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impertinence said:
Fusioncode said:

Off topic? Responding to Lucas' own sales predictions are now off topic. Lucas expected this domination thing to start already, why else would he write 12 milion WiiUs sold by the end of the year? Where is the domination? Why is the WiiU going to suddenly become the biggest console this gen and kick Sony and MS out of the market. Sony and MS have sales numbers on their side, 1 million consoles sold in 24 hours for both. What about the WiiU? What does it have? 

Ok, so if you insist that it's on topic, do you prefer I call it irrelevant instead? Shortsighted and lacking understanding of the topic? I'm fine with either.

I don't feel I need to answer for John Lucas' own predictions for the path of the market, but I would suspect that he was expecting a much more robust salles boost by now.

Here is the disconnect between me and the rest of you: I realize that even if the Wii U sells 3 million units this year, the overall scenario is still very much possible. John Lucas is predicting an outcome, you guys are arguing scale of numbers. It's missing the point completely.

Or to put it in plain language: If the Wii U sells thorugh 10 million units by the end of 2014 it could still be in a position to dominate the market if the PS4 and XBox One has only sold 3 million each. It's a matter of scale. And as unnecessary as it should be to point out: please don't take this as me predicting anything about the actual sales for any of these consoles.

Numbers are precisely the point! If Nintendo is going to dominate, they're going to need the sales. Where are the sales! The PS4 has them, and the XBO as well. You could make a pretty strong case for either of them dominating this gen. But WiiU?! What does it have? It's been out for a year and hasn't even hit 4 million. That's below even the most pessimistic of predictions. 

LUCAS MADE A SALES PREDICTION FOR THE WIIU. IT WAS WRONG. SIMPLE AS THAT. He was so condident over his predictions. He couldn't even acknowledge the fact that the WiiU might fall short. Which it did, and that's an understatement. Now he's adjusting his numbers to ten million by year's end, which won't happen either. Lucas has refused to come out here and eat some well deserved crow so he deserves to get lambasted.  

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!