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I thought of making a detailed analysis of Xbox One and Ps4 perfomance gap.
With dx12 and tiled resources devs will not have any problems hitting 1080p/60fps which is great. With dx 12 devs will get increased CPU advantage which is awesome because CPU is a weak part of systems this gen. Gpu's will also have increase but pc gpu will enjoy the biggest advantage. We all know XBox one and ps4 have equal amount of ram with ps4 having less 4.5 Gb and XBox having 5gb in future when both companies improve the console is ram will get more for devs on XBox one it can go upto 6-7gb and on ps4 it cannot see such a boost because ps4 needs to store that HD recording. 1st party devs will make use of Xbox one's sound chip which can handle sound based calculations so Cpu and gpu are free from this task and remember that sound takes good amount of power. Using cloud on XBox one will be great MS showcased a demo on pc if it is cloud based it is based on internet not on local power so if pc can do XBox can do if we go by demo it actually provided a big boost in perfomance. That was one example. With cloud ai calculations can be removed from local machine and taken to cloud which means more power to dev on local machine and much better ai. Small things like lighting or character clothes can also be done on cloud. With all this info we have a idea that XBox and ps4 power difference is not big the way people look.

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Kresnik said:

I love this thread.  You guys know I do.  Just be careful with what you're saying about the price drop thread - don't devolve into insults.  Or I'll have to moderate you :(


Perfectly understandable :) Keep up the good job


Killer Instinct gets 3rd Place

Final:  What is the Best Xbox One Game So Far? Tournament

Dead Rising 3  


FrontlineJaguar said:
I thought of making a detailed analysis of Xbox One and Ps4 perfomance gap.
a) With dx12 and tiled resources devs will not have any problems hitting 1080p/60fps which is great. With dx 12 devs will get increased CPU advantage which is awesome because CPU is a weak part of systems this gen.

b) Gpu's will also have increase but pc gpu will enjoy the biggest advantage.

c) ps4 having less 4.5 Gb and XBox having 5gb

d) ram will get more for devs on XBox one it can go upto 6-7gb and on ps4 it cannot see such a boost

e) because ps4 needs to store that HD recording.

f)  remember that sound takes good amount of power.

g)  Small things like lighting or character clothes can also be done on cloud. With all this info we have a idea that XBox and ps4 power difference is not big the way people look.

a) False. Tiled resources takes away some part of the esram. Explain why this would help improving fps/resolution in any way.

b) False. Mantle/DX12 is made for cpu relief, not gpu relief ("Draw call hell").

c) False. PS4 currently has 4.5G user and 512M/512M "you beg for it" memory

d) False. Xbox One has a full Windows8 compatible os partition, in addition to two more OS partitions.

e) False. There is an ARM/256MB ram combo to do this task

f) False. Check Infamous. 300 voices with full dsp bells and whistles features take less than 50% of one core.

g) False. You do not want to do "clothes" when latency is at least 10 frames..

Nice detailed analysis, though. Maybe a little off, but hey, who cares for facts....

Ryuu96 said:

You banned Endiminion you bitch! =( Lol -hides- don't ban me, we understand =P

Btw have you replaced Yo_John as our Xbox mod? xD you seem to have started to comment a few times =P which is a good thing, can't wait for Sunset!

Does Starcraft not come in here?

To be honest, I can't see myself owning an XB1 any time soon.  I can't even afford a 3DS at the moment; let alone a PS4 or XB1.

But I like this thread.  You guys are all really friendly and it's a nice community in here; much like the Vita thread when I started posting in there.  So I do like coming here from time to time.


... and also, I'm looking forward to seeing more about Sunset Overdrive, even if I won't get to play it for years :P

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@drkphler tiled resources allow you to store large textures in small esram about 6-8Gb on 32mb esram which is great and helps with resolution don't believe even sniper elite dev said if you remember but I know most of people in Xbox nation remember. So 1080p is achievable easily with esram and tiled resources.
b) Gpu boost will be their but it will be not as big as Cpu and btw directx 12 is much,more than mantle you will come to know as MS reveals the details.
c) I think I was not able to make my pount clear pr you got it wrong I meant to say ram in ps4 is less conpared to XBox one not in speed but in content that might change in future but that 15min HD storage can cause problem.
d) Ram on Xbox One will get more not 7Gb but 6Gb will be achievable. MS will make os much better so that it uses less resources. You will see that happening in next few years and I clearly remember a dev said that if they want to use windows os and the other os they can use 7-7.5Gb ram but currently MS does not allows it currently maybe in future.
e) Regarding arm use it is to handle some background task not Hd recording and will 15Min Hd recording fit on 256Mb if it is not compressed. Ram on ps4 could be reserved for inlocking more power in future but I don't see ps4 ram usage going behind 5-6Gb I think I should have included this in earlier post.
f) you prove my point that sound takes 50%on one core so 50% on 1 core is increased and moreover more richer experiences can be created in terms of sound because of that chip. Devs don't need to worry about sound as it is handled by dedicated chip.
g) clothes which are not moving maybe master chief suit or a spartam,suit I am not sure but cloud has potential lighting can be done with cloud
I don't want to start war on power difference topic but I want to make clear that XBox one is less powerful but not as much as people blame it. We need to,first go through a really deep analysis and I havea dev friend who is not here nowadays I will update you about more info onrce he arrives


Goatseye said:
Fusioncode said:
Well I bit the bullet an ordered an XBO from Amazon. Should be here in a couple days. I wasn't planning on buying one until they dropped the kinect, but 450 with a free game seemed like a good deal. I'm excited to try out Titanfall and I can't wait for Sunset Overdrive, I'm a huge Insomniac fan.

My GT is Foxhound214 if anyone wants to add me.

- Image removed, replaced with the happiest little turtle ever awwwwwww


I ran over a turtle by mistake once. This just reminded me of that dreadful day. Sad face

TheSting said:
Goatseye said:

I ran over a turtle by mistake once. This just reminded me of that dreadful day. Sad face

:O  You despicable horrible person!  :P

I saved a turtle on the road last year.  Stopped and got out and helped it get to the other side(traffic wasnt too bad so yeah.  Found out it was a snapping turtle though so it wasnt too happy with me lol


Ryuu96 said:
TheSting said:
Goatseye said:
Fusioncode said:
Well I bit the bullet an ordered an XBO from Amazon. Should be here in a couple days. I wasn't planning on buying one until they dropped the kinect, but 450 with a free game seemed like a good deal. I'm excited to try out Titanfall and I can't wait for Sunset Overdrive, I'm a huge Insomniac fan.

My GT is Foxhound214 if anyone wants to add me.

- Image removed, replaced with the happiest little turtle ever awwwwwww


I ran over a turtle by mistake once. This just reminded me of that dreadful day. Sad face

That Turtle looks like it could be trying to say "Stop!" Which is what the turtle you ran over might off looked like just before you hit it xD 

It does lol. I ride by the place by my house and cant forget. SMH