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The various sales data we had. The game got past 101k week 3... then more data came in, last number I remember was 190k...

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Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:

The various sales data we had. The game got past 101k week 3... then more data came in, last number I remember was 190k...

So you basically made it up.

Look at the post above yours.

I mean you realise you can't just stay stuff and expect people to believe you right? You've done it three times in thsi thread alone and I've seen it in other threads too.


I've also seen you say weird things about microsoft like they touch you at night.
I know the game definitely has 130k out in the wild.

And the person above me has no more credibility than me. If Im wrong or having a false memory Im incorrect. Simple CreamSugar? Really? Them?

~ Mod edit ~

This user was moderated by TruckOSaurus for this post.

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
I've also seen you say weird things about microsoft like they touch you at night.
I know the game definitely has 130k out in the wild.

And the person above me has no more credibility than me. If Im wrong or having a false memory Im incorrect. Simple CreamSugar? Really? Them?

Like what? I definitely don't think you're in a position to judge, and way to go getting yourself banned.

No you don't know it's at 130k, because it isn't. It's less than 25k in the US to date, and around 7k opening in Japan and less than 5k in the UK.

'Simple Creamsugar' he has NPD data and IS credible, you on the other hand are coming out with random figures as if they have any data backing them.

Simply put, you have nothing.


I told you before, dont get snippy with me or I will cut you.

Juxr like chop liver, boy.

TW101 launched with 15k in the states.

To date was month of release. The game's ecked out past 100k already. We know this.

Do we need a ledger for you to keep track of everything?

Around the Network
Incubi said:

Is it enough to make the Nintendo fans who bought the 3DS invest in WiiU this holiday? If so, Nintendo will sell out completely:)

I think the transition will start this holiday and just keep increasing next year.
They've been warming up 3DS owners to Wii U for a while now.

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
I told you before, dont get snippy with me or I will cut you.

Chop liver boy.

TW101 launched with 15k in the states.

To date was month of release. The game's ecked out past 100k already. We know this.

Do we need a ledger for you to keep track of everything?

Your posts are becoming ridiculous.

It's 25k to the end of October, the last reporting period. There is no proof or evidence it's past 100k, you're just assuming, nothing more. Seriously starting to think you're an alt account.


Seece said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:




I wonder what incentives Platinum are getting from Nintendo?? They must be good as he's still enthusiastic even after 101 sold less than 100k WW?

W101 is terribly underrated, many players consider it to be one of the best games to come out this year, and i blame Nintendo for not marketing this gem enough. was not marketed ATT ALL.



JohannStrauss said:
Seece said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:




I wonder what incentives Platinum are getting from Nintendo?? They must be good as he's still enthusiastic even after 101 sold less than 100k WW?

W101 is terribly underrated, many players consider it to be one of the best games to come out this year, and i blame Nintendo for not marketing this gem enough. was not marketed ATT ALL.



so much like earthbound?

The Wii U is on the market. The PS4 is on the market. The Xbox One is on the market.

The Battle of Armageddon....has finally started.