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Sqrl said:
DOATS1 said:
what makes you think i'm a sony fanboy?

 Your statement that the PS3 is public enemy #1 on this site. 

Sure there are more Wii fanboys here than PS3 or 360 but you will have a very hard time making a serious argument that there is some conspiracy against the PS3 going on behind the scenes.  At best you could make a case that there are times when Wii fanboys get off their leash and need to be reigned in, but that happens on all sides of these issues.

ok, first, i'm not a sony fanboy. just because i prefer the ps3 and choose to defend it while it get's attacked doesn't make me a fanboy. that term gets thrown around like a cheap hoe nowadays. i enjoy games on every platform, which is why i don't commit to one platform. but like somebody before me said; everybody has a slight bias to one platform. mine is the ps3.

i said ps3 is public enemy number 1 on this site, because i honestly think it is. nothing to do with conspiracies. i just think it is. that gives you no right to call me a "fanboy". i'm allowed an opinion and i'm going to use it. it's not like i think my console is god, like certain console owners on his site.

now, i'm not saying everybody that doesn't have a ps3 has a beef against it. but some people are just ridiculous on this site.

like the OP said, the price cut excuse, and the let's wait until...excuse, are just getting tired. just like the wii is a fad, and rrod is getting tired. today is a new year. NONE of those excuses are excuses anymore. so give it a bloody rest.