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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Damn Microsoft still throwing money on Activision for CoD and Sony throwing money on them for Destiny. Just imagine both would use the money for their own studios instead! People would still buy the games then (maybe more people Destiny on Xbox and more people CoD on PS but in the end sales would be around the same for both games together) and the money would be better invested

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I'd love a Halo RPG. That could be absolutely amazing.
I'd also love a new Halo Wars.

ODST on the other hand sucked, and I don't care for another at all lol

I wouldn't need a new Halo shooter every year since I can easily play a Halo game 2-3 years every day

But if one would be a classic Halo game with standard single- and multiplayer and the other a Halo game like Destiny, a RPG or a strategy game or whatever I wouldn't mind to get a new Halo game every year.


Best looking Call of Duty in years


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That CoD AW looks awesome, offically hyped!!!!!!!!!

JayWood2010 said:
Best looking Call of Duty in years

Yea, I really think so too.. best one in a long time. It really does look good.

Praise the One.

First Party New Ip's

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Lionhead New Ip  AAA
Quantum Break AAA
Xbox Fitness
Twisted Pixel New Ip
Project Spark

2nd Party New Ip

Sunset Overdrive  AAA
Ryse  AAA
Crimson Dragon

Reboots of Beloved Franchises

Killer Instinct  AA
Zoo Tycoon

More to be announced soon.  Clearly MSFT only relies on halo -_-


Ryuu96 said:
Lol! Fable being relied on even though Lionhead is making a new Ip....

Twisted Pixels new Ip also....

im sure there is still plenty of new ip's and possibly reboots to come.  I swear some people can be so biased that they cant look beyond  one thing to see what is really going on


Ryuu96 said:

Where's D4?.... =P


Oh I see it xD

yeah i cant go upsetting wright :P