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steven787 said:

Sorry for sounding dumb, but what were the three Xbox360 price cuts?

Arcade/Core was 299, now 279.
Premium was 399, now 349.
Elite was 479, now 449.

That is really one price cut. If you want to count it as three than you have to count the PS3 cuts.

60gig 599 to 499
20 gig 499 to 399


60 to 80 gig HDD would be a price cut. And 20 to 40.

Both have had numerous cuts in Japan.


Edit: For the record, this is an argument over symantics. And my post is only meant to point out that it is just an excuse to get out the flame throwers.

Oh I agreethere is an issue of semantics here, and said so back when the argument first came up months ago.   But just because the argument arises from a difference in semantics doesn't mean that there isn't a difference between the two positions beyond that. 

Essentially there was a difference of opinion based on whether you viewed the PS3 as one product  or if you wanted to look at each SKU.

But really there is no single SKU that has recieved two price cuts and the "one product" view reveals that the only change was made in October when the price was cut by $100. 

To Each Man, Responsibility