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This Fan Made Xbox One All Stars Battle Royale Roster Is Truly Impressive, Features Major Nelson & Others




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JayWood2010 said:
I got FC4 Friday for PS4. Ive played literally about 30 minutes. Loved those 30 minutes :P but i really did get a bit addicted to Halo 5 this weekend.

oh and sorry to Arch Adonias for leaving btw. I was in party and my friend wanted to play. I also have a rough time playing with people if i cant communicate with them. I kind of go into commander mode when playing

Wow. I didnt knew you own PS4. Kudos.

I wouldn't buy a Smash kinda clone for Xbox, I don't like it :P

Xbox Kart tho, yeah.. I would!

daredevil.shark said:

This Fan Made Xbox One All Stars Battle Royale Roster Is Truly Impressive, Features Major Nelson & Others




If they make a Smash Bros like game using xbox characters I would get it if they make one  

Also what is up with people supporting a Kart like game and choosing it instead of a Smash Bros like game?

Proud to be a Californian.

For some reason Mario Kart sells more than Smash.

My experience with smash is buying the game, playing 2/3 time and never touching it again(I find the game boring and meh to play). Mario Kart is a blast to play, quite fun online.

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shikamaru317 said:

Well, looks like Treyarch is releasing Black Ops 2 this year instead of WaW 2. Star Wars Battlefront just gained several spots on my hype o meter, as much as I'll dislike the Battlefield elements they're more than likely destroying my beloved Star Wars Battlefront with, I'll need a 2nd shooter to play later this year in addition to Halo 5, and since WaW 2 isn't happening I guess that'll have to be Star Wars Battlefront since no other good multiplayer shooters are rumored for 2015 at this time. So I guess congratulations DICE, you are not only going to succeed in destroying a beloved franchise of mine, you're also going to succeed in getting me to buy it day 1 : /


shikamaru317 said:
GamechaserBE said:
shikamaru317 said:

So have any of you guys played Terraria? I've been going through and watching the popular TotalBiscuit/Jesse Cox co-op playthrough of Terraria from a few years ago and I have to say it looks right up my alley, I honestly think it looks better than Minecraft (which is highly overrated imo). The only things holding me back from getting it are the fact that it looks alot more fun co-op than solo while I have nobody to play it with, and the fact that I missed it when it was on sale for $12 last week.

In what way exactly?

I don't know, Minecraft just never really interested me. I've watched several Minecraft videos on Youtube and I still have no idea if there's anything to the game besides building and going into others completed worlds to see what they look like. There are a few Minecraft servers that interest me, the Star Trek servers and the Middle Earth servers for instance, but honestly it just doesn't seem like there's all that much to Minecraft, kind of shallow gameplay honestly. I honestly have no idea how Minecraft got so popular if all there is to it is building and visiting others worlds, LBP and Project Spark let you do that but they do it with better graphics at least.

On the other hand I've been watching these Terraria videos and it looks more interesting to me. It has similar bulding mechanics (albeit in 2D instead of 3D) but it has an RPG like progression system where you can make gear to upgrade your stats, and there are all kinds of secrets to find and bosses to fight. Looks interesting to me.

-It has an experience system =p

With gear to upgrade some stats/abilities

Protection: Damage from the environment (such as falling) is converted to armor damage.
Fire Protection: Damage from fire is reduced.
Feather Falling (Boots only): Damage from falling is reduced.
Blast Protection: Damage from blasts is reduced.
Projectile Protection: Damage from projectiles is reduced.
Respiration (Helmets only): Increases length of time able to breath under water. Also reduces suffocation damage.
Water Affinity (Helmets only): Mining speed under water is increased.

Sharpness: Mobs take more damage.
Smite: Zombies, zombie pigmen, and skeletons take significantly more damage.
Bane of Arthropods: Spiders, cave spiders, and silverfish take significantly more damage.
Knockback: Mobs and other players are knocked backwards when hit.
Fire Aspect: Mobs are lit on fire.
Looting: Mobs have a chance of dropping more items.
Power: Increases the damage output of the bow.
Punch: Functions similarly to the Knockback Enchantment for weapons.
Infinity: Ammo will never decrease in quantity with this enchantment.
Flame: Entities are set on fire when arrows make contact.
Efficiency: Faster mining rate.
Silk Touch: Mined blocks will drop themselves instead of their normal drops.
Unbreaking: Tool's durability reduction is slowed.
Fortune: Mined blocks may drop multiple items.

-  With bosses like the Wither/Ender dragon/recently added Elder Guardians

-With tons of secrets to find like desert/Underwater temples..

the updates are moving more and more RPG elements in MC, and if you have a group of players those elements make the game very interesting. 

I went yesterday with 4 others on adventure mode and we (in game time) traveled for days searching for dungeouns/temples/Secrets/Jungels/Ice spike zones/moohcows/villages to trade with... I expect that an update or 2/3 this year that will increase the number of RPG elements in the game.

shikamaru317 said:
TiagoCosta said:


When I tried Gears 1 multiplayer a few years ago I got destroyed. Not sure I want to subject myself to that humiliation again, lol. 

Its a game that involves a lot of skill.  You just need to learn how to play and you will progressively get better.  Everybody starts out pretty bad on Gears


JayWood2010 said:
shikamaru317 said:

When I tried Gears 1 multiplayer a few years ago I got destroyed. Not sure I want to subject myself to that humiliation again, lol. 

Its a game that involves a lot of skill.  You just need to learn how to play and you will progressively get better.  Everybody starts out pretty bad on Gears

Ehhhh it really isn't for everyone lol. I started out good on Gears! It just felt so natural! It was so smooth and the controls felt very tight and precise. While on the other hand even though my best friend loves the game and the multiplayer but he SUCKS at it even to this day lol.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

TheBlackNaruto said:
JayWood2010 said:

Ehhhh it really isn't for everyone lol. I started out good on Gears! It just felt so natural! It was so smooth and the controls felt very tight and precise. While on the other hand even though my best friend loves the game and the multiplayer but he SUCKS at it even to this day lol.

Oh really?  Rarely do i see people starting out well.  The reason is, because people moe extremely slow when they first start gears multiplayer.  They dont know how the movement works of rolling, running, wall bouncing, etc. A lot of new people walk a lot and aim their Gnashers etc