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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

GamechaserBE said:
maximrace said:
I would buy a nextgen mass effect trilogy day one. Man imagine the beautifull ME universe in better graphics


Don't have a game pc :P

Around the Network
Angelus said:
Damn can't have sex with Garrus. He's your bro. You don't have sex with your bro. That's just wrong.

I have video evidence to back me up! XD

All this Mass Effect love...soon...soon...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

José Teixeira is Portuguese btw, respect.

Guys can someone really tell me what is xbox app a competition service to steam?

Around the Network

Witcher 3 preview sneak peek.

I just want to state this.

Ashley > any other Mass Effect character. I will accept no other answers :P


Ka-pi96 said:
FrontlineJaguar said:
Guys can someone really tell me what is xbox app a competition service to steam?

Why don't know yet. There isn't enough information to say it's competition to steam.

With Xbox App are they making a store similar to steam like your only way to download fable legends or it is that the game will be available on Steam as well.

Ka-pi96 said:
FrontlineJaguar said:
Ka-pi96 said:
FrontlineJaguar said:
Guys can someone really tell me what is xbox app a competition service to steam?

Why don't know yet. There isn't enough information to say it's competition to steam.

With Xbox App are they making a store similar to steam like your only way to download fable legends or it is that the game will be available on Steam as well.

That's what we don't know. Could be either still.

Thanks for the help

Versus_Evil said:
JayWood2010 said:
I just want to state this.

Ashley > any other Mass Effect character. I will accept no other answers :P

The most boring character in the game? Id choose Kaiden over here everytime and he's quite frankly the keanu reeves of characters lol.


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