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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Owner Poll - What's the most important for you to buy a game?

iclim4 said:
twesterm said:
iclim4 said:
definately C.

I'd play a 2d sprite animated game, with broken gameplay if the story is good enough.

So you like FFVI then? (and I can say that because it's by far my favorite game even though the gameplay is bad)

Unfotunately I havent played it yet, I did plan on picking up the GB version for my DS.
which one would you recommend the ps1 version or the GB version?

right now im hooked on Phoenix Wright games...
thats how important the story in a game is to me

Oh, and for FFVI:  GBA > SNES > PS1 version.  Unless you want ridiculous load times and hideous cut scenes, avoidt he PS1 version at all costs.   I may catch some flak for saying the GBA version is best, but IMO games should be played with their correct dialog.  The music quality is a bit worse, but not bad.  

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naznatips said:
iclim4 said:
twesterm said:
iclim4 said:
definately C.

I'd play a 2d sprite animated game, with broken gameplay if the story is good enough.

So you like FFVI then? (and I can say that because it's by far my favorite game even though the gameplay is bad)

Unfotunately I havent played it yet, I did plan on picking up the GB version for my DS.
which one would you recommend the ps1 version or the GB version?

right now im hooked on Phoenix Wright games...
thats how important the story in a game is to me

Oh, and for FFVI: GBA > SNES > PS1 version. Unless you want ridiculous load times and hideous cut scenes, avoidt he PS1 version at all costs. I may catch some flak for saying the GBA version is best, but IMO games should be played with their correct dialog. The music quality is a bit worse, but not bad.

Then you'd prefer the original? It has the correct dialogue, less consistent for nomenclature of spells/enemeies and so on. But the dialogue is more legit in the original. 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.


No, the dialogue was incorrectly translated for the SNES version.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

GooseGaws said:

No, the dialogue was incorrectly translated for the SNES version.

"Edgar still remarks how the esper seemed to react to Terra, despite the fact that Edgar wasn't there when said reaction was taking place. Or, another example, Terra says that Edgar talked to her about Locke, when of course this discussion did not take place. If the goal was a complete ‘retranslation' of the text, they should have fixed those little ‘Opps!' too."

Quoting a gamefaqs review. The dialogue isn't corrected---it was just retranlasted. No changes other than stylistic ones. Like Locke saying "Call me a thief and I'll rip your throat out" to "Calling me a thief? Now that's just rude", and so on.

EDIT: and I'm not saying a gamefaqs review is my source for this info, I was just quoting it because it captures what I'm trying to say succinctly. 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

naznatips said:
iclim4 said:
twesterm said:
iclim4 said:
definately C.

I'd play a 2d sprite animated game, with broken gameplay if the story is good enough.

So you like FFVI then? (and I can say that because it's by far my favorite game even though the gameplay is bad)

Unfotunately I havent played it yet, I did plan on picking up the GB version for my DS.
which one would you recommend the ps1 version or the GB version?

right now im hooked on Phoenix Wright games...
thats how important the story in a game is to me

Oh, and for FFVI: GBA > SNES > PS1 version. Unless you want ridiculous load times and hideous cut scenes, avoidt he PS1 version at all costs. I may catch some flak for saying the GBA version is best, but IMO games should be played with their correct dialog. The music quality is a bit worse, but not bad.


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Right, but those stylistic changes make all the difference. Locke is more of a gentlemanly character, the romantic in the cast. Having him threaten to rip someone's throat out doesn't exactly fit that tone.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

GooseGaws said:

Right, but those stylistic changes make all the difference. Locke is more of a gentlemanly character, the romantic in the cast. Having him threaten to rip someone's throat out doesn't exactly fit that tone
For me he was a thief, and a bitter one at that (lost the woman he loved), not a "romantic character". 

Also the classic "Son of a submariner" line is gone

Ultros is "Orthos"

And so on. Whether you prefer the changes or not is up to you, however, I've been used to the original for years and years. So changing it seems almost as bad as an author rewriting characters dialogue/personality and announcing the new book is "better".

But, if you've never played the original, it won't bother you. It doesn't really bother me, either; it's just that that (and the slightly superior music) are what tip the scales ever so slightly in the SNES versions favor in my mind. 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.


Really? He's always trying to protect the women in the story; first Terra, then Celes. I think the changes were to preserve the original intent of the dialogue. If you look around on the web, I'm sure you'll find some article threatening to kill Ted Woolsey for his "abhorrent" translation job.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

As Goose is trying to explain, that is the correct translation. It was originally poorly translated. It wasn't translated to the original intentions of the writers, and I prefer to preserve the original script as much as possible. The GBA version does that far better. Sorry if you were slightly disillusioned about Locke, but he was never meant to be a hardened battle warrior, he was meant to be the debonair champion.

naznatips said:
As Goose is trying to explain, that is the correct translation. It was originally poorly translated. It wasn't translated to the original intentions of the writers, and I prefer to preserve the original script as much as possible. The GBA version does that far better. Sorry if you were slightly disillusioned about Locke, but he was never meant to be a hardened battle warrior, he was meant to be the debonair champion.
Being a roguish thief was personally my interpration of Locke. I don't think there are any ''debonair champions'' in FF6, to be honest.  And, like I said, I think it's all a matter of perspective which translation was better. And as far as I'm concerned, the original has more personality, and as I explained, I've been used to it forever.
Would you turn down an old friend because all of a sudden their was a new friend who was the "correct version" of your friend?


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.