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Forums - Politics Discussion - Trayvon Martin not an innocent kid! George Zimmerman not a racist!

Baddman said:
hmmm id like to know how all you guys know trayvon attacked zimmerman first...when zimmerman is the one who approached him armed with a gun off safety and bullet already in the chamber....still trying to figure out how trayvons past has anything to do with zimmerman following him with a loaded gun already cocked off safety....seriously i am disgusted at how people try to bring that shit up like it justifies anything that happened

the Kel-tec PF-9 does not even have a safety

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nuckles87 said:

I find it hilarious that people who weren't their and didn't know either person personally want to make judgements.

This isn't a movie and you people aren't Judge Dredd. The jury got the full rundown on everything that happened, and the only reason why Zimmerman got off was because the prosecution reached too far. Had they gone for manslaughter, Zimmerman would have gotten 20-25 years due to Florida's "10-20-Life" policy. The jury said they would have convicted him of that. Frankly, I think that would have been enough justice for Martin. The real bad guy here is the NRA and the Florida government, and their "stand your ground" bullshit.

Neither were saints, but NONE OF US ARE. Maybe Trayvon could have run away instead of fight. Maybe Zimmerman could have retreated instead of "stand his ground". Maybe they could have just talked. We don't know and we never will. That doesn't mean we get to make uneducated judgements about either person.

at bolded: even though "stand you ground" had nothing to do with this case. right

ListerOfSmeg said:
Kazus said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
Kazus said:
Chris Hu said:
Bill Whittle is a asshole anything he says is right wing propaganda paid for by the Koch Brothers. Also George Zimmerman had more of a violent past then Trayvon Martin.

What I was going to say in a nutshell. BIll Whittle is worth no one's time and if you actually do your own research Zimmerman was more than looking for trouble and is the main reason this tragedy happened. Nobody told him to get out the car and assume that Trayvon Martin was up to trouble, no matter the circumstances. He had no reason to play "hero", let the police do their job.

He had every reason to protect himself and his property. he was a captain in neighborhood watch. You do know the whole neighborhood agrees to that right? Meaning he was there by the community asking him to be.


This has to be the stupidest argument yet.


He should have let the little theif rob everybody and go about his business because he is black you are not allowed to question him....Its just laughable and makes no sense at all.

Neighborhood WATCH captains are suppose to WATCH the neighborhood and report any suspicious activity to the police. Being a Neighborhood watch doesn't give you permission to be a vigilante (oh click that for one of many good reads about your buddy Zimmerman). Additionally, neighborhood watches can be voted in any kind of scenario, like he could have volunteered himself and everyone else in the neighborhood could care less to let him do it (which I believe is what happened based on all these good reads I'm about to link you to). So don't act like this is some royal honor. 
Zimmerman also has been already proven to have racial tendacies and multiple encounters with police over "suspicious" people in his neighborhood (aka Black people) AND to top it off, he's been racist towards other races as discovered from his old Myspace account and had previous brushes with the law

So everything you just said is extremely wrong and I suggest you do your own research before quoting me ever again and read up with all those great articles I got you. You might be able to make more informed posts in the future.

Reading is fundamental, kid.

Now you are just making stuff up to jsutify your racism or hate. Neighborhood watch has the right to WATCH. EVERYONE in that neighborhood decided it was okay. They wanted it done.


Its not vigilante to shoot an attacker. Thats not even a valid argument here

Insults are the sign of a less intellectual mind. If you were intelligent enough to make a valid point, you wouldnt need to resort to insults in order to feel you won the argument or to tear down the cred of the other person because you lack the intellect to argue your point validly.

I see you are very ignorant of the facts

Even the facts I stated in my first post are lost on you. I have not seen or read half the stuff you are making up.


You keep on trying to justify your racism. Just dont repsond to me with your ignorance any more.

You posted no facts. Just a bunch of BS with nothing to back it up and act like its fact,,


Yes a Racist will often run to the aid of the race he hates as Zimmerman did for a black homeless man. He stood up to the police of all people against a race he so hates... Idiot. That one fact, and that is a FACT, google it if you can figure out how.

One thing I really hate is an ignorant fool calling others ignorant for not beleiving their made up lies and BS

Treyvon was scum who got what he deserved. I'd do the exact same thing of some POS drug dealer theif attacked me.

Wow....I don't even be Black in America is a sin

Black Women Are The Most Beautiful Women On The Planet.

"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi

Max King of the Wild said:
keroncoward said:

What about Zimmerman's unrelated violent past? How come that is not evidence. I find it funny you are so focused on painting a innocent picture for Zimmerman. I guess only certain people's criminal records are taken into consideration. Anyway im done with you, i will agree with you that Zimmerman was a saint and call it a rest.

He doesn't have a violent past. He got arrested once for pushing a cop and the charges were dropped. But again, lets spread lies and misinformation to try to make someone guilty. I didn't say he was a saint, though his neighbors of all races pretty much painted him out to be... the people who knew him personally, but you havent provided evidence to the contrary. There is no arrest or police report to go with the restraining order of his ex which to me just says bad break up... and I would see how considering they were engaged. If there was domestic abuse you would expect the prosecution to dig it up. But they couldn't. If there really was domestic abuse his ex would have been called by the prosecution. But she wasnt. Your not done because you want to stop arguing with me because you think Im wrong. You are done arguing because you have no leg to stand on. No facts to support your claims.

What about the domestic violence charges that where later on droped by his girlfriend Zimmerman is far from the saint the right wing media made him out to be.

Chris Hu said:
Max King of the Wild said:

He doesn't have a violent past. He got arrested once for pushing a cop and the charges were dropped. But again, lets spread lies and misinformation to try to make someone guilty. I didn't say he was a saint, though his neighbors of all races pretty much painted him out to be... the people who knew him personally, but you havent provided evidence to the contrary. There is no arrest or police report to go with the restraining order of his ex which to me just says bad break up... and I would see how considering they were engaged. If there was domestic abuse you would expect the prosecution to dig it up. But they couldn't. If there really was domestic abuse his ex would have been called by the prosecution. But she wasnt. Your not done because you want to stop arguing with me because you think Im wrong. You are done arguing because you have no leg to stand on. No facts to support your claims.

What about the domestic violence charges that where later on droped by his girlfriend Zimmerman is far from the saint the right wing media made him out to be.

People like you and keron should refrain from commenting on this matter. Its obvious niether one of you have any facts right. There were no domestic abuse charges. There was no police report or incident report of domestic abuse either. It was a bad break up that resulted in both parties getting a restraining order. The prosecution never even tried to get that into evidence like they did with the resisting arrest charge because there wasnt anything there. They probably got into a huge fight and insulted each other which is enough for a restraining order

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ShadowSoldier said:

Wow....I don't even be Black in America is a sin

Wow... that's the most racist thing I have ever read. Just because he was a thug doesn't mean he is black. This just happens to be the case for trayvon

Jumpin said:
The guy armed himself, and then shot to death. Whether or not

Took out the factual incorrect statements of your post.... I don't understand your post now. Makes no sense.

No duh there where no domestic charges I said in my post they where later on dropped by his girlfriend.  Also you don't have to have a criminal record in order to have a history of domestic violence.  There are plenty of people out there that raped and abused women and never have been prosecuted for what they have done.  Keep on worshipping saint Zimmerman all you want.  The fact remains his past was just as shady as Trayvons.

Max King of the Wild said:
Dark_Lord_2008 said:

If only Zimmerman ignored Martin, not stalk/follow him and shoot him. Martin would still be alive and right now playing his PS3 or XBox 360 or doing whatever he likes to do as a normal teenager. Zimmerman clearly over reacted and used excessive lethal force.

What trayvon liked to do was get into fights, steal jewlry, deal drugs, look to purchase a handgun illegally and abuse drugs. Thats far from being a normal teen. But fuck, lets pretend that it is appropriate for 17 year olds because the media says so

Actually, I don't think the media says so... Was that even mentioned by mainstream media?

The BuShA owns all!

Yeah when I saw he wrote that I was like....really. He deserves to get shot in the chest and bleed to death in the street?? one deserves that man.....judgements aside about him being a drug dealer (if it's even true).