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Forums - General Discussion - A Muslim writes about Jesus - Is This The Most Embarrassing Interview Fox News Has Ever Done?

ListerOfSmeg said:
ultima said:

No, the gospels contradict themselves. A lot. They also contradict a lot of the scrolls that didn't make it into the bible; and there's a lot of inter-contradiction within those manuscripts. The upshot is, the bible simply cannot be true.

Because it was written by different people with different opinions in different ages it simply cant be true.. Thats not only a silly reasoning but it shows a complete lack of understanding on how society can change. My God dude you are on an internet forum where few people if ever agree 100%.

I guess in 1000 years Sony couldnt have ever existed because not everyone has the exact same opinion about them....

I'm talking about fallacious contradiction. You're using the word contradiction very loosely if you consider two people disagreeing (as in subjective opinions) to be contradiction. The different books of the bible contradict each other's recounts. This means that if you accept one to be true, then the other MUST be false.

That said, my comment was in response to the previous commenter claiming that the gospels make perfect sense. That's simply not true.


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Meh, I have seen much worse from Fox News. They are asking the questions that their viewers want to ask.

(And are given the answers that they need to hear.)

ListerOfSmeg said:

Actually scientific data does point to a world wide flood as it has been documented that so far under the soil on any given part of the planet checked so far that there are signs of water and lifeforms only present in water.

While I wont disgree everything in the bible is not fact, you dont really know enough to make those claims as your one and only example is completely wrong.

Most of the stories in the Bible predate the Bible by a good bit. It was not a book written at one time but over hundreds, thousands of years.

Considering the Bible acurately dipics how the world and universe begain. i think its a bit silly to dismiss it as complete fiction or that the people in it are real and a part of history but the events must be fake

God said let their be light and bam.. We now call that the big bang.

The Earth was void and without form.. We know the Earth formed over billions of years as dust particles combined together to make a spot that once looked void and formed a planet.

We know there was a world flood but that story actually predates Christianity and many other religions by a few thousand years.

A man having heard that there was once a man that God made live forever went in search of the man to see if it was true. After a long travel he finally met the man that was immortal and he asked him what he did to become immortal.He explained that the creator came to him and tasked him with creating a vessel to help arry his creatures in as a great flood was coming. However this man would not be able to buid it within his lifetime so the creatortold him that to ensure it was built the man would no longer die.

Wrong.  Creationism believed the Earth was the center of the universe, and that everything, including the Sun revolved around it before science proved that the Earth orbitted the Sun, that our Solar system is not the center of the Universe, but instead a system in an arm of a galaxy that is far the center of the galaxy and further still from the center of the universe.   Creationism does not account for plate techtonics.  The Earth according to Creationism was is the same as it was when God formed it.  Oh, and Creationism doesn't account for a planetoid body crashing into the Earth creating the Moon.  Creationsim does not account for evolution.  Revisionistic Creationism is cute, but I grew up prior to it and I'm well aware of what Creationism is. 

Watched the full interview and it was obvious she didn't read his book and was making assumptions based on her own biased opinions to criticize what she believed was his biased opinions. Pretty much confirmed as soon as he said " It says I'm a Muslim on page 2 of my book."


ListerOfSmeg said:
MDMAlliance said:
ListerOfSmeg said:

Actually scientific data does point to a world wide flood as it has been documented that so far under the soil on any given part of the planet checked so far that there are signs of water and lifeforms only present in water.

While I wont disgree everything in the bible is not fact, you dont really know enough to make those claims as your one and only example is completely wrong.

Most of the stories in the Bible predate the Bible by a good bit. It was not a book written at one time but over hundreds, thousands of years.

Considering the Bible acurately dipics how the world and universe begain. i think its a bit silly to dismiss it as complete fiction or that the people in it are real and a part of history but the events must be fake
Absolutely no science says the Bible accurately depicts how the world and universe began.

God said let their be light and bam.. We now call that the big bang. 
... Are you trolling? Because that makes no sense.

The Earth was void and without form.. We know the Earth formed over billions of years as dust particles combined together to make a spot that once looked void and formed a planet.
The Bible says the Universe was made in just a couple of days.  Including Earth as we know it and life as we know it.

We know there was a world flood but that story actually predates Christianity and many other religions by a few thousand years.

A man having heard that there was once a man that God made live forever went in search of the man to see if it was true. After a long travel he finally met the man that was immortal and he asked him what he did to become immortal.He explained that the creator came to him and tasked him with creating a vessel to help arry his creatures in as a great flood was coming. However this man would not be able to buid it within his lifetime so the creatortold him that to ensure it was built the man would no longer die.

You know, almost every single one of your comments you have ever made seemed ridiculous.  I'm not even sure if you're being serious.

Am an thousands of years ago with limited understanding was given a dream. In that dream he saw the Earth form, and life being. Did it ever accure to you that a creator with half a brain would show him all this in a time lapse style dream or make him dream for 7 billion years to see something he wont even comprehend most of...


See you lack vision. You cant think outside the box. YOu are limting the idea of a creature to the limits of human beings.
If you want to call people stupid or suggest their claims are untrue whatever, at least have some proof to back it up. You cannot. we all know the bible wasnt written by God but by people with limited understanding of science or the universe.

 AS if someone from 2000 years ago or more had the mental capacity to comprehend billions of years...LOL keep being convinced you got all the answers... Its just going to be funny when you find out how completely wrong you are and how little you actually know..

Wont be responding again to you. So please dont bother commenting back.

You have nothing but insults to offer any way and its pointless to argue with a child convinced of their own superiority when they actually have zero knowledge or understand of the subject

You must be trolling. The ONLY insult I threw your way was "are you trolling?" 

You can't ask me for proof when what you want proof of is me pretty much saying that you don't have proof.  It simply doesn't make sense to ask for proof of proof.

Honestly, your grammar and spelling is bad enough for me to not even be able to fully understand what you are even trying to say.  You are arguing against points I didn't make.

edit: I should point out the "proof of proof" comment means that I was pretty much saying there isn't proof and ListerofSmeg is asking I use proof.  That doesn't make sense.

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After seeing the full interview there seems to be paradox in Aslan's views.

He says he is a Muslim, but does not believe in the entirety of the Quran. Example is when he says Jesus was definitely killed/crucified, but the Quran says he wasn't.

I know this is has nothing to do with his book. Just putting it out there.

Fifaguy360 said:
After seeing the full interview there seems to be paradox in Aslan's views.

He says he is a Muslim, but does not believe in the entirety of the Quran. Example is when he says Jesus was definitely killed/crucified, but the Quran says he wasn't.

I know this is has nothing to do with his book. Just putting it out there.

He can't be Muslim simply because there are some disagreements with him and some of the other Muslim community?  

Just watched the full interview. I just love the part where he schools her (the second page thing).
Has Fox really become this clueless, ignorant and obnoxious?


LemonSlice said:

Except now NintendoPie will tell us we all fell for his trap.

This whole thread is a trap.

Just look how it's turned up.

mrstickball said:
Adinnieken said:
Mr Khan said:
happydolphin said:
I know this thread is about bad journalism, but after having watched the daily show interview posted by seth, it goes to show how off you can be when you reject the bible's account...

Jesus didn't defy the roman empire, he defied the Jewish stranglehold on the Judaic tradition. He was crucified as an outlaw though he never defied the state, that's because he was crucified for reason of Jewish persecution, not roman hostility...

When a scholar of two decades can't appreciate that subtle difference, you know the world is going to shit.

Having not read Dr. Aslan's account, I would suggest that it is in the interests of the Bible Writers to present an account that painted the Jewish establishment in something of a bad light as Christianity was the new claimant to the Abrahamic tradition, and at the same time to at least paint a neutral picture of the Romans (lest the Empire drop the hammer on the religion in its infancy, and so that Roman citizens would be less inclined to reject the Christian message for patriotic reasons).


People read the bible believing it is a factual account.  It isn't.  The Great Flood, for example, didn't happen.  It's a story that is common in the middle-eastern region and has its origins in Mesopotamia long before even biblical scholars can attribute it to happening in the biblical time-line.

There are historical facts in the bible, but the bible isn't a true historical document.

New Testament is a bit different, though. There are 20,000 manuscripts that have been found and utilized to make up what we read today. Between the 20,000 source manuscripts, there is almost no variance between them, aside from translation differences between the languages they are written in. They all say the same thing about Jesus, and the writings thereafter by Paul, Peter, and the writers of the Gospels.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find any document from antiquity that is even close to that kind of relaibility - even the works of the historical scholars that make up our understanding of the ancient world. Even then, the 3rd party, non-religious accounts of Christianity agree with what the NT says, where the statements are available.

Having said that, a book writen by a Muslim on Christ is going to be heavily biased against Christ's claims. Much in the same way if a Christian wrote about Mohammed.

I disagree slightly. Muslims believe Jesus to be a prophet of God, born without a father, had miracles. The holy Quran has a chapter after the name of the mother of Jesus peace be upon him. A muslim is not a muslim if he does not believe in Jesus as prophet. Quran praises Jesus a lot. So, a Muslim writing a book on Jesus will not be biased although it may not be the same version as yours. A muslim will never write bad about Jesus. 


On the contrary, Christians don't believe in Muhammad peace be upon him to be Messenger of God after Jesus. So, a book written by a christian on Muhammad may be biased.