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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

He definitely hints at third party exclusive while avoiding the question, for this year already.

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shikamaru317 said:

Phil had some interesting conversations on Twitter today. Here's the rundown:

-Hasn't thought about BC in awhile, said it would take alot of work to turn it into a working game.
-Hinted at a possible Hearthstone release on XB1.
-Said they hadn't announced a release window for Quantum Break yet, said they want to give Remedy enough time.
-Said some news might come before E3.
-Said there are Xbox One exclusives releasing this year that they haven't announced yet.
-Said he hopes Rocksteady does The Punisher next after Batman.
-Said he thinks working with outside studios is a good thing because alot of studios don't like being owned by a bigger company.
-Said they have no plans to bring back Amped.
-Declined to answer a question about Halo Wars 2 (which seems to suggest that it may be in the works, or else he probably would have shot it down)


Just listened to the all thing, great interview.

darkenergy said:

Is this Japan?Only asking just in case :-p

Ya it's a shot of Tokyo with Mount Fuji in the background. Would be an awesome setting. City streets of Tokyo, and those killer slopes on the mountain which are some of the craziest driving roads in the world. Yes please.


Besides, it's only fair. 1 was in the US, 2 in Europe, let's give the far east some love

just bougnt max for $3.
hope its good.

Around the Network
MoHasanie said:
kinisking said:
got 1000gs in shadow of mordor.Cant wait for a sequel :D

How long did it take??

like 37 hours in game i think, not too bad.  Loved every second (:

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:
darkenergy said:

Is this Japan?Only asking just in case :-p

Ya it's a shot of Tokyo with Mount Fuji in the background. Would be an awesome setting. City streets of Tokyo, and those killer slopes on the mountain which are some of the craziest driving roads in the world. Yes please.

Besides, it's only fair. 1 was in the US, 2 in Europe, let's give the far east some love

Might even sell decently in Japan if they set it there.

Ya but that's just a happy coincidence, this is about what why I want!

You know I'm too selfish to consider the interests of others. MS should appease me first and foremost. The things I like are better than what other people like, and as soon as everyone starts accepting that the better off we'll all be

kinisking said:
MoHasanie said:

How long did it take??

like 37 hours in game i think, not too bad.  Loved every second (:

Awesome. 40 hours is the perfect length for a game (including getting all the achievements). 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

roborad said:
just bougnt max for $3.
hope its good.

Its worth around that much. Its an okay game but mainly cuse the achievements are quite easy to get. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Angelus said:

Ya but that's just a happy coincidence, this is about what why I want!

You know I'm too selfish to consider the interests of others. MS should appease me first and foremost. The things I like are better than what other people like, and as soon as everyone starts accepting that the better off we'll all be

We all know bud, don't need to remind us

Edit: Site's a broken mess, but "things I like are better than what other people like" is underlined">"><img src="