For me im very hyped, specially since stuff hasnt leaked this year
maximrace said: Lol no hype wtf. There is like more hype than previous years |
Where? Most gaming sites even youtubers are very weak compared to other years.
GamechaserBE said:
Here. I don't care about random youtubers or gamesites, the only hype that counts is hype among the gamers themselves and there is lots of hype to be found amongst Xbox gamers.
maximrace said:
Their is really not so much here :s.
Last year was weak aswell but we even atleast had an 30 day countdown thread with floor plans hype trains and all:
Years before we had so much hype going on that we had 50 day countdown threads with even pictures of the advertising around the E3 city going on...
This year feels like 'Hey guys E3 is coming again.......hurray?'
There might not be as much hype flying around the net at the moment but compared to last years i'm really looking forward to E3, i was really hyped for the show before I even owned an X1 :)
Maybe there doesn't feel as much hype around the forums due to lack of sales updates and for the PS and Nintendo guys not expecting as much as us Xbox lot.
Then you aren't looking because I know almost everybody of xbox empire is hyped for E3 and especially msft conference
GamechaserBE said: |
Now i cant speak about other websites since i dont visit a ton, but VGC in general is much more inactive compared to previous years. So on VGC yeah there isnt going to be as much commotion.
Actualy I'm pretty hyped for this year's E3. The games I know that will be there are my most anticipated for this year and next year. Games like Halo5, Mass Effect4, Gears4, Forza6 along with Scalebound and possibly Crackdown. Windows 10 integration and a few surprises. This year won't dissapoint imo.
I hope they show a new perfect dark at E3 and halo wars 2
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