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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Video game with the best story.

Half Life. Best. Story. Ever.
Then Metal Gear Solid


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schattenwolf86 said:
Kayanator said:
Anyone who doesn't say MGS2: SoL doesn't know intelligent, philosophical and deep storytelling.

 Intelligent and deep storytelling I can get into, but when philosophy comes in, I'll just start going "Blah blah blah" in my head.  I took one philosophy course in school so far...the hardest course I've ever taken (and thats saying something considering the nightmare that Organic Chemistry was).

I know it's old, and Wiki took it down...but they did allow a philosophical section to be added to the article, and we all know Wikipedia is always right, lol

My top three are as follows, and there is no explanation needed they are damn near self evident. Knights of the Old Republic, Bioshock, Mass Effect. Each have deep engaging stories, laid out in deep universe, with verdant back story introduction.

Knights of the Old Republic has to be one of the greatest literary twists of all time. You being the heroic character only to find out that you were also the ultimate evil. That moment of clarity recasting the entire game up until that point in a different light. The implied irony of your relationship with Carth and Bastilla. Then you get to watch your savior plunge into the pit of depravity. All of this in a expanded universe vulgar with detail. The story was so well written that even the foreshadowing was perfect, and yet you were so engrossed you didn't see it coming. Thats ignoring the richness of dialog, and the path system giving that certain satisfaction.

Bioshock. Yet again another wonderfully written twist. The minutia spread around the world filling up a wonderful back story. Your characters origins, destiny, and the sheer depravity of the events going on is as eye catching as it is bleak. Utopia collapsing in upon itself in response to the basest of human instincts greed. Two villains facing off over control over a dying world, and ironies of ironies they are both your father. The one that brought you into existence, and the one who's genes you carry. Both trying to kill you along the way. The story gives new meaning to the term dysfunctional family.

Mass Effect. You know there is a deep story around the corner when the developer is having you unlock dictionary entries for the universe they have conjured up. Then to unravel as you go along that the entire universe is an elaborate trap, and your a new age Cassandra passing out prophecies for future doom and gloom with nobody believing you. By the time your done its so much more satisfying, and the dialog you get to weave into the story is truly wonderful

Final Fantasy 7
Metal Gear


I'm amazed by the detail put into the Mass Effect universe. It's incredible.

Eternal Darkness also had a great, interesting story.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

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Xenosaga 1-3
Chrono Trigger
Eternal Darkness
Shadow Hearts Covenant
Final Fantasy X
And maybe i am the only one, who really liked Halo for its story.

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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the games that I have played that I think have a great story include
in no particular order

Chrono Cross
Grandia 2
Suikoden 5
Star Ocean 3
Tales of Abyss
Skies of Arcadia

Systems I own (Games)

Sega: Dreamcast (40) , Saturn (25), Genesis (50), Masters System (10), Game Gear (20)

Sony: PS1 (8), PS2 (60) , PS3 (5), PSP (12)

Atari: 2600 (18) , 7800 (10), Lynx (10)

and yes of course Xenogears. that story blew my mind.

Lately, Uncharted had a pretty good storyline. Fire Emblem games are pretty good too.

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SMG and Kirby 64 are the best Story