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game should run with 60fps on both consoles even if there would be twice as much stuff going on. Capcom really seems to have no money anymore if they don't even invest enough to let a bad looking game run good...

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shikamaru317 said:
TiagoCosta said:

Brothers is so annoying to control..

And it made my 360 crash right before the end of the chapter I was playing :|

I didn't have too much issue with the controls, though I've heard that quite a few people have issues with them. I did find a few sections difficult though, notably on the 4th level when the swinging mechanic is introduced. No crashing issues for me either. 

I died right before the end of chapter 1, the younger brother can't swim..

then it crashed while loading. :( Couldn't continue at all, always crashing so I had to start the chapter over.

@Jaywood: he got the stands in game shops some are exclusive to a shop. Don't ask me witch one.

If I am right Aaron Greenberg retweeted his pictures and he is giving away some stands today aswell with some value cards for Xbox.....All you have today is follow him and favourite one of his last tweets + Retweet :).


GamechaserBE said:

@Jaywood: he got the stands in game shops some are exclusive to a shop. Don't ask me witch one.

I found them, but they dont have the Sunset Overdrive one anymore :/  I got the Masterchief Collection one though :)  Ill have to keep an eye out for that company

If anybody does run into the SUnset Overdrive one though, let me know xD


jlmurph2 said:

Runs better on Xbox One.

Well then that is interesting.  Not sure if ill get it though.  Never really got into the Resident Evil franchise.  Going to try 4 and see if i like it, then ill go from there.


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What type of game is Diablo 3 ?
and please don't troll by giving a link to wikipedia.

A dungeon crawler RPG

Angelus said:
A dungeon crawler RPG

Oh thanks

Samus Aran said:
roborad said:

tbh, I just ignored arkham origins. 

Arkham Origins is like Prime Hunters. Best ignored.

Not sure what you mean. I liked Origins. It was good. More of the same if there was a knock. 

Great to get confirmation.

Also, interesting to get velocity on Xbox. That dev basically only did ps games, with that said, I'm not interested.