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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

maximrace said:
Guys just stop the bitching on both sides please. Also to get it out of the way, with what I know you really shouldn't expect much on the Japanse front at msft E3.

Expected, first spencer E3 (like they like to say) showing his taste. 

Around the Network
gooch_destroyer said:
I guess we're on the "Why Japanese devs aren't putting games on Xbox" discussion again, huh?

We? You love this don't you">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
gooch_destroyer said:
I guess we're on the "Why Japanese devs aren't putting games on Xbox" discussion again, huh?

We? You love this don't you  

lol well.


But seriously, If you bought the XBO expected JP support then I don't know what to say...

They must not want to play them that badly if they won't swallow they're pride and buy a PS3, Vita, PS4 or a 3DS or Wii-U.

TiagoCosta said:
maximrace said:
Guys just stop the bitching on both sides please. Also to get it out of the way, with what I know you really shouldn't expect much on the Japanse front at msft E3.

Expected, first spencer E3 (like they like to say) showing his taste. 

*showing the taste of most Xbox fans

I mean, whatever they will show, it will probably sell more as a JRPG they would show (except some FF) would sell. If it will sell more, doesn't that mean it's is also the taste of more people? 

crissindahouse said:

*showing the taste of most Xbox fans

I mean, whatever they will show, it will probably sell more as a JRPG they would show (except some FF) would sell. If it will sell more, doesn't that mean it's is also the taste of more people? 

A true winner tries to win new buyers, like you know.. to win. 

Around the Network
TiagoCosta said:
crissindahouse said:

*showing the taste of most Xbox fans

I mean, whatever they will show, it will probably sell more as a JRPG they would show (except some FF) would sell. If it will sell more, doesn't that mean it's is also the taste of more people? 

A true winner tries to win new buyers, like you know.. to win. 

A true winner understands financials and how to invest properly. 

Not that MS represents that with their terrible marketing deals and so on but still^^

I mean, let's just discuss numbers ok? I can't tell how often I heard that JRPGs sold 60s, then I look at maybe 5m sold JRPGs on 360 (exept FF) and wonder where all the guys are who bought a 360 only because of that.

crissindahouse said:
TiagoCosta said:

A true winner tries to win new buyers, like you know.. to win. 

A true winner understands financials and how to invest properly. 

A true winner understands how more consoles sold = more sofware, live and hardware sold. 

That's where the money is at. 

TiagoCosta said:
crissindahouse said:

*showing the taste of most Xbox fans

I mean, whatever they will show, it will probably sell more as a JRPG they would show (except some FF) would sell. If it will sell more, doesn't that mean it's is also the taste of more people? 

A true winner tries to win new buyers, like you know.. to win. 

But they are trying...

gooch_destroyer said:
TiagoCosta said:

A true winner tries to win new buyers, like you know.. to win. 

But they are trying...

Maybe is US and UK, but not in the rest of the world.

Price drop is nowhere to be seen.

TiagoCosta said:
crissindahouse said:

A true winner understands financials and how to invest properly. 

A true winner understands how more consoles sold = more sofware, live and hardware sold. 

That's where the money is at. 

Maybe you should get a job at MS if you know that investing in games which will all together sell a few millions on XBO will bring the big money?

Btw this is only about the games, I totally agree with you if it comes to marketing, price decisions and so on...they could easily be bigger in Europe if they wouldn't be like "no advertisement" or "advertisment which is like a bad joke". Only XBO ad I remember from Germany was with two football players from a hated club (well, for many, many also love them) where you could barely understand what they even say.