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Ori and the blind forest is a great game, imo, the best platformer released on any console in a long, long time.
Kinda makes me wish the fluidity and motion / general physics, was the same in LBP.

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TiagoCosta said:
Kerotan said:

Have you a source? 

Just saying. Spencer loves pc.

Sorry I thought you meant he released a lead as in hinted at it. 

shikamaru317 said:

I think SO might come to PC eventually, maybe as soon as this Holiday season when Windows 10 releases.

Based on the gameplay I'm seeing I think it could work on controller, left stick movement, right stick aim, left bumper decrease speed, left trigger increase speed, right trigger basic attack. I only see 4 skills slots, which they could bind to the 4 face buttons. You could open up the power management windows with the right bumper, and use the right joystiq to choose which category you wanted your power in. I think that covers all of the controls, so they could make it work I think. I hope MS gets with Yager and convinces them to port it to Xbox One, if not at release then definitely after release. Definitely looks fun, kind of reminds me of STO space PVP, but more balanced.

I'd like to also see what they could do if they add Holo Lens into the mix, I've always liked AR over VR (I don't mind it but I prefer AR for it's charm).

It would be interesting if MS made special flight type sticks perhaps for it but I'd imagine it going good with the gamepad, I'd also hope they allow rebinding keys because that doesn't seem to be a thing much these days with most games =/.

I reckon MS will contact them sometime this year, they already have ED going for them along with Space Engineers, I think MS are doing good at the moment with trying to court space games so far, adding Dreadnought to the list will bolster the consoles library and allow more users to get into new exciting space games.

I'm not exactly a fan of Star Citizen (Chris Roberts rubs me the wrong way at times) but that game also looks amazing though I can't say that's a game I'd play let alone the price I'd have to pay in hardware.

Speaking of Space I decided to buy into space engineers to give it a whiz, grabbed Ori and Besiege, I reckon Besiege could also work well on the XB1, especially with Holo Lens for that sort of thing with it's charming style of graphics.

Also grabbed Titanfall finally on the Origin store since after some calculations the Deluxe version (the only one left as they deleted the 9.99 standard edition from their database) would just cost me around £12, snagged it and got the DLC for free and was surprised that after people claiming it's servers were dead that I could hop into a game without issues and do this for hours so far, still a great game and the only one of it;s kind with this style of gameplay.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Tachikoma said:
Ori and the blind forest is a great game, imo, the best platformer released on any console in a long, long time.
Kinda makes me wish the fluidity and motion / general physics, was the same in LBP.

Give Max: The Curse of Brotherhood a try as well. I found it to be an excellent platformer that plays unlike anything in the market.

In a good way. Expect no handholding, head crackring puzzles and nice graphics.

Goatseye said:
Tachikoma said:
Ori and the blind forest is a great game, imo, the best platformer released on any console in a long, long time.
Kinda makes me wish the fluidity and motion / general physics, was the same in LBP.

Give Max: The Curse of Brotherhood a try as well. I found it to be an excellent platformer that plays unlike anything in the market.

In a good way. Expect no handholding, head crackring puzzles and nice graphics.

I have it / completed it already.

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I'm playing Ori right now and an update just went out. 48mb.

Anyone who says Titanfall is dead has not actually played the game as of late. I can get into a match without issues, with usually roughly 3,000-4,000 players online at that moment. Just because it doesn't pull Halo, Cod, and Bf numbers doesn't mean it's dead.

shikamaru317 said:


I I hadn't heard about Besiege before you mentioned it. Must be really good, it has a perfect 10 average on Steam with over 6,000 ratings 0_0


Yeah from the looks of the gameplay on channels like Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and Game grumps (countless others too) it looks like a fun game where you use your imagination like you would for Minecraft, I can definitely see that being a good hit with Xbox with phil goes for it, that type of game is something you could pour hours into and still have fresh fun with.

I also just noticed the same guys behind Space Engineers also made Medieval Engineers and it;s looking amazing already with the way the phsyics work and how your creations crumble.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

shikamaru317 said:

Didn't the Titanfall DLC contain new campaign missions on each map, or am I mistaken? If so, how do you actually play them? When I tried the campaign playlist it just randomly put me into a campaign mission from the base game, there was no option to select a campaign mission like there used to be.

I'm pretty sure  the dlc didn't contain any campaign missions. It drops you into a random campaign mission, it's been like that since I got the game last sept. 

smroadkill15 said:
shikamaru317 said:

Didn't the Titanfall DLC contain new campaign missions on each map, or am I mistaken? If so, how do you actually play them? When I tried the campaign playlist it just randomly put me into a campaign mission from the base game, there was no option to select a campaign mission like there used to be.

I'm pretty sure  the dlc didn't contain any campaign missions. It drops you into a random campaign mission, it's been like that since I got the game last sept. 

Yeah I did notice when I was playing attrition on the VR map that a cutscene played out that was longer than the usual drop off a plane type cutscene, that doesn't count as one though right?, it feels like it;s just a different intro sequence.

As far as I can see the dlc just looks like multiplayer only maps.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"