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Forums - General Discussion - Clinton vs. Obama: Who's gonna win?

I think Clinton's namebrand as well as her popularity is the only thing that will bring the possibility of a woman president this early in history. I don't see another woman, even condoleezza rice, having the possible stamina to get into the White House amongst majority of voters, but despite such an important precedent, I still think we need a leader like Obama in the White House for several reasons:

1. An African American with his mindset will help us become one as a nation and relieve the many tensions that still separate the races and creeds. His name has Muslim qualities, yet he believes as a Christian. Someone like this would be perfect to heal many of our wounds that keep us segregated.

2. His viewpoints, confidence, and way of speech is just what America needs to regain hope in itself in light of all the depressing news. We might can combine together to fix our problems much like we did during World War II.

3. His youth and radical goals are very reminiscent of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy, all presidents that took this country to a new level, and it is about time we had that again.

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"Women belong in the kitchen not in the White House". I believe this statement 100%. I am a chauvinist.

Legend11 said:
The more I see and hear about Obama the more I like him but he would unfortunately make a very easy target for a smear campaign (just based on that poster someone made of him).

 Which poster are you referring to?


I have not been a big fan of ether but if it came down to the choice of life and death I think that I would go with obama, I have never seen any hard evidence that Clinton has ever done anything useful when she was a senator for New York and I don't see her doing anything useful as a president either.

damkira said:
Legend11 said:
The more I see and hear about Obama the more I like him but he would unfortunately make a very easy target for a smear campaign (just based on that poster someone made of him).

 Which poster are you referring to?  (scroll about a third of the way down)

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although I like Obama a bit more, what I really hope for is, that the candidate who gets more votes from people wins

Dark_Lord_2008 said:
"Women belong in the kitchen not in the White House". I believe this statement 100%. I am a chauvinist.

You mean something like... What's Hilary doing running for the White house?


Never mind what was she doing out of the kitchen!



Clinton Holds Lead Over Obama in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Poll Finds

By Karen Leigh

Feb. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Hillary Clinton leads Barack Obama among Democrats in Ohio and Pennsylvania, two of the states she's counting on to halt his momentum in the party's presidential race and regain a lead in convention delegates, according to a Quinnipiac University poll.

Clinton leads Obama 55 percent to 34 percent among likely Democratic voters in Ohio, according to the poll. In Pennsylvania, she has 52 percent to Obama's 36 percent.

The survey was conducted Feb. 6-12, before Obama, a senator from Illinois, swept primaries in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C., and during the period in which he defeated Clinton in five earlier contests.

Clinton, a senator from New York, is targeting Ohio, which holds its primary on March 4. Pennsylvania voters cast ballots April 22.

``Ohio is as good a demographic fit for Senator Clinton as she will find,'' Quinnipiac Polling Institute President Peter A. Brown said in a statement. ``If Clinton can't win the primary there, it is very difficult to see how she stops Obama.''

The poll found Arizona Senator John McCain, the likely Republican presidential nominee, would run a close race with either Clinton or Obama in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. All three are critical swing states in the general election.

McCain is statistically even with both Democrats in Ohio: McCain draws 44 percent support to Clinton's 43 percent, and he has 42 percent to Obama's 40 percent.


In Pennsylvania, Clinton would get 46 percent to McCain's 40 percent if the election were held now, while Obama would get 42 percent to 41 percent for McCain.

McCain leads either Democratic candidate in Florida by 2 percentage points, a result within the poll's margin of error.

McCain holds an edge among self-described independent voters if his opponent is Clinton in all three states. The margin narrows if Obama is the Democratic nominee, according to the poll. For example, Florida independents favor McCain over Clinton 44 percent to 36 percent; McCain's lead with that group with Obama in the race is 40 percent to 38 percent.

Quinnipiac, based in Hamden, Connecticut, surveyed 1,748 Ohio voters with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.3 percentage points (including 564 Democrats with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points), 1,419 Pennsylvania voters with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.6 percentage points (including 577 Democrats with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points), and 1,009 Florida voters with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

To contact the reporter on this story: Karen Leigh in Washington at .

Last Updated: February 14, 2008 09:01 EST


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Legend11 said:
The more I see and hear about Obama the more I like him but he would unfortunately make a very easy target for a smear campaign (just based on that poster someone made of him).

It would take more than a Borat knockoff to sway voters. Even Jewish leaders are debunking the Muslim myth in force. The main problem Hillary is facing is - she has big contributors but few small fries. Obama does. And even with Obama's slim delegate lead, he's in the driver's seat and shunning her invites to debates. ROTFL ... pundits are talking about how he has been through enough debates.

Hillary is soooo desperately searching for a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. And she's finding none. Leaders adjust and adapt. Hillary's not.

I was watching shows and commentators talk about how Va. was gonna go Clinton ... and when she got the news, she bailed to Texas. Not Wisconsin, but Texas.

I'll put her in the same camp as HD DVD - it could rebound but it seems rather unlikely.

Legend11 said:
damkira said:
Legend11 said:
The more I see and hear about Obama the more I like him but he would unfortunately make a very easy target for a smear campaign (just based on that poster someone made of him).

Which poster are you referring to? (scroll about a third of the way down)

Unfortunately, people seem to think a candidate's religion is a vital issue but Obama is a Christian, just like most of the US. He is a member of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

The "Hussein" thing has already been widely reported throughout the media and has probably reached its saturation point. I don't think someone's middle name is very important. I don't think Obama has ever even met Saddam Hussein and that is the surname of the king of Jordan as well.