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Slade6alpha said:

QB being 2016 is no big deal IMO... They already have a stacked Holiday lineup. 

Forza, Halo, Gears?, and Tomb Raider. 

Not to mention all the multiplats and unannounced E3 games. 

Yeah looking at the rest of the lineup I think it'll be alright if QB skips 2015.

I know I'm definitely getting Halo 5, and I enjoy racing sims so I'm more than likely gonna get Forza 6 as well. I also promised Jay that I'd give Gears another shot should a Remastered Collection come out, so if that ends up being real then I guess I'll be getting that too xD

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So are we going to be getting a RARE reveal at GDC? Maybe Tomb Raider too.">"><img src="

RavenXtra said:
Slade6alpha said:

QB being 2016 is no big deal IMO... They already have a stacked Holiday lineup. 

Forza, Halo, Gears?, and Tomb Raider. 

Not to mention all the multiplats and unannounced E3 games. 

Yeah looking at the rest of the lineup I think it'll be alright if QB skips 2015.

I know I'm definitely getting Halo 5, and I enjoy racing sims so I'm more than likely gonna get Forza 6 as well. I also promised Jay that I'd give Gears another shot should a Remastered Collection come out, so if that ends up being real then I guess I'll be getting that too xD

I'm getting Forza 6, Halo, TR, and will give Gears another shot. Along with a ton of multiplats. That doesn't even include my future Wii U or PS games">"><img src="

Would like to get a Forza Horizon game in South America. There are way too few games in South America except maybe some Tomb Raider like games.

kinisking said:
got 1000gs in shadow of mordor.Cant wait for a sequel :D

How long did it take??


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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TiagoCosta said:

Horizon 3 confirmed.

Forza Franchise

Aaron started off by confirming that Forza Motorsport 6 will ship this year. While no exact release date was given, Greenberg did say that Forza was an annualized franchise from this point on. There was some confusion about the release date of Forza 6 when it was first announced. Many assumed it would come out in 2016. Racing fans will be pleased that they will get to experience a new title every year from now on.

Forza 2016 might not be horizon 3.

It could be the rumored forza "dirt" rally racing game or a different spin-off of forza.

Angelus said:
shikamaru317 said:
Hopefully they'll pick a good setting for Horizon 3.

Is this Japan?Only asking just in case :-p

Proud to be a Californian.

darkenergy said:
Angelus said:

Is this Japan?Only asking just in case :-p


shikamaru317 said:
roborad said:

Forza 2016 might not be horizon 3.

It could be the rumored forza "dirt" rally racing game or a different spin-off of forza.

Rally sounds boring to me. Give me a Kart racer or give me Forza Horizon, lol.

If it is horizon 3, I hope to god they don't rush it to deliver the game within 2 years time.

But I do agree, Horizon 3 would rock my world.

That Evolve commercial is great