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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Former MSFT manager raped a janitor lady in his office - NSFW

So transparant, why on earth would you waste so much energy hating a company is beyond me Dallas.

The incident is sad but there are bad people at every company, so you're basically asking people to boycott spending their money entirely.

You're using this poor persons rape to further whatever "agenda" you have.


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Soleron said:
dallas said:


You look for people that aren't creeps, that aren't socially awkward, [...]These kinds of people tend to force sex on others a bit less. 

I literally cannot believe you believe that.

Why?  That's standard practice

dallas said:
I think that this is horrible, and bc this deals with something that is pretty bad, I'd like to remind the forum to keep its comments constructive and respectful towards the victim. thanks

I get what ur saying and I think that those convicted should be punished to the maximum extent that the law allows.

Having said that your last few words really stood out for me. I understand that it is very likely that the guy is guilty and that she was a victim but we shouldn't treat it as such by default until it is proven in court. Last time I checked there was a presumption of innocence. Seems to apply to most cases but when it comes to rape allegations most people tend to assume that the person making the allegation of rape is the victim by default even before they know all the facts.

Imagine hypothetically for a moment that the guy is innocent. Would he then not be the victim? The stigma associated with being accused of rape even if the charge is quashed in court is a lifelong one. 

Just saying there could potentially be other factors. I just hope that justice is served either way.



dallas said:
Soleron said:
dallas said:
Soleron said:
The Microsoft connection isn't relevant (they are a huge employer and this is inevitable) so why did you post it here?

If the mods want to move this to the General forum, then I could care less.  The important thing isnt so much Microsoft, but rather that we are being responsible consumers, which means an active consumer.  If people voiced their displeasure at this kind of thing, then MSFT, Sony, and all the rest would make it uncomfortable for the small number of creepy people that want to work at these companies.

There is absolutely nothing MS or Sony can do, even if they wanted to. They already do background checks, but it obviously doesn't find people who haven't done it yet. Are you saying you can tell whether people are going to rape other people just by looking at them?

Yes, and such assessments are usually the point of the behaivoral portion of the interview.  You look for people that aren't creeps, that aren't socially awkward, that seem sharp enough to do the job, that seem like somebody you would want to work with, etc.  


These kinds of people tend to force sex on others a bit less. Have I answered everything for you, or do you just want to argue?

lol, there are plenty of criminals who don't exhibit those behaviors.  for example, bankers. lol

Branko2166 said:
dallas said:
I think that this is horrible, and bc this deals with something that is pretty bad, I'd like to remind the forum to keep its comments constructive and respectful towards the victim. thanks

I get what ur saying and I think that those convicted should be punished to the maximum extent that the law allows.

Having said that your last few words really stood out for me. I understand that it is very likely that the guy is guilty and that she was a victim but we shouldn't treat it as such by default until it is proven in court. Last time I checked there was a presumption of innocence. Seems to apply to most cases but when it comes to rape allegations most people tend to assume that the person making the allegation of rape is the victim by default even before they know all the facts.

Imagine hypothetically for a moment that the guy is innocent. Would he then not be the victim? The stigma associated with being accused of rape even if the charge is quashed in court is a lifelong one. 

Just saying there could potentially be other factors. I just hope that justice is served either way.

Sure, I still like to draw a hard line though, I would think that this kind of attitude would discourage future events.  

Thanks for the thoughtful post.

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you surely have a personal problem with this company. you really post everything about microsoft as long as it is negative damn...

and no, the "good" threads about them when you mention that they grew some percent are not positive when the whole reason for those threads is to implement google numbers which were even better.

IS IT KASHMIR??????????????????????????????????????


crissindahouse said:
you surely have a personal problem with this company. you really post everything about microsoft as long as it is negative damn...

This was done by an employee of the company, NOT  Microsoft itself.  Therefore, you can't really blame them.  


However, I want these big companies in general to draw a hard line so i'm gonna be tough on them to keep further similar incidents like this from happening.

If dallas had made this thread in the gaming forum on NeoGAF it would have been locked within 15 minutes and he would have had his posting privileges revoked. Actually he probably wouldn't even have gotten to this point as he would have been banned months ago if not longer.

I realize that the mods can't be here 24/7 but some kind of system needs to be put in place so that the same people can't just keep on creating what amounts to trash threads as the majority of them having nothing to do with gaming and really don't offer anything besides trolling members and other viewers of the forum.

Legend11 said:

If dallas had made this thread in the gaming forum on NeoGAF it would have been locked within 15 minutes and he would have had his posting privileges revoked. Actually he probably wouldn't even have gotten to this point as he would have been banned months ago if not longer.

I realize that the mods can't be here 24/7 but some kind of system needs to be put in place so that the same people can't just keep on creating what amounts to trash threads as the majority of them having nothing to do with gaming and really don't offer anything besides trolling members and other viewers of the forum.

didnt I say that this has nothing to do with MSFT, but was a former employee?   The shocking thing about this was that it happened on the MSFT campus, and I hope to god that Balmer will never let him work there again.  

Be reasonable, sir.