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QB won't come out this year, confirmed.

Around the Network

Greenberg commented on the fall line up already announced and didn't mention QB.

Ka-pi96 said:
I hope they have something else this year instead then. The only Xbox exclusive this year that I'm looking forward to now is Halo 5

yup, besides ori... the difference being I'm not big on halo.

shikamaru317 said:
Hopefully they'll pick a good setting for Horizon 3.

Angelus said:
shikamaru317 said:
Hopefully they'll pick a good setting for Horizon 3.

day 1.

Around the Network

No QB this year? Can't say I'm surprised...maybe a little disappointed. I'll continue holding out hope though!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

shikamaru317 said:

More 3rd party exclusives is always good, MS will need 3rd party exclusives over the next few years since their 1st party is still smaller than Sony and Nintendo. 

So no Samaritan XB1 exclusive then. It had better be multiplat at least, not PC exclusive.

MS might as well buy out Platinum and Remedy and things should be awesome from there :)

QB being 2016 is no big deal IMO... They already have a stacked Holiday lineup. 

Forza, Halo, Gears?, and Tomb Raider. 

Not to mention all the multiplats and unannounced E3 games.">"><img src="

Conegamer said:
No QB this year? Can't say I'm surprised...maybe a little disappointed. I'll continue holding out hope though!

there's hope...


edit - although it does say 'expected to release in 2015' at the bottom....hmmmm

He mentioned conker.

(and banjo, jetpac, battletoads)