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I would prefer that it takes place alot later, when humanity has started rebuilding and a new enemy appears.

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JayWood2010 said:
daredevil.shark said:

Didnt all locust died at the end of gow 3? But we know developers can make interesting story for ther reapperance. Just like infamous second son "good ending" where conduits are supposed to be dead.

Lots of questions remain.  Like why was Adam Fenix helping the queen?  What was on the disc he gave Baird?  What were the locust?  Why was the Queen part human? Honestly i wouldnt rule out them being man made and Adam enix has something to do with that. Remember the Sires in labs.  Fast forward a few years or decades and they could emerge again

Yeah. I am also curious about it. Especially locust queen's appearance. If she was human before then I wont be surprised. Just like "kerrigan" from starcraft.

Halo 5 added 34k on the new preorder chart. Not bad for a game that's a year out from a franchise that isn't what it used to be lol

Angelus said:
Halo 5 added 34k on the new preorder chart. Not bad for a game that's a year out from a franchise that isn't what it used to be lol

lol we get threads like that about every halo game made.  Just ignore them.  The beta has had exceptionally great responses btw xD


Angelus said:
Halo 5 added 34k on the new preorder chart. Not bad for a game that's a year out from a franchise that isn't what it used to be lol

After having played the first two weeks of the beta, I'm already sold on the game. 

Matchmaking, even at this stage, works great and the gameplay is super tense and fine-tuned.  Maps are a huge step over Halo 4's as well.  Eden is an instant classic, imo, and the new forge looks incredible. 

I put in my pre-order a few days ago.  :)

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Angelus said:
Halo 5 added 34k on the new preorder chart. Not bad for a game that's a year out from a franchise that isn't what it used to be lol

Yea that whole "Halo is Dying" is crap and Halo 5 has serious potential to be one of the best in the franchise  based off the Halo 4 campaign and Halo 5 beta.

Gears has lot of unanswered questions just like Jay said I want a sequel or a game taking place during e-day would be great but I don't want anything like judgment which is a glorified horde mode.

daredevil.shark said:
Just a random question guys. In which time do you want the new gears take place? At E-day? Or later? I prefer E-day because it will be great to see war from that perspective.

I honestly need to replay them all, but they have many directions they can go. If I had to pick one I would say sequel.


Swery wants players to have options.

D4 Director Hidetaka "Swery" Suehiro recently shared his thoughts on developing for the Kinect, voicing some strong opinions about how he believes developers need to challenge themselves to create games using input devices other than controllers.

Speaking with Gamasutra, Swery explained that Kinect was not the motivator for the creation of the motion-controlled D4. Rather, it was simply the primary input device he decided to use.

"It wasn't because of Kinect that I made D4; Kinect is just a device I used with it," he said, later adding that he hoped people who owned an Xbox One with Kinect would give the game a try, but didn't expect it to be a reason why people would purchase the peripheral. 50% 50% / cover no-repeat;">

However, according to Swery, it's important that developers try to create games using more than just basic controllers as input devices.

"I do think developers need to challenge themselves more in terms of input devices. There's a sort of idea that goes around that says 'well you know, this input device isn't very popular and not a lot of people have it, so we shouldn't use it,'" he said.

"I think that's kind of stupid, because if people keep thinking that way then we'll be stuck with the same kinds of controllers for decades to come. I think we should be more creative about the ways we allow players to interact with and control their games."

Swery's most recent release D4 allows for the use of either a controller or Kinect, with unique controls for each. To learn more, read IGN's review of D4.


I apologize for the format, it looks better when I edit it... And definitely agreed with Swery, something I really want from this gen is new experiences.">"><img src="

Versus_Evil said:
So lets talk the Walking Dead season 2 episode 3... I've never been so god damn angry playing this game before! I didn't think you could have this many ****s in one place at one time. My Clem is going to be a stone cold killer at the end if this episode! I'll make damn sure of that. /RAGE

I'm intrested to know your choices for the last episode. The finale is really crazy.