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Forums - Sales Discussion - "Sony cut the PS3 price twice" line is getting old... Read and find out why

""And as far as BC, look through my posts. I have ALWAYS - ALWAYS said I'd never buy a PS3 without it. Guess what? I paid like $30 total to have that 40gb PS3 shipped to me. And in the end, I still got what I wanted - a PS3 with full BC.""

==> 40gb with full B, can u explain to me ?

(I m interested in BC too)

Time to Work !

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@ NJ5 )

and Sony managed to cut the production costs by an abnormal high rate and an abnormal high pace , try to spin that

@ totalwar23 )

I think the reason for this thread is ,that when someone says "the PS3 is selling quite well now" the first reaction he/she gets is "yea and it only took 2 price cuts to get there".

@ topic )

I don't think it matters how many price cuts there were , because as the most expensive console the PS3 naturally had more potential for price cuts , which is a slight advantage , but ofcourse it came with the huge disadvantage of the high initial price tag.

@ FishyJoe )

is there any meaning behind your posts other then to anger and ridicule PS3 owners ? if there is one , then plz tell me , for I'm seemingly too blinded a "fanboy" to see it

 ah yea Sqrl , plz don't answer for fishy , because I want to hear it from himself

PS3 60gig 20 gig 600-500 20 gig gets whacked! 60 gig drops to 500 new 80 gig sku 600 with software emulation no emotionchip and a free game motorstorm maybe a movie to! 60 gig gets dumped with emotion chip bc on all games outta the box new nuetered sku 40 gigs no B/C or does it have software emulation????? 80 gig drops to 500 4 skus too drops and one real in expensive new sku which is looked at as a price drop or a ball less PS3! ,

360 HAS 20 GIG SKU AND CORE 400-300 RESPECTFULLY! 1yr before other systems out hd graphics and hi end gaming begins the days of 480i/p are over! Elite with hdmi and 120 gig sku $480. 3 sku's MS drops pro sku from 400 to 350 adds hdmi and hdmi cable drops core sku to arcade sku adds memory card and games drops price to $280 anad adds hdmi output also Halo sku with is a green Pro system with hdmi out!

wii one sku but maybe were hoping to see on with more balls like dvd playback and more storage for downloads!

360 at launch cost about $550 to make sold for $400 150 saving to consumer sold at a loss yes we know rrod but witha 3 year warranty is a safe bet.

PS3 at launch 60 gig sku cost close to $880 to make and was sold for $600.00
$280 loss to sony to sell consumer get $300 worth of free hardware

Wii cost about $200.00 to make $50.00 profit per machine. consumers go wild because it stil way more affordable then the other 2 brands and it takes noobs like grandma and grandpa into the gaming field just swing or bowl grandma!

I would like to play grandpa at halo Id kick his arse just like all the wii fan boys wouldnt have a chance either!

for that matter make it a racing game on wii or ps3 or 360 your mine Grandpa Pownage! LOL

steven787 said:

Sorry for sounding dumb, but what were the three Xbox360 price cuts?

Arcade/Core was 299, now 279.
Premium was 399, now 349.
Elite was 479, now 449.

That is really one price cut. If you want to count it as three than you have to count the PS3 cuts.

60gig 599 to 499
20 gig 499 to 399


60 to 80 gig HDD would be a price cut. And 20 to 40.

Both have had numerous cuts in Japan.


Edit: For the record, this is an argument over symantics. And my post is only meant to point out that it is just an excuse to get out the flame throwers.

Oh I agreethere is an issue of semantics here, and said so back when the argument first came up months ago.   But just because the argument arises from a difference in semantics doesn't mean that there isn't a difference between the two positions beyond that. 

Essentially there was a difference of opinion based on whether you viewed the PS3 as one product  or if you wanted to look at each SKU.

But really there is no single SKU that has recieved two price cuts and the "one product" view reveals that the only change was made in October when the price was cut by $100. 

To Each Man, Responsibility
Around the Network
Lafiel said:

@ FishyJoe )

is there any meaning behind your posts other then to anger and ridicule PS3 owners ? if there is one , then plz tell me , for I'm seemingly too blinded a "fanboy" to see it

ah yea Sqrl , plz don't answer for fishy , because I want to hear it from himself

Uhm...ok...why would I?

To Each Man, Responsibility
Sqrl said:
steven787 said:

Sorry for sounding dumb, but what were the three Xbox360 price cuts?

Arcade/Core was 299, now 279.
Premium was 399, now 349.
Elite was 479, now 449.

That is really one price cut. If you want to count it as three than you have to count the PS3 cuts.

60gig 599 to 499
20 gig 499 to 399


60 to 80 gig HDD would be a price cut. And 20 to 40.

Both have had numerous cuts in Japan.


Edit: For the record, this is an argument over symantics. And my post is only meant to point out that it is just an excuse to get out the flame throwers.

Oh I agreethere is an issue of semantics here, and said so back when the argument first came up months ago. But just because the argument arises from a difference in semantics doesn't mean that there isn't a difference between the two positions beyond that.

Essentially there was a difference of opinion based on whether you viewed the PS3 as one product or if you wanted to look at each SKU.

But really there is no single SKU that has recieved two price cuts and the "one product" view reveals that the only change was made in October when the price was cut by $100.

 Sqrl, I respect you, but I think you missed my point...  Most of the posts are fanboy raving, and the even the OP is really just an attempt to "explain" the real situation to trolls.  Other than that, the whole subject just doesn't matter.

Oh, and sorry for spelling semantics wrong.  I was running Symantec PC anywhere earlier... and I spelled that wrong too.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Sqrl said:
DOATS1 said:
what makes you think i'm a sony fanboy?

 Your statement that the PS3 is public enemy #1 on this site. 

Sure there are more Wii fanboys here than PS3 or 360 but you will have a very hard time making a serious argument that there is some conspiracy against the PS3 going on behind the scenes.  At best you could make a case that there are times when Wii fanboys get off their leash and need to be reigned in, but that happens on all sides of these issues.

ok, first, i'm not a sony fanboy. just because i prefer the ps3 and choose to defend it while it get's attacked doesn't make me a fanboy. that term gets thrown around like a cheap hoe nowadays. i enjoy games on every platform, which is why i don't commit to one platform. but like somebody before me said; everybody has a slight bias to one platform. mine is the ps3.

i said ps3 is public enemy number 1 on this site, because i honestly think it is. nothing to do with conspiracies. i just think it is. that gives you no right to call me a "fanboy". i'm allowed an opinion and i'm going to use it. it's not like i think my console is god, like certain console owners on his site.

now, i'm not saying everybody that doesn't have a ps3 has a beef against it. but some people are just ridiculous on this site.

like the OP said, the price cut excuse, and the let's wait until...excuse, are just getting tired. just like the wii is a fad, and rrod is getting tired. today is a new year. NONE of those excuses are excuses anymore. so give it a bloody rest.

@ FishyJoe

Have you come into this thread to do anything else beside spam and take it off topic? Your disdain for the PlayStation 3 should not affect your duty as a mod, and right now, you are not acting like one.

Is that line getting old because Sony is planning on cutting the price a third time?

The Ghost of RubangB said:
1: Stop making shooters. Please. You're not Valve or Free Radical.
2: Stop trying to force photo-realism down my throat until you can get out of the uncanny valley. Work on style and presentation instead of just pixels and bloom.
3: Try something weird and new, and hope we like it.

You'll cut costs way more than you cut revenue, and thus increase profit.