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FrontlineJaguar said:
@drkphler tiled resources allow you to store large textures in small esram about 6-8Gb on 32mb esram which is great and helps with resolution don't believe even sniper elite dev said if you remember but I know most of people in Xbox nation remember. So 1080p is achievable easily with esram and tiled resources.
f) you prove my point that sound takes 50%on one core so 50% on 1 core is increased and moreover more richer experiences can be created in terms of sound because of that chip. Devs don't need to worry about sound as it is handled by dedicated chip.

Just two points: When was it last time you heard 300 voices (with full dsp effects) through you speaker in a game? Most likely, it wasn't even 30 voices. So the 50% usage comes down to 5-10% of a single core. By the way, "Full dsp effects" means just that, everything your Tensilia dsp delivers. And by the way, devs absolutely have to worry about sound in the XBox One, that dedicated chip doesn't work on a miracle principle, it needs data and commands just like a cpu core.

Now tiled resources. No, just no: It does not store 6-8Gbyte of textures in the 4*8MByte of esram. I don't know where people get that bizarre idea from. So here it goes, simplified: You have this huge, say 2GByte, texture and the gpu needs to operate on it. (If your texture is reeeeally big, you have a problem because you then have to stream from a HD which is an additional pain, so we leave that case out of the discussion). What you do with tiled resources (the gcn mem controllers in the gpu do neat tiles stuff, too, but we leave that out as well) is roughly:

a) Dma a suitable part of the huge texture into hi-speed ram and let the gpu work on that part. The gpu doesn't really know beforehand what part of the large texture it needs so it is up to you, the programmer, to make sure the right part of the large texture is in the fast ram. If you master that, you can dma the next part of the large texture into esram while the gpu is working on the current part, and so on, ad nauseum, until your "frame stands". Conclusions:

1. If you botch up the "right parts" streaming, your perfomance is going to tank. So you better make sure you get that right.

2. Your available esram memory is reduced by at least 2 parts of texture (at least the one you are working on and the next one you are dma-ing in. Notice this has some consequences on where the various parts are stored in the esram but luckily the 4*8MB esram has four independant memory controllers).

3. Due to 2. you now have LESS esram memory available for buffers. Increasing the resolution will (greatly) increase the memory required for buffers in esram. With less esram available due to texture parts, you might be in trouble earlier than you think.

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Ryuu96 said:
Not many people voting on the final vs round....everybody can't decide? =P I clicked see results xD

lol yeah.  

I still need some ideas for the next tourny if anybody has any.

I was thinking maybe favorite characters or who would win a 1v1 matchs between characters.  Who would win lol  

Example  Who would win a 1v1  Splosion Man or Max



Well except for the awkward glance from the TSA x-ray guy, the Locust head made it to Vancouver without incident :)


Ryuu96 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Max ofc =P

Chief, Cortana, Johnson, Adam, Marcus, Marius, Banjo, Arbiter, Captain keyes, Frank etc, the list off characters is going to be really long so I hope you get them all =P

You could actually do a favorite covenant species one ;) watch Elites and Hunters go head to head! =P

I honestly can't even think off any other competition xD

Sounds like a plan to me.  We will face off some of Xbox's best characters of all time.

However im going to need some people to list some names for me.  Also characters associated to Xbox like Shephard and a Castle Crasher is fair game.......Or one of those shenmue characters you guys seem to like so much haha


shikamaru317 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Sounds like a plan to me.  We will face off some of Xbox's best characters of all time.

However im going to need some people to list some names for me.  Also characters associated to Xbox like Shephard and a Castle Crasher is fair game.......Or one of those shenmue characters you guys seem to like so much haha

Ryo Hazuki and Lan Di.

lol ill make sure to add them xD


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Anyone else looking forward to Fru? Looks to make great use of Kinect.


Ryuu96 said:

Idk, should we just leave Viva Pinata characters and Killer Instinct ones since...idk...there's too many and they aren't really characters...idk how to explain it! you know what I mean xD

tbh if we do add them then we need to add them all!...

If i add one itll be one of the main mascots of the game.  KI characters do have stories, but Pinatas doesnt so id prob just use horstachio if i add one


Im going to recommend Stider for those of you who havent played it. It is actually pretty good. Liking it a lot. Double Helix really has done pretty well lately. Too bad Amazon bought them -_-


shikamaru317 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Im going to recommend Stider for those of you who havent played it. It is actually pretty good. Liking it a lot. Double Helix really has done pretty well lately. Too bad Amazon bought them -_-

It's on my backlog. Reminds me of Sega's Shinobi series which is enough reason for me to play it. It's a shame that it's digital only, or else I'd rent it. Microsoft needs to add a digital rental service to Xbox One, I'd love to be able to rent all of the great looking digital only games on Xbox One. 

Digital renting service is a really good idea actually. 


Out of all the Arcade/Indie games coming what are you all looking forward to most?

For me would be

No Man's Sky
Earthlock (if it gets backed)
Mighty No. 9
The Last Tinker

Though ill admit that not all of those im sure i want yet. Just keeping an eye on them atm