewer people would buy them new? Wouldn't Mario games be a dollar apiece like old sports games if you were right?
It's nice that you're laughing, but I can't tell why. What about that statement is incorrect? Don't Nintendo games sell well considered to other similarly priced games? Or are you simply laughing at the very concept of a high quality Nintendo game? Laughing at a world that you can't understand, where the "educated forum posters"* like Nintendo games, but you don't, and they, therefore, must be deluded? You say that you can recognize quality in other publishers whose games you aren't a fan of, so therefore you aren't wrong about Nintendo. I'm telling you: you are wrong.
*Not a literal quote, but (I feel) an accurate one.
Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys:
; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for
, let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia. Thanks WordsofWisdom!