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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

JayWood2010 said:
So what is everybody's opinions on Xbox Fitness?

Cool, but not for me. I'd rather exercise outside my room.

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crissindahouse said:

well, it's only shitty youtube quality but better than nothing

*fap, fap, fap* lmao... this is just better than porn.... i'm just excited by the new physics... but that's just icing on the muffin ;p

JayWood2010 said:
So what is everybody's opinions on Xbox Fitness?

I think it's neat. It's  free for gold members for the first year it's out, so I don't see why someone wouldn't give it a shot. Personally, there are times that I don't feel like driving to the gym so it would be a great alternative to that. It could potentially become a system seller if MS advertises it right.  

JayWood2010 said:
So what is everybody's opinions on Xbox Fitness?

I will definitely give it a shot. I have a pretty strict work out routine of my own, but maybe I can learn a thing or two from it that I can implement for myself going forward

Has anyone played Ascend: Hand of Kul? I've only put about 40 min into but I can definitely recommend trying it. It has a Dark Souls vibe to it with a mix of a Populous/Godus feel. It's F2P, but not play2win. It does have some server issues atm, but I think this is a worldwide beta version so bugs are expected.

If anyone decides to take a break from GTAV, give Ascend a shot and you may be surprised.

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Another thread about Xbox Fitness beacause it deserves it

kowenicki said:

Pay some respect to Mr Steve Ballmer. Gotta love his enthusiasm. Not a dry eye in the house at his exit speech.

Very curious to see who is going to replace him.


I posted this thread if any of you all have any thoughts

Im not saying to go out and buy an Xbox One or that this App is going to push millions of units but it is pretty cool and a a very surprising app as well.  Just saw people arguing about price points and wanted to bring a little forth about this discussion.  Also Please leave out the WiiFit Ripoff comments.  WiiFit is awesome for the people wanting it so no need to be defensive.

First year Xbox Fitness will be roughly $560.   This is for the Xbox One, Kinect, and Xbox Live.  Afterwards you get Xbox Fitness for free for one year.  Pricing afterwards is unknown as far as I am aware.

P90X DVD's come out to $140
Insanity Comes out to $145
Jillian Michaels Body Revolution is $100
Tracy Anderson Metamorphisis $60
Heart monitor Ranges from $30 -$200 but we will go mid range and do  $50

The items above are discounted on Amazon coming to a price of $495

Now really most people are only going to use one of these programs so the price wouldn't come out this high if you are only buying one or two programs but a $495 deal is pretty great either way you look at it.

Even though Im not a huge fan of programs like these unless you are strictly trying to lose weight the benifit i see most is that Kinect will be helping you  with your form which is one of the most important things while working out.  It will really be like having a trainer in your room with you while exercising.


So you all dont believe every rumor you all here, here is some confirmation on BF4. Though you guys really shouldnt worry about graphics so much and just enjoy the gameplay :)

"The original article by Game*Spark was updated with the following: After the review of the product during a Q&A session with the personnel at the DICE booth, we learned that the developer aims to have the same frame rate and resolution for the Xbox One and PS4 version. We modified the contents of the article to match. The final specifications are unknown until it will be officially published by EA DICE"

Also here is a tweet confirming that the original rumor was false to begin with