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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

Mummelmann said:

He'll probably be back, but with what? It took me about 1-2 hours to make that post, mostly off of the top of my head, why is he taking several days? It's not like he's spent his time debating others or other issues.

I'm sure I'll be told of my lack of understanding of gaming, history, business and Nintendo, first and foremost. We'll see exciting images paired with points stretching philosophically back at least a couple of decades, maybe he'll pull up a few posts to show I was an asshole when I joined the site (which I was) but I doubt it.

We'll be even further acquainted with the "love" and "passion" in the gaming industry and how everyone lacks this save for Nintendo, how 3rd parties collectively make up the most unintelligent business entity in the world today and we'll be reminded that a Nintendo monopoly is in our best interest, developers' best interest and that it is inevitable that all this comes to pass, seeing as how this isn't so much a theory so much as fact.

As for my opinion, I'm prepared to wait a bit longer, I don't have a head so large that I assume to be all-knowing and my theory is still just a theory, not something I force down your throat as fact, the data so far does support my view though.
No matter what any of us post, the numbers will speak for themselves but likely not change his tone or mind. I learned things from the 7th gen, apparently a lot of folks did not.

Whatever his rebuttal will be, one thing is for sure. It will be entertaining;)

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Incubi said:
Mummelmann said:

He'll probably be back, but with what? It took me about 1-2 hours to make that post, mostly off of the top of my head, why is he taking several days? It's not like he's spent his time debating others or other issues.

I'm sure I'll be told of my lack of understanding of gaming, history, business and Nintendo, first and foremost. We'll see exciting images paired with points stretching philosophically back at least a couple of decades, maybe he'll pull up a few posts to show I was an asshole when I joined the site (which I was) but I doubt it.

We'll be even further acquainted with the "love" and "passion" in the gaming industry and how everyone lacks this save for Nintendo, how 3rd parties collectively make up the most unintelligent business entity in the world today and we'll be reminded that a Nintendo monopoly is in our best interest, developers' best interest and that it is inevitable that all this comes to pass, seeing as how this isn't so much a theory so much as fact.

As for my opinion, I'm prepared to wait a bit longer, I don't have a head so large that I assume to be all-knowing and my theory is still just a theory, not something I force down your throat as fact, the data so far does support my view though.
No matter what any of us post, the numbers will speak for themselves but likely not change his tone or mind. I learned things from the 7th gen, apparently a lot of folks did not.

Whatever his rebuttal will be, one thing is for sure. It will be entertaining;)

And predictable. But, yes. Discussing things is why we're here.

To be fair though; seece was ahead of me "in the line!"

Mummelmann said:
Incubi said:
Mummelmann said:

He'll probably be back, but with what? It took me about 1-2 hours to make that post, mostly off of the top of my head, why is he taking several days? It's not like he's spent his time debating others or other issues.

I'm sure I'll be told of my lack of understanding of gaming, history, business and Nintendo, first and foremost. We'll see exciting images paired with points stretching philosophically back at least a couple of decades, maybe he'll pull up a few posts to show I was an asshole when I joined the site (which I was) but I doubt it.

We'll be even further acquainted with the "love" and "passion" in the gaming industry and how everyone lacks this save for Nintendo, how 3rd parties collectively make up the most unintelligent business entity in the world today and we'll be reminded that a Nintendo monopoly is in our best interest, developers' best interest and that it is inevitable that all this comes to pass, seeing as how this isn't so much a theory so much as fact.

As for my opinion, I'm prepared to wait a bit longer, I don't have a head so large that I assume to be all-knowing and my theory is still just a theory, not something I force down your throat as fact, the data so far does support my view though.
No matter what any of us post, the numbers will speak for themselves but likely not change his tone or mind. I learned things from the 7th gen, apparently a lot of folks did not.

Whatever his rebuttal will be, one thing is for sure. It will be entertaining;)

And predictable. But, yes. Discussing things is why we're here.

To be fair though; seece was ahead of me "in the line!"

He'll never reply to me because my posts are too short and to the point for him to deviate into unnecessary giberish.


Incubi said:

True, Wii was on a definitive downward spiral YOY. Before Black Friday many speculated that the Wii "fad" would end that year. This was the reason Nintendo decided to buy retail space at key retail partners and spend insane money on advertising.  However, the numbers i just posted are the adjusted numbers. VGChartz undertracked Wii by about 4 million during that period. In January they realised it, and the actual numbers was still hard to believe, and there was an uproar on the forums. Lots of drama. This is also why you prolly cant expect John Lucas to respond to specific numbers until january. 

I'd also like to point out that the commercials Nintendo is airing now is mostly there as a reminder to the american people - that a xmas holiday is not a xmas holiday without Nintendo. It will have some effect. Afterall, America have bought Nintendo hardware enmass for 28 years. 

BTW: My prediction is 7 mill worldwide by dec 31, but i like to entertain the possibility of the impossible:)

About John Lucas not writing anything. As we speak he's preparing the biggest rebuttal in VGChartz history - all in your honour:D

While it was significantly undertracked, I don't think it was 4 million in the period you describe.  From what I can find, VGC had it at 3 million in the US in December before the NPD numbers came out.  Add in the 720k from Japan that should have been pretty accurate, and you are already within 4 million of that number.

It would also be nice if John Lucas would make his points succinctly.

Yakuzaice said:
Incubi said:

True, Wii was on a definitive downward spiral YOY. Before Black Friday many speculated that the Wii "fad" would end that year. This was the reason Nintendo decided to buy retail space at key retail partners and spend insane money on advertising.  However, the numbers i just posted are the adjusted numbers. VGChartz undertracked Wii by about 4 million during that period. In January they realised it, and the actual numbers was still hard to believe, and there was an uproar on the forums. Lots of drama. This is also why you prolly cant expect John Lucas to respond to specific numbers until january. 

I'd also like to point out that the commercials Nintendo is airing now is mostly there as a reminder to the american people - that a xmas holiday is not a xmas holiday without Nintendo. It will have some effect. Afterall, America have bought Nintendo hardware enmass for 28 years. 

BTW: My prediction is 7 mill worldwide by dec 31, but i like to entertain the possibility of the impossible:)

About John Lucas not writing anything. As we speak he's preparing the biggest rebuttal in VGChartz history - all in your honour:D

While it was significantly undertracked, I don't think it was 4 million in the period you describe.  From what I can find, VGC had it at 3 million in the US in December before the NPD numbers came out.  Add in the 720k from Japan that should have been pretty accurate, and you are already within 4 million of that number.

It would also be nice if John Lucas would make his points succinctly.

My memory of the events unfolding january 2010 may be fading, so i'm not gonna say you're wrong. I just remember people being shocked when the numbers came.

Dont know about that, but i'm expecting youtube videos, GIF overload and lots of pictures, and heavy amounts of wrestling rethoric. It'll be great:)

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Before I make my reply to Mummelmann, let me address all the noise on this thread. It's really getting out of hand.
We're gonna start with this reposting of my wall comment to impertinence.

Seece said:

Oh, golden! I see JL has the TIME to talk about .. people calling out his predictions, but doesn't have the time to explain that here.

"johnlucas posted something on impertinence's wall:

Thank you for your words on the UNITY thread.

It's very clear what the point of the thread is but they don't want to see my proclamation come true so they work hard looking for anything to discredit me.

They think by discrediting me, they discredit the possibility of what I proposed.

So if Wii U goes from 4 million to 10 million in the span of a month then my prediction of 12 million is "wrong". But would that make my prediction that Wii U would have a massive turnaround wrong too?

No. I just missed the exact figure by a couple of million or so.

The 12 million by end of 2013 is not even the most important part of the topic.

But that's OK. I look forward to seeing them cluck like hens in the coming months & years.

This UNITY post was ALWAYS a long-range call."

So Johnny boy still thinks 10mill is doable? He has seen the numbers right??? What about when it just about hits 6m Lucas, will your opinion still be that WiiU is about to dominate?

See, I would rather not even address Seece because firstly I told him he is LAST on the address list due to his behavior on this thread.
I will only use what he quoted from my wall post to impertinence to talk to OTHERS about what this means.

No one who read my thread in its entirety can come to the conclusion that it was a 2013-only thread.
They KNEW that it was an 8th Generation thread. It covered the entire generation.
I put milestones to show how the Wii U would come from the gutter & dominate.
I don't have a problem with those who disagree with the specific number of my milestones. We can debate that any day.
But when people try to discredit my entire argument reducing what I said in this topic to a mere sales projection, frankly they come off silly.

Another thing is that today's date at the time of this writing is November 29, 2013.
It is not January 1, 2014, the day after December 31, 2013. So the milestone is not even wrong yet.
Those hounding me on this thread have nothing to say until that date.
Black Friday just happened. The numbers aren't even in yet. The December numbers aren't even in yet.
A lot can happen within a December. No one knows this better than Nintendo.

I put up the hypothetical—say it with me, HYPOTHETICAL—to impertinent that if Wii U sold 10 million instead of 12 million that I would be "wrong" on the specific prediction but that my overall prediction would be "right" that the Wii U made its turnaround.
Nevertheless, I HAVE NOT CHANGED ONE IOTA on my prediction.
Until the day after December 31, 2013, I hold to my 12 million call good or bad.
It ain't over until it's over so I'm not going to entertain calls for me to mea culpa when the data's not even in yet.


Next post.

Fusioncode said:

Numbers are precisely the point! If Nintendo is going to dominate, they're going to need the sales. Where are the sales! The PS4 has them, and the XBO as well. You could make a pretty strong case for either of them dominating this gen. But WiiU?! What does it have? It's been out for a year and hasn't even hit 4 million. That's below even the most pessimistic of predictions. 

LUCAS MADE A SALES PREDICTION FOR THE WIIU. IT WAS WRONG. SIMPLE AS THAT. He was so condident over his predictions. He couldn't even acknowledge the fact that the WiiU might fall short. Which it did, and that's an understatement. Now he's adjusting his numbers to ten million by year's end, which won't happen either. Lucas has refused to come out here and eat some well deserved crow so he deserves to get lambasted.  

What's today's date, Fusioncode?
What's the expiration date on that 12 million worldwide call?

Today's date = November 29, 2013.
Expiration date = December 31, 2013.

How is it wrong when the due date hasn't even passed yet?
My numbers haven't changed. I don't change my predictions.
I go down with the ship or I rise with the tide either way you cut it.

Black Friday is a little later than usual this year because the 1st of November was on a Friday.
That pushed American Thanksgiving to the last week of the month instead of the next-to-last week.
Starting that day & going on throughout December is when videogame sales rise dramatically.
You talk in Past tense "IT WAS WRONG" when we haven't even reached that part of the Future yet.
You can say "IT WILL BE WRONG" if that is your opinion but you cannot say "IT WAS WRONG" because that hasn't happened yet.

December 31, 2013 not November 29, 2013, Fusioncode.
There is no crow for me to eat until after that last day in December.
Funny thing is even if I DO eat a crow feather or two on a specific call, you guys will eat the entire bird the longer the generation goes on.
Don't go anywhere. I want you to stick on me like white on rice when the turnaround is apparent.


Next post.

Einsam_Delphin said:

lol yep, this guy is just another coward. Can't acknowledge his failed predictions and wont even post here anymore.

Won't even post here anymore?
I posted here a few days ago. What are you talking about?
Oh just because I don't post 20 times a day like others here doesn't mean I have abandoned my thread.
I will post on this thread THOROUGHOUT the generation.
My intent on creating it was to foster debate & discussion while countering all the false negative propoganda about Nintendo & Wii U.

There's no coward in John Lucas, you can guarantee that.
My predictions have NOT failed & my topic here is not a one-note prediction to begin with.
I want you to have this same conviction in your beliefs in the next coming years.
And I want you to be here saying the same things you're saying now.
BELIEVE ME, I am going to be throwing your words right back in your face.
I am going to remind you of what you thought in 2013 & compare them to what you say in 2015 & 2016.

In fact I am already right on one of my calls made within this thread during the debates.
I said that Wii Party U would change the trajectory of Wii U in Japan & it HAS.
Wii U is now above the PS3 weekly in Japan & it had a DRAMATIC rise the week Wii Party U came out.
From a range of around 3,000 a week to nearly 40,000 the week Wii Party U came out.

Within this year & the next you will find out ANOTHER of my calls being right that you can check 3DS's trajectory & transformation & apply that to Wii U.
Wii U will follow the path of the 3DS similar to how the success of the DS became the litmus test for the success of the Wii.
Stick around for the long haul, Einsam_Delphin. I will be here.
I'm going to test YOUR courage. Will you make comments like these to me in years to come?


Now that that's done, my next post will address Mummelmann.
Then I will talk to JGarret about the Sean Malstrom article he posted.
The noise will be now be last on the list to debate along with my addressing of Seece.
John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



Oh it's fine, I don't need/want you to answer anything else for me now, thanks :P

10m/12m, you're right. If it hit those numbers it would be doing VERY well.

It won't though, we don't need to wait till Dec 31st to know that. Fact is as me and many others have said your NUMBERS are key to everything in the OP turning out correct. When the numbers fail (they are) your OP fails.

"bu bu but this is a LONG TERM prediction" of course it is, so you can peddle it without thinking people can call you out for years to come. Nope. Fraid you don't get off that easily.

You can call it noise all you like, you don't like it because you know it shows you and your OP up big time. I don't need to post big walls of text to debate with you or this thread, all I need is the cold hard numbers ;)

"In fact I am already right on one of my calls made within this thread during the debates.
I said that Wii Party U would change the trajectory of Wii U in Japan & it HAS.
Wii U is now above the PS3 weekly in Japan & it had a DRAMATIC rise the week Wii Party U came out.
From a range of around 3,000 a week to nearly 40,000 the week Wii Party U came out."

LOL, it's november, it has just had bundles released, and Super Mario 3D, yet you think Wii Party is the cause of the (weak) rise? Oh dear.


johnlucas said:

Before I make my reply to Mummelmann, let me address all the noise on this thread. It's really getting out of hand.
We're gonna start with this reposting of my wall comment to impertinence.

Seece said:

Oh, golden! I see JL has the TIME to talk about .. people calling out his predictions, but doesn't have the time to explain that here.

"johnlucas posted something on impertinence's wall:

Thank you for your words on the UNITY thread.

It's very clear what the point of the thread is but they don't want to see my proclamation come true so they work hard looking for anything to discredit me.

They think by discrediting me, they discredit the possibility of what I proposed.

So if Wii U goes from 4 million to 10 million in the span of a month then my prediction of 12 million is "wrong". But would that make my prediction that Wii U would have a massive turnaround wrong too?

No. I just missed the exact figure by a couple of million or so.

The 12 million by end of 2013 is not even the most important part of the topic.

But that's OK. I look forward to seeing them cluck like hens in the coming months & years.

This UNITY post was ALWAYS a long-range call."

So Johnny boy still thinks 10mill is doable? He has seen the numbers right??? What about when it just about hits 6m Lucas, will your opinion still be that WiiU is about to dominate?

See, I would rather not even address Seece because firstly I told him he is LAST on the address list due to his behavior on this thread.
I will only use what he quoted from my wall post to impertinence to talk to OTHERS about what this means.

No one who read my thread in its entirety can come to the conclusion that it was a 2013-only thread.
They KNEW that it was an 8th Generation thread. It covered the entire generation.
I put milestones to show how the Wii U would come from the gutter & dominate.
I don't have a problem with those who disagree with the specific number of my milestones. We can debate that any day.
But when people try to discredit my entire argument reducing what I said in this topic to a mere sales projection, frankly they come off silly.

Another thing is that today's date at the time of this writing is November 29, 2013.
It is not January 1, 2014, the day after December 31, 2013. So the milestone is not even wrong yet.
Those hounding me on this thread have nothing to say until that date.
Black Friday just happened. The numbers aren't even in yet. The December numbers aren't even in yet.
A lot can happen within a December. No one knows this better than Nintendo.

I put up the hypothetical—say it with me, HYPOTHETICAL—to impertinent that if Wii U sold 10 million instead of 12 million that I would be "wrong" on the specific prediction but that my overall prediction would be "right" that the Wii U made its turnaround.
Nevertheless, I HAVE NOT CHANGED ONE IOTA on my prediction.
Until the day after December 31, 2013, I hold to my 12 million call good or bad.
It ain't over until it's over so I'm not going to entertain calls for me to mea culpa when the data's not even in yet.


Next post.

Fusioncode said:

Numbers are precisely the point! If Nintendo is going to dominate, they're going to need the sales. Where are the sales! The PS4 has them, and the XBO as well. You could make a pretty strong case for either of them dominating this gen. But WiiU?! What does it have? It's been out for a year and hasn't even hit 4 million. That's below even the most pessimistic of predictions. 

LUCAS MADE A SALES PREDICTION FOR THE WIIU. IT WAS WRONG. SIMPLE AS THAT. He was so condident over his predictions. He couldn't even acknowledge the fact that the WiiU might fall short. Which it did, and that's an understatement. Now he's adjusting his numbers to ten million by year's end, which won't happen either. Lucas has refused to come out here and eat some well deserved crow so he deserves to get lambasted.  

What's today's date, Fusioncode?
What's the expiration date on that 12 million worldwide call?

Today's date = November 29, 2013.
Expiration date = December 31, 2013.

How is it wrong when the due date hasn't even passed yet?
My numbers haven't changed. I don't change my predictions.
I go down with the ship or I rise with the tide either way you cut it.

Black Friday is a little later than usual this year because the 1st of November was on a Friday.
That pushed American Thanksgiving to the last week of the month instead of the next-to-last week.
Starting that day & going on throughout December is when videogame sales rise dramatically.
You talk in Past tense "IT WAS WRONG" when we haven't even reached that part of the Future yet.
You can say "IT WILL BE WRONG" if that is your opinion but you cannot say "IT WAS WRONG" because that hasn't happened yet.

December 31, 2013 not November 29, 2013, Fusioncode.
There is no crow for me to eat until after that last day in December.
Funny thing is even if I DO eat a crow feather or two on a specific call, you guys will eat the entire bird the longer the generation goes on.
Don't go anywhere. I want you to stick on me like white on rice when the turnaround is apparent.


Next post.

Einsam_Delphin said:

lol yep, this guy is just another coward. Can't acknowledge his failed predictions and wont even post here anymore.

Won't even post here anymore?
I posted here a few days ago. What are you talking about?
Oh just because I don't post 20 times a day like others here doesn't mean I have abandoned my thread.
I will post on this thread THOROUGHOUT the generation.
My intent on creating it was to foster debate & discussion while countering all the false negative propoganda about Nintendo & Wii U.

There's no coward in John Lucas, you can guarantee that.
My predictions have NOT failed & my topic here is not a one-note prediction to begin with.
I want you to have this same conviction in your beliefs in the next coming years.
And I want you to be here saying the same things you're saying now.
BELIEVE ME, I am going to be throwing your words right back in your face.
I am going to remind you of what you thought in 2013 & compare them to what you say in 2015 & 2016.

In fact I am already right on one of my calls made within this thread during the debates.
I said that Wii Party U would change the trajectory of Wii U in Japan & it HAS.
Wii U is now above the PS3 weekly in Japan & it had a DRAMATIC rise the week Wii Party U came out.
From a range of around 3,000 a week to nearly 40,000 the week Wii Party U came out.

Within this year & the next you will find out ANOTHER of my calls being right that you can check 3DS's trajectory & transformation & apply that to Wii U.
Wii U will follow the path of the 3DS similar to how the success of the DS became the litmus test for the success of the Wii.
Stick around for the long haul, Einsam_Delphin. I will be here.
I'm going to test YOUR courage. Will you make comments like these to me in years to come?


Now that that's done, my next post will address Mummelmann.
Then I will talk to JGarret about the Sean Malstrom article he posted.
The noise will be now be last on the list to debate along with my addressing of Seece.
John Lucas

Lol you are so going to be screwed when the 31st comes around and you are out by millions. 

Seece should just desist already.

Things that need to die in 2016: Defeatist attitudes of Nintendo fans

Dv8thwonder said:
Seece should just desist already.

Yes I'm sure you would love everyone to stop proving the OP wrong and posting the results as they come in weekly, wouldn't be at all different if WiiU was doing well, oh no.