Oh so there was no Exclusive deal with Soma then?
Oh so there was no Exclusive deal with Soma then?
shikamaru317 said:
Nope. Here's the statement from Frictional Games' Thomas Grip: “The reason is rather simple: We simply do not have the resources to develop for both [PS4 and Xbox at the same time]. We have never done a game for console before, so it felt like a too big of a risk to support both. Why Sony? Because we reached out to them first and they were really quick to respond and easy to deal with, so we decided to go with them. An Xbox One version after release is very much a possibility though.”
Ah great makes sense and was 1 of few games I was sad wasn't coming to X1.
HOLY SHIT !!could you imagine the melt downs if true..
I wont mention what it is as its a potential e3 spoiler.
I would love this to be true if only to see the reactions on the internet...hahahaha.
78 consecutive days with achievements! I think I can reach 120 days without any problem.
Witcher 3 could end this streak though! I'm playing it on death march difficulty and my progress is very very slow. It can't help that I decided to play every side mission, that I can complete with my current level, before completing the main missions. I spent more than ten hours in this game and I only got three achievements.
What a game! really really great. The side mission are fun also.
The only problem I have with this game is the very long loading time after you die, and I die four to five times every mission!
This website's current state could not handle a MS exclusive like that.
https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png%5B/IMG%5D">https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/SliferCynDelta"><img src="https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png
I know Slade , it would be utter chaos .not sure about that price tag though ...seems like a lot of dosh .
? New thread? Would someone be so kind as to what is transpiring? Keep in mind I haven't been active as of late.
" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay
shikamaru317 said:
The short version: Jay got in trouble with the mods and got permabanned, so Slade is creating a replacement thread. |
Or... I might just use this one. Trucks talked about transferring OPs.
Might be a good way to attract the old users. It's just been difficult since the departure, and maybe if I can bring this thread back to life, other people might come back.
Plus, I'll be honest, discussion on this site has truly sunk the last few days. I hope it gets better, but I'm not holding out.
https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png%5B/IMG%5D">https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/SliferCynDelta"><img src="https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png
Versus_Evil said:
Yep, had the same issue when I first become part of the preview program. You need a new xbox I'm afraid, should have warranty ? When you signed up you kinda were told what might happen. |
So this happened cause I became a preview member and it's not fixable? I don't ever remember being told this would happen. I thought they ment I might get a buggy dashboard or something.
Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)
halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)
x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.
Do the controllers have the newest firmware? Maybe updating them via USB will help?
Solution 6: Make sure the controller is up to date
If your controller is not up to date, you may be missing important software updates, including the latest controller firmware. Follow these steps to update your controller:
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